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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Ahh. That's so confusing. Especially since the alpha legion contemptor art in book 3 lists his carapace mounted launcher as a "cyclone missile launcher", instead of a havoc rocket launcher.
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Hammer, it might help us if you can provide your current thoughts on what legions take your fancy already and what you're looking for. A quick read of the 1d4chan 30k info on the legions will assist, as would reading the wiki entries for the overall legion feel.


Better yet, if you have access to, read the 30k fluffy rule books for more.




Seems like you added a lot more info in your edit... Wrote this when I saw you had only two books listed. But now it shows you've read far more than I, so I'm concerned why you're still struggling to choose...? Read the full wiki fluff for the legions you like, something may help you. In the meantime, may I recommend doing white scars on a bed of green grass?

Ok' i've just re-read the page on 1d4chan, and I've narrowed it to the following legion because of their rules:


Iron warriors

Imperial fist

Night Lords

Iron Hands

Death Guards


so with this in mind,I kinda leaning towards Imperial fist and Iron hands,they both excel at range warfare and Iron Hands could bring the dakka with tanks and all,but the fist is more dakka oriented infantry which I dont mind at all,while their counterparts the Iron warriors and Death guards are the reflection of the Iron hands and Imperial fist while the Death Guards prefer to give cancer to all their victims,and the Night Lords? the night lords is there cause ABD's awesome writing skills,but I dont like my gen enchanced super soldiers scurrying away like Skavens :)

Also what's White scars on a bed of grass mean?

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Hammer, it might help us if you can provide your current thoughts on what legions take your fancy already and what you're looking for. A quick read of the 1d4chan 30k info on the legions will assist, as would reading the wiki entries for the overall legion feel.

Better yet, if you have access to, read the 30k fluffy rule books for more.


Seems like you added a lot more info in your edit... Wrote this when I saw you had only two books listed. But now it shows you've read far more than I, so I'm concerned why you're still struggling to choose...? Read the full wiki fluff for the legions you like, something may help you. In the meantime, may I recommend doing white scars on a bed of green grass?

Ok' i've just re-read the page on 1d4chan, and I've narrowed it to the following legion because of their rules:

Iron warriors

Imperial fist

Night Lords

Iron Hands

Death Guards

so with this in mind,I kinda leaning towards Imperial fist and Iron hands,they both excel at range warfare and Iron Hands could bring the dakka with tanks and all,but the fist is more dakka oriented infantry which I dont mind at all,while their counterparts the Iron warriors and Death guards are the reflection of the Iron hands and Imperial fist while the Death Guards prefer to give cancer to all their victims,and the Night Lords? the night lords is there cause ABD's awesome writing skills,but I dont like my gen enchanced super soldiers scurrying away like Skavens smile.png

Also what's White scars on a bed of grass mean?

Grass Stains, most likely.

The problem with Legion lists is that you don't do as well in lower point games. Are you going to be playing in 40K rules or 30K? Keep in mind the Heresy Era armies can use the 40K organization chart, because otherwise you'll be fielding plenty of troops.

Also, none of your army has ATSKNF. Skaveny attitude isn't to be expected, but you aren't as resiliant. However, most Powered Armor units can be given an Apothecary choice. If you wanted to make a big Dakka infantry Army, spending an Elites Slot or Two for Apoths isn't a bad idea. In addition, you want fun? It's an expensive unit, but Jetbikes can be very devestating under the Fists (heavy bolter boost), Iron Hands (T6 2+ when being shot at) or Death Guard (Power sycthe strikes once at everyone around it. Combine with the giant base size of a jetbike).

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Hammer, it might help us if you can provide your current thoughts on what legions take your fancy already and what you're looking for. A quick read of the 1d4chan 30k info on the legions will assist, as would reading the wiki entries for the overall legion feel.

Better yet, if you have access to, read the 30k fluffy rule books for more.


Seems like you added a lot more info in your edit... Wrote this when I saw you had only two books listed. But now it shows you've read far more than I, so I'm concerned why you're still struggling to choose...? Read the full wiki fluff for the legions you like, something may help you. In the meantime, may I recommend doing white scars on a bed of green grass?


Ok' i've just re-read the page on 1d4chan, and I've narrowed it to the following legion because of their rules:

Iron warriors

Imperial fist

Night Lords

Iron Hands

Death Guards


so with this in mind,I kinda leaning towards Imperial fist and Iron hands,they both excel at range warfare and Iron Hands could bring the dakka with tanks and all,but the fist is more dakka oriented infantry which I dont mind at all,while their counterparts the Iron warriors and Death guards are the reflection of the Iron hands and Imperial fist while the Death Guards prefer to give cancer to all their victims,and the Night Lords? the night lords is there cause ABD's awesome writing skills,but I dont like my gen enchanced super soldiers scurrying away like Skavens :)

Also what's White scars on a bed of grass mean?

Grass Stains, most likely.


The problem with Legion lists is that you don't do as well in lower point games. Are you going to be playing in 40K rules or 30K? Keep in mind the Heresy Era armies can use the 40K organization chart, because otherwise you'll be fielding plenty of troops. 


Also, none of your army has ATSKNF. Skaveny attitude isn't to be expected, but you aren't as resiliant. However, most Powered Armor units can be given an Apothecary choice. If you wanted to make a big Dakka infantry Army, spending an Elites Slot or Two for Apoths isn't a bad idea. In addition, you want fun? It's an expensive unit, but Jetbikes can be very devestating under the Fists (heavy bolter boost), Iron Hands (T6 2+ when being shot at) or Death Guard (Power sycthe strikes once at everyone around it. Combine with the giant base size of a jetbike).

