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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Hmm well I want an actual challenge hobby wise and something to fight against my WE and SoH.

Now I'm thinking IF why?

Yellow isn't the easiest to get right and game wise they're okay to use.

But I'm open to suggestions so how about this put your case forward for me;

• complexity of paint scheme

• Legion game play

• conversion potential.

Now I want to rule out SoH WE AL and Ultras as ive already got projects with them.

This isn't a I can't choose between this is a give me a challenge so I can improve as a hobbyist on this forum

Well I'll set out some arguments for a bunch of stuff that's not the Fists, because over half the loyalist armies out there seem to be IF right now and they're starting to feel like too easy a choice. Blame Slipstreams, he's too good at his job tongue.png Yellow isn't that bad and yeah the rules are good and the model range is totally excellent, buuut....

If you weren't already doing Ultras they'd make a great choice, getting some practice in on painting ornate marble and gold with the blue. But you're doing that, so moving on...

What about Raven Guard? I've had the idea in my head for a long time to paint some matte black, and then try out the Lycaean "polynesian" tattoo patterns in gloss so that they still look stealthy but have intricate detailing on closer inspection. I'll probably never get to this, so I'll drop the idea here. You'd probably need some non-GW black paints. I think Vallejo makes both a flat and gloss black though. Pretty strong rules with all the fleet and infiltrate, alpha-strikey.

Word Bearers are another potentially challenging choice. There are a lot of modeling opportunities with these guys. You can try free-handing the Colchisian astrology and runes, or you can buy an inscribing tool and do it that way. Or you can just get some solid decal application experience with the new Word Bearers decal sheet, which is totally awesome. There are so many ways to cut up and apply the words of Lorgar on this sheet to your models' flat spaces. Unique play with access to Daemons, Warp Cult allies, and the only strong psychic phase in 30k so far.

Iron Hands? You can try the splotchy spilled-oil scheme Forge World used on their Gorgons and Immortals. The instructions are posted around somewhere, not too hard to find. Also adding bionic bits as a conversion opportunity, as the Iron Hands become more and more obsessed with their own perceived weakness and revenge on the traitors. Probably the best gun-line game in 30k, although gun-lines aren't that exciting. Fix this with fast tanks & Orth.

Salamanders? Paint flame patterns on bare armour, can also go Death Guard on your Sallies with some wear and tear as an Isstvan survivors look. Like this guy but a Salamander. Actually, you know what, you can do the battle damage look with Iron Hands too for the same reason - raider units that escaped Isstvan and haven't been able to properly resupply. Rules-wise, Salamanders players seem rare so I'm not so sure. Nocturne Born seems god-awful. But one of the best primarchs in Vulkan, and Firedrakes are hella beast although equally expensive.

Any of the above could be kept reasonably small as a side project and allied force. Word Bearers + WE for shadow crusade, UM + RG/Sallies/IH for shattered legions joining up with the blue bros in the 500 worlds.

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WWell I won't do sallies as the Armour marks I'm looking at are 4-6 and in all honesty I'm wanting more of a cityscape ruins army and I just don't see the challenge in green Marines with Flames the sallies seem overdone with such bright colours.


If I was to do them I'd need to treat them as drakes hulking brutes that are clad in burnt Iron almost like the "destroyers" that a true beast of mythic proportions would be.


Game Play I couldn't use destroyers so there sort of redundant on that fact.


Raven Guard would be fun but to do it right everything would just be matte black and that would get boring.


Word Bearers are overdone in my meta sort of need loyalists but not an impossibility.


Iron Hands seem to be as popular as Fists so I'm not sure on terms of post istvaan game play as ferris would be unavailable.




So let's see currently I'm thinking


•Imperial fists

•Night lords

•Iron hands

•Word Bearers

•Raven Guard


So still need to figure it out but I'm still open to other legions I just need to get 100% backing from the community as stated above this needs to be a challenge.

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A Word Bearers army could still be loyalist. Perhaps they could be a force of largely Terran veterans who escaped the purge? Or they could be Colchisian veterans who were off in some remote part of the galaxy and missed all of 'The Fun' of Erebus & Kor Pharon turning Lorger et all and as such, rebelled against this, kept the grey colours, and started their own crusade against the Traitors. Alternatively, they could have been largely recruited from a different part of Colchis, with deep-seated animosity towards KP & his preists, and using the Heresy as a chance to get revenge, etc.

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Salamanders or Alpha Legion pre identity spring to mind, as do the Iron Hand Stormwalkers but I'm not sure how long they had that identity. I basiacly want to do some truescale marines to go alongside my Mechanicum.

I would like a strongish hook for the identity if that makes sense.


