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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Ah don't worry Hyenidae, just wait till FW cover it - if there's anything that we've learnt from FW's handling of the Heresy's fluff so far, it's that we can pretty much trust them with anything

Tallarn will be real big (apparently they're holding back a number of Legion tank designs with Tallarn specifically in mind drool.gif )

The Iron Warriors'll be shelling stuff, the Iron Hands'll be zapping stuff


Especially since we've heard that FW might be holding back some Astartes Tank Designs SPECIFICALLY for Tallarn!

TreadHeads Rejoice if that pans out to be true @_@

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All I want is something with a bigger Volkite cannon than the Glaive. 

Come on Forgeworld, where's some proper Titan-class volkite? Hell, I want volkite sponsons on Russes, pintle-mounted volkite, volkite hunter-killer missiles, just go nuts. 

There's no better word that starts with a V than volkite. 

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If the First Legion rule happens to give volkite chargers to tactical squads, I swear everyone here will get a Primus / Dark Angels army. And I won't be an exception. Apart from that, any ideas for a force hailing from the earliest days of the Crusade, when the First was the sole legion in the emptiness of space, or warriors loyal to Astelan? (From what little I understand, it's now not just Luther vs the Lion, but Luther's late Calibanites VS the Lion's early Calibanites VS Astelan's Terrans.) I feel a sudden urge to paint black and wings.


After all, that's just one more legion... after the IV, X, XIV, XI, II,and that "no-primarch-survived-to-meet-the-Emperor" thing I've planned...

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I'm toying around with the idea of some First Legion Terran units/Astelanian marines whose loyalty to the Emperor supercedes their loyalty to Jonson. This would give me sufficient grounds (as needed) for casting them into the role of the "bad guy" Fallen Angels (ie CSM) for 40k. Alternately I could run them in 40k (in small numbers) as Imperial allies, representing the fact that they are keeping their true origins secret even while serving the Emperor.


I see Lord Cypher (GW's Cypher model) playing a key role in this army (for both 30k and 40k) as he becomes their gene-seed collector, ensuring that the Terrans are never betrayed, yet a fresh gene-stock is always ready.



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Well, I've committed. My eternal Iron Warriors rival has apparently opted to do Word Bearers instead (or rather at first - he wants to see what their specific models end up looking like first for the IW), I've put the VII on the backburner for now (though I may go back to that idea - Sigismund didn't really inspire me). 

Instead, I'm going Solar Auxilia with Ultramarine allies (who will probably become a full force in their own right). 

As of today, I've paid for the following: 

2x Auxilia Lasrifle Sections

1x Veletaris Storm Sections

1x Flamer Section

1x Auxilia Command Section

1x Leman Russ Incinerator

1x set of Volkite Calivers


The rest I'll be drawing on my existing, currently un-used or under-used collection - 8 Leman Russes of various models (will be split between my Korps and the Auxilia, the Korps have 3 already), a Baneblade, ~30 tactical marines, 17 assault marines (will become Locutari), 5 missile launcher marines, a Land Raider and a bunch of captains/various kitbashed pseudo-characters. 

Won't be the full 30k aesthetic, as much as I like Forgeworld's basic marines, it just makes a lot of sense to draw on my existing collection as much as possible, go with a Scouring theme to justify the Mk 6 and 7 armour. When/if the time comes to do Imperial Fists or some other legion down the road I'll do the full Crusade/Heresy thing. 

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I've finally decided on starting HH going for iron hands what would peoples recommendations for an infantry based force preferably with breachers and Immortals as these are the units that motivated me to play

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guys, I need your help. Ive seen a few ppl refer to the damocles command rhino with 30k rules... what book is that in? Its not in my legions crusade army book...

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guys, I need your help. Ive seen a few ppl refer to the damocles command rhino with 30k rules... what book is that in? Its not in my legions crusade army book...

It's in Tempest.
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guys, I need your help. Ive seen a few ppl refer to the damocles command rhino with 30k rules... what book is that in? Its not in my legions crusade army book...

It's in Tempest.



thanks brother!


Is it available to all legions or just Ultras and/or word bearers?

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guys, I need your help. Ive seen a few ppl refer to the damocles command rhino with 30k rules... what book is that in? Its not in my legions crusade army book...