Me and my bud will be playing with 30k rules,jetbike sounds great! They will make me order less models! But im still confuse to choose from the 5 legions

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Bed of grass - I had meant for you to create a White Scars army, but to integrate green by modelling the base with green grass.


that sounds great! Is there actually a way to build a white scars force in 1000 pts? but the scars havent got their rules atm,but their upgrade kit is already spotted in the Warhammer World Grand Opening

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Bed of grass - I had meant for you to create a White Scars army, but to integrate green by modelling the base with green grass.


that sounds great! Is there actually a way to build a white scars force in 1000 pts? but the scars havent got their rules atm,but their upgrade kit is already spotted in the Warhammer World Grand Opening


Legions without their own rules can select one of two traits to apply to the entire army instead, in the meantime. Also, I suggest if you guys want to play 1000 points... to stick to the 40K FOC. the 30K one requires three troop choices, and there are no cheap troops in 30K

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Bed of grass - I had meant for you to create a White Scars army, but to integrate green by modelling the base with green grass.


that sounds great! Is there actually a way to build a white scars force in 1000 pts? but the scars havent got their rules atm,but their upgrade kit is already spotted in the Warhammer World Grand Opening


Legions without their own rules can select one of two traits to apply to the entire army instead, in the meantime. Also, I suggest if you guys want to play 1000 points... to stick to the 40K FOC. the 30K one requires three troop choices, and there are no cheap troops in 30K


aight thanks dude! but now im still torn on the big 3 White scars,Iron Hands,or Imperial fist

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Bed of grass - I had meant for you to create a White Scars army, but to integrate green by modelling the base with green grass.


that sounds great! Is there actually a way to build a white scars force in 1000 pts? but the scars havent got their rules atm,but their upgrade kit is already spotted in the Warhammer World Grand Opening


Legions without their own rules can select one of two traits to apply to the entire army instead, in the meantime. Also, I suggest if you guys want to play 1000 points... to stick to the 40K FOC. the 30K one requires three troop choices, and there are no cheap troops in 30K


AFAIK, the 30k FoC is 1HQ 2Troops. All it has is 1 Extra Elites and HQ Slot.

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Bed of grass - I had meant for you to create a White Scars army, but to integrate green by modelling the base with green grass.


that sounds great! Is there actually a way to build a white scars force in 1000 pts? but the scars havent got their rules atm,but their upgrade kit is already spotted in the Warhammer World Grand Opening


Legions without their own rules can select one of two traits to apply to the entire army instead, in the meantime. Also, I suggest if you guys want to play 1000 points... to stick to the 40K FOC. the 30K one requires three troop choices, and there are no cheap troops in 30K


AFAIK, the 30k FoC is 1HQ 2Troops. All it has is 1 Extra Elites and HQ Slot.


yep ,I'm a bit confuse too after I check the 1st book

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Bed of grass - I had meant for you to create a White Scars army, but to integrate green by modelling the base with green grass.


that sounds great! Is there actually a way to build a white scars force in 1000 pts? but the scars havent got their rules atm,but their upgrade kit is already spotted in the Warhammer World Grand Opening


Legions without their own rules can select one of two traits to apply to the entire army instead, in the meantime. Also, I suggest if you guys want to play 1000 points... to stick to the 40K FOC. the 30K one requires three troop choices, and there are no cheap troops in 30K


AFAIK, the 30k FoC is 1HQ 2Troops. All it has is 1 Extra Elites and HQ Slot.


Ah, been awhile

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There's not much 'alternative' about the ideas for my Sons or Hyena's Iconoclasts, except that they are the VIII and XVII Legions as they originally were, during the Unification Wars and shortly after the start of the Great Crusade before the Primarchs were found. The Word Bearers were originally named the Imperial Heralds, but their brother Legions gave them the name Iconoclasts for the enthusiasm with which they toppled the temples and fanes of old religions, and cast down their heretical and unrepentant leaders into the flames of their dying cities.


Most of the Legions were quite a bit different before their Primarchs took control of them, and it just turned out that me and Hyenas preferred the VIII and XVII that way.

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Salamanders or Alpha Legion pre identity spring to mind, as do the Iron Hand Stormwalkers but I'm not sure how long they had that identity. I basiacly want to do some truescale marines to go alongside my Mechanicum.

I would like a strongish hook for the identity if that makes sense.

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I have narrowed it down to three now. 


Death Guard


Iron Warriors. 


I want Mech allies, maybe SA Allies, lots of tough as hell units and good characters, 


Deathguard man, def. death guard. 

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I've been entertaining the thought of putting together a 'modelling the Heresy' thread to provide some advice for people interested in the era. Artwork section, painting advice, conversions, third-party pieces and so on. I'm aware that there's already a thread over in the General PCA Questions section for bits retailers and the like, though.


Would this kind of thing interest anyone? >_>

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Try one of each legion colours you prefer? So perhaps the ones with ccw could be world eaters, blood angels etc and the more "normal" ones, eg with bolters, could be UM, IM etc?


This is a good idea. They could also be Blackshields, effectively allowing you to use whatever LA rules you want.

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Hmm well I want an actual challenge hobby wise and something to fight against my WE and SoH.


Now I'm thinking IF why?


Yellow isn't the easiest to get right and game wise they're okay to use.


But I'm open to suggestions so how about this put your case forward for me;

• complexity of paint scheme

• Legion game play

• conversion potential.


Now I want to rule out SoH WE AL and Ultras as ive already got projects with them.


This isn't a I can't choose between this is a give me a challenge so I can improve as a hobbyist on this forum

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