How about Dusk Raiders? Such was the strength of the Albion tribes that they resisted the armies of the Emperor, even at great cost. He was so impressed by their ability and their unwillingness to give in, that he chose to negotiate peaceful terms rather than grind his own army to dust and be forced to destroy them to a man. They were his shock heavy infantry forces, excelling in close range firefights of attrition, or defending an objective to the last man. They were also honorable in battle, accepting surrender or keeping their word to any promises given to the foe. They painted their right arms red, because they were the 'bloody right arm' of the Emperor.


The early Salamanders become known for their near-suicidal fervor against impossible fights, claiming victory after victory, but at great cost to their numbers. Once the Great Crusade launched, they were split up and held back from the front lines as reserve troops to send in if other Legions needed reinforcement, or to guard the flanks of the expedition fleets, attacking pirates, Xenos corsairs, or the odd space hulk that might turn up. Such was the nature of their battle commitment, that they gained a reputation as a harbinger of ill omen, only going in if the odds of survival were slim, and many came to fear the appearance of the XVIII Legion. Also, if you wanted to do something truescale, the Salamanders would fit the bill best, as they were known to have the largest Astartes of all the Legions.

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A Word Bearers army could still be loyalist. Perhaps they could be a force of largely Terran veterans who escaped the purge? Or they could be Colchisian veterans who were off in some remote part of the galaxy and missed all of 'The Fun' of Erebus & Kor Pharon turning Lorger et all and as such, rebelled against this, kept the grey colours, and started their own crusade against the Traitors. Alternatively, they could have been largely recruited from a different part of Colchis, with deep-seated animosity towards KP & his preists, and using the Heresy as a chance to get revenge, etc.

This is super cool from a fluff standpoint, but then you lose out on pretty much all the Word Bearers special rules and units. When you gut out the Chaos-y options all you get left with is True Believers, needing an extra Chaplain/Centurion, and I guess the Ashen Circle. You'd have to be willing to sacrifice that OR find thematic counts-as replacements for those units? Well, that's the challenge right there I guess.

You could even run Word Bearers that faked their allegiance to Lorgar's new path, but still use the forbidden knowledge of the primordial truth in a war to stop their own father. They're forced to take up a path of solitude in a universe where they are trusted by no one, and keep possessed monstrosities locked away in the most remote areas of their ships to unleash on their former brothers. If nothing else, some grey Gal Vorbak with the Serrated Sun symbols shaved off and displaying aquilas could look pretty impressive.

EDIT: Oh, and how perfect would a grey Mhara Gal be against traitor Word Bearers? It wrecks Daemons and psykers by being in their general vicinity.

You know my opinion on the subject tongue.png

Though Night Lords might be a cool project for a Cityscape army.

I totally forgot about Night Lords but they can go traitor/loyalist back and forth pretty easily and present some cool challenges painting and modeling-wise. Good call Slips

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I think you could still run fluffy Ashen Circle, but they'd be more like the original version. In fact, they would be even more fluffy, as they'd be tearing down Lorgar's/Kor Pharon's/Erebus' fanes, etc.


Additionally, if you do go with my last suggestion, it does not stop you from using daemonic units in the army. If I recall correctly, the Old faith of Colchis was essentially Chaos worship anyway, so they would likely have been tainted by that old faith, etc.

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Hmmm well challenge wise word bearers aren't hard as its just darkening my wine red blood angel scheme, im starting to look at Raven Guard artwork and some stuff appeals.


Suprised that the night lords aren't getting more love

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Hmmm well challenge wise word bearers aren't hard as its just darkening my wine red blood angel scheme, im starting to look at Raven Guard artwork and some stuff appeals.


Suprised that the night lords aren't getting more love



Do Raven Guard in a dusky blue-grey, like the one I did for the March.

Or, if your up to the Challenge, paint them as merging / emerging with/from Fog of some kind: So Mostly Grays ranging from Dark to Light with some Blacks, lots of swirl pattern nears the edges as if the fog was billowing and more streak-y looking at the front as if it was being parted?




Kinda like this but with an 8 Foot Talk, Tank Armor Wearing, Killing Machine.

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Salamanders or Alpha Legion pre identity spring to mind, as do the Iron Hand Stormwalkers but I'm not sure how long they had that identity. I basiacly want to do some truescale marines to go alongside my Mechanicum.

I would like a strongish hook for the identity if that makes sense.



How about Dusk Raiders? Such was the strength of the Albion tribes that they resisted the armies of the Emperor, even at great cost. He was so impressed by their ability and their unwillingness to give in, that he chose to negotiate peaceful terms rather than grind his own army to dust and be forced to destroy them to a man. They were his shock heavy infantry forces, excelling in close range firefights of attrition, or defending an objective to the last man. They were also honorable in battle, accepting surrender or keeping their word to any promises given to the foe. They painted their right arms red, because they were the 'bloody right arm' of the Emperor.