It's in Tempest.



thanks brother!


Is it available to all legions or just Ultras and/or word bearers?


I won't get my copy until tomorrow (if the UPS guy decides to actually knock instead of just assuming no-one's home), but it's with the other Ultramarine units in the table of contents on the FW site, so I assume it's only available for the XIII for now.
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Its available to all legions. While it is in the Ultramarines section it has a little note on its profile saying as much.

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The Damocles is available to all Legions as 0-1 non-compulsory HQ choice for any force over 1k points. However, the Ultramarines (and only the Ultramarines) can also take a Damocles as a dedicated transport for a Master of Signal and share his HQ slot, and this is in addition to the 0-1 Damocles you could take otherwise. 


So, shenanigans time, SoH Edge of the Spear rerolling 1's + Damocles +/- 1 to any roll?

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The Damocles is available to all Legions as 0-1 non-compulsory HQ choice for any force over 1k points. However, the Ultramarines (and only the Ultramarines) can also take a Damocles as a dedicated transport for a Master of Signal and share his HQ slot, and this is in addition to the 0-1 Damocles you could take otherwise. 


So, shenanigans time, SoH Edge of the Spear rerolling 1's + Damocles +/- 1 to any roll?

Even better, if the +/- stacks with Mauns (iirc, he has one), then Damocles + Alvarex Maun + Decapitation Strike RG List. Pretty much a Guaranteed 1st Turn with reserves getting a 2+ (which may be re-rollable) to come in. or giving +2 to enemy reserves.


Unless I'm wrong.

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The Damocles is available to all Legions as 0-1 non-compulsory HQ choice for any force over 1k points. However, the Ultramarines (and only the Ultramarines) can also take a Damocles as a dedicated transport for a Master of Signal and share his HQ slot, and this is in addition to the 0-1 Damocles you could take otherwise. 


So, shenanigans time, SoH Edge of the Spear rerolling 1's + Damocles +/- 1 to any roll?

Even better, if the +/- stacks with Mauns (iirc, he has one), then Damocles + Alvarex Maun + Decapitation Strike RG List. Pretty much a Guaranteed 1st Turn with reserves getting a 2+ (which may be re-rollable) to come in. or giving +2 to enemy reserves.


Unless I'm wrong.



Hmmm he doesn't have a +/- 1 bonus on checking it, just re-rolls all failed reserve rolls for flyers and drop pods. Still potentially dangerous.

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Ok guys so as some of you may have seen, I am in the midst of trying to pick a Legion. If you want to read all of my pre requisites I would advise going to the thread as it's pretty long to type out on my phone again.


But from what people have said.. Current consensus seems to be Death Guard would suit me.. Advice?

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Just moving your op from the other thread over to make things easier for people to help:

Afternoon Chaps and Chapettes. 

I have been a long time love of 30k, and a long time stalker of this forum. Locally, my gaming groups and local clubs do not play 30k, or have anyone interested in playing it. They love the lore and fluff, but just not up for FW prices and shenanigans, 

Now however, i have found a group of 3 or 4 people that do play a little further afield and i would like to join them. :D

My 40k, as it stands at the moment, is a small Ork army, not worth much at all. Iv been much more into Fantasy in the last couple of years. Last Marine army was a very awesome Plague Marine army that i intend to resurrect entirely when they get an update. But i have just waffed about 150 on the new Skitarii, if nothing else because they look awesome. And iv seen what people on Facebook and a such have done and loved it. 

So this will be a foray into 30k, for which i am excited. But, as per usual, i am struggling for a Legion to find. 

So if i give you a little back story on what i love, what i dont, and how i play, maybe you guys can help me pin down the exact Legion for me. 

Firstly, i am not THAT bothered whether it is Loyal or Heretical, there is a good split in the guys and gals locally so im not bothered much. But the benefit for a Traitor Legion is that you COULD use MOST of it as a Loyalist faction for the most part if needed. 

So, couple of things that i love. 

I love a kickass and hard to kill Primarch. Not necessarily unkillable, but just tough as. Manus, Vulkan, Guilliman, Mortarion etc etc

I love HQ models that have real character and fluff to them. Sigismund, Eidolon, Ventanus, Raldoran, Khârn, etc. 

I love Legion specific troops that look kick ass and are good on the table.

I love the idea of a Legion 'Specialising' the Legion in one way or another, but i also want it to still feel like a complete Legion. 

I prefer a balanced theme, i always try and have a strong anvil and an equally strong hammer. 

Allies, Mechanicum, SA, Knights, all good. 

Things im not a massive fan of. 

Super heavies, just feel a bit of a waste.

Spamming the same units. 

20 man Tactical squads.

Legions without rules unless a decent argument is put forward haha

I usually play a defensive themed army, with a couple distractions/ harrassers, plus a decent hammer delivered nicely. 

Legions that i pretty much wont do, Salamanders (One, i dont like the Pyroclast models, even though Vulkan and the Firedrakes make me want to pee with excite), Sons of Horus (MIGHT do Luna Wolves, but meh), Word Bearers, (As im trying to convince a friend to do them)

I think thats it for now, i may harass and badger more when i think about it more. Thanks guys and girls.


When you say advice, are you still choosing the legion? Or after advice for starting Death Guard? :)

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Haha that's pal. Helpful of you ;)


Both! I think.


The Death Guard are a double edged sword for me. It's something familiar and comfy like comfy pyjama bottoms.


But at the same time, if you're shopping for new jimjams you don't buy the same as your old ones. Or something like that. You get it. Haha.


Could be really fun, and I could easily use them in 40k. But it's not the NEW that I kind of wanted. Even though aesthetically and rules wise they are different.

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So with the advice given about DG and your thoughts on them.. where to now ?


Take a look at the 30k WiP stuff where you can find it, the ETL threads are a great place to start.  These things will all help you to make a decision based on what makes you tingle whenever you read about or look at a specific legion painted up.

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Iv looked alot ot Pre Heresy Death Guard in the past, as i was always tempted by them. Mortarion isnt the bets Primarch out there, but not the worst at least. Need to brush up on the rules really. 

I like the idea of a Tank and Terminator themed army, defensive and hard to break, and few units. 

But still not.. convinved if you like. 

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I'll repeat a suggestion I had in the last thread, if you want to include them: Jetbikes. More than that, a Jetbike mounted character with a power scythe. Keeping in mind a Power Scythe lets you attack everyone touching your base. And this is a Jetbike.

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Holla mates

need help here on deciding a legion,currently I have found a gaming budy and we agreed to decide a legion and start building a force for 1000 pts 30k battle.

So currently I have read the following novel:

Horus rising

False gods

Galaxy in flames


The unremembered empire

Angel Exterminatus

Vulkan lives

scorched earth

Tallarn Executioner


The first heretic

Deliverance Lost 


Fear to tread ( awful to read)

The Crimson fist

Prince of Crows




Scars ( the most loved novel atm,I listened to the audiobook 2 times)



The Seventh Serpent




So I first plan for Iron warriors,but the hype died a long time ago,In my daily live I always fancy green color and from reading all those novels I can be honest. I like all those legions,except
Sons of Horus
Emperors Children
Dark Angels

Word bearers


So any help on narrowing my legion? in my gameplay I currently play Eldar which I value the speed and maneuverability and Firepower, I also like to play a full tank company or artillery in Company of heroes 2,cause the normal infantry charge usually dies before they reach the target.


Need the help guys! Thanks!


PS: I love how ADB writes the Night lords,from soul hunter to the current HH stories.

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Hammer, it might help us if you can provide your current thoughts on what legions take your fancy already and what you're looking for. A quick read of the 1d4chan 30k info on the legions will assist, as would reading the wiki entries for the overall legion feel.


Better yet, if you have access to, read the 30k fluffy rule books for more.




Seems like you added a lot more info in your edit... Wrote this when I saw you had only two books listed. But now it shows you've read far more than I, so I'm concerned why you're still struggling to choose...? Read the full wiki fluff for the legions you like, something may help you. In the meantime, may I recommend doing white scars on a bed of green grass?

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Okay, am I just blind, or does the contemptor not have access to a cyclone missile launcher? I can't find it anywhere in the legions astartes crusade book, I just see the havoc lquncher option.
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