The early Salamanders become known for their near-suicidal fervor against impossible fights, claiming victory after victory, but at great cost to their numbers. Once the Great Crusade launched, they were split up and held back from the front lines as reserve troops to send in if other Legions needed reinforcement, or to guard the flanks of the expedition fleets, attacking pirates, Xenos corsairs, or the odd space hulk that might turn up. Such was the nature of their battle commitment, that they gained a reputation as a harbinger of ill omen, only going in if the odds of survival were slim, and many came to fear the appearance of the XVIII Legion. Also, if you wanted to do something truescale, the Salamanders would fit the bill best, as they were known to have the largest Astartes of all the Legions.

You know I didn't even think of the Dusk Raiders. They are a very good idea. I do like the pre Primarch Salamander stuff to. Will have to try and write down some ideas at work. Thanks.

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A void combat and xenos boarding specialist unit of XVIII would be something cool to see. Breachers and lots of nasty close range weaponry for tearing the heart out of xenos space vessels from within.

See that does sound good. I think I'll reread their background when I get home.

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Are the Polynesian markings not the challenge with them? Otherwise it's just black, unless you have something special planned?

Let's just say I've got an idea and I'll gather some paints and try out a practice scheme, the polynesian aesthetic bores me as my step family are mauri and I can do polynesian artwork easily even replicated on to 28mm.


I recently did my younger step brother 3000 points of a home brew chapter for 40k using tribal art for details

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As someone who has close to 5000 points of raven guard there's a few different ways to paint them.

You can do a standard line highlight black for a very nice, crisp look to the armour. A dark grey (like mechanicum standard grey) followed by an extreme highlight of codex grey works pretty well for me when I use this technique (though I never got the "new" version of codex grey, so if they split it into various shades I'd go with a darker one). After this you just clean up the highlights to a fairly fine point, giving a dark look, despite being fully highlighted.

My second way of painting black is a matt variant, something I usually only use for stealth units (mor deythan, nex). You mix about 6/4 black with that dark grey you'd use for your first highlight in the previous method and paint it on as a layer/wide highlight; you want it to be on raised areas mainly, but still showing the black. Then black wash everything, the wash darkens the dark grey a lot and helps blend it into the black, while also toning down the shine of the paints.

To break up the black in general I use an off white, usually on the studded pads and the helmets for mk VI, shoulder trim and faceplates for mk III and on the outer ring and raven of the symbol. Astronimicon grey highlighted with white works very well for this. I tend not to use this on the "stealth armour" guys though, the dark grey previously mentioned is used for insignia.

I'm also big on using reds and golds as spot colour and a way to avoid being monochrome, this way you can add some colour to your force while still keeping them dark and stealthy.

Here's some pics of my stuff to give a good idea, though there is a bunch so watch out when you click that spoiler tag tongue.png


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As strange as it feels to paint a grey chunk of plastic grey, it's a very easy paint scheme to get the hang of, and is forgiving of mistakes.


I would suggest it highly. I might paint more, myself.

Different Legion, of course. One that liked grey a lot...

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Hey! I am new, like really new. I need some help trying to choose which army to begin with. I've done most of the narrowing down myself, and have two core ideas I want to run, but only want to start with one to have a clear focus. 


1st Option: A Taghmata Omnissiah force that would be allied with Iron Warriors and Questoris Knights later. I just like the idea of a giant army of mechanical beings shooting everything in front of them, laying waste to my opponents. Dark Mechanicus for the win!


2nd Option: A Word Bearers led force filled to the brim with sorcerers and possessed everything and later would be allied with daemons and my personal meat shields...I mean cultist horde. I just like being the most evil of evil and corrupt beings. My main concern here is how are Daemons in 30k?


Yeah these are my two options. I really like the theme of both of them and have trouble choosing between them. I mean eventually I will own everything traitor ever, but I want to choose one of these as a start for now. Any suggestions and ideas for either one would be helpful!

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Why not mix them? Run a daemonic Word Bearers force (I highly recommend looking into the world burning force of The Chapter of The Unspeaking, led by Zardu Layak) allied to a Dark Mechanicum Tachmata force. It would give you the opportunity for converting your Mechanicum models to represent the forbidden arts used by those on the side of the Traitors. Just think: possessed Thanatars, Castellax and Thallaxii!

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From what I understand, the Cthonian Serpent Glyph is used by elite units (such as the Reavers) in the Sons of Horus. Would a Veteran Tactical Squad qualify for this as well, or would I be better off keeping the right shoulder bare?

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I know I've not asked for advice in here before, but I'd like to say thanks to you all. Reading through the thread eventually settled my mind on doing a rather different version of an Imperial Fists army, and I've already got an army list and a pricing list worked out. By the Emperor, using TPP cut down my costs by 50%.

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