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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Nearly all Legions had Chapters, but not all Legions continued to call them Chapters (Example: IIIrd Legion Millennials), fashioned them in the original, uniform manner (Example: VIth Legion Great Companies), or utilized them as the largest unit division in the Legion (Examples: Xth Legion Clans or XIVth Legion Great Companies).


Those without Chapters are the minorities according to Forge World. But in contradiction to that, Black Library has them be the majority.

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Those without Chapters are the minorities according to Forge World. But in contradiction to that, Black Library has them be the majority.


...Ish. AD-B threw a wrench in that in Howl of the Hearthworld, as the scribe is transcribing their names and unit designations. They give him Legion standard positions and ranks, nothing Fenrisian in culture. This can be taken as all the Legions being formed in Chapters, and being given Terran standard numerical Chapter designations at inception..... as far as the Imperial Congress is aware. In other words, the Legions may have totally restructured their ranks, but Terra still looks at them as Chapters, just for simplicities' sake.


Considering FW's fluff is generally from historical standpoint, and BL focuses on individual experiences, this could explain the discrepancy.

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Those without Chapters are the minorities according to Forge World. But in contradiction to that, Black Library has them be the majority.

...Ish. AD-B threw a wrench in that in Howl of the Hearthworld, as the scribe is transcribing their names and unit designations. They give him Legion standard positions and ranks, nothing Fenrisian in culture. This can be taken as all the Legions being formed in Chapters, and being given Terran standard numerical Chapter designations at inception..... as far as the Imperial Congress is aware. In other words, the Legions may have totally restructured their ranks, but Terra still looks at them as Chapters, just for simplicities' sake.


Considering FW's fluff is generally from historical standpoint, and BL focuses on individual experiences, this could explain the discrepancy.

Hence "majority." :tu:


AD-B's short was a wonderful departure from that, for pretty much the same reasons you suggest.

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I think in reality my only choice is Alpha Legion, very different scheme to what I usually paint with excuses to do almost anything. Also, I'd get to steal all the wonderful units in the other legions perfectly legally :D


Other than that though I'll probably have to wait until all of the legions are out before I truly decided.... Lord knows I'll only end up going BA again ;)

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Yeah saw those! And the DA! And rules for combined legions - so Angels of Death may have to be it!


Although I am always tempted by the simplicity of Iron Warriors... Spray Silver, wash with black and brown - jobs a goodun!

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Yeah saw those! And the DA! And rules for combined legions - so Angels of Death may have to be it!


Although I am always tempted by the simplicity of Iron Warriors... Spray Silver, wash with black and brown - jobs a goodun!

Being fair, you can say the same for Death Guard or Iron Hands. White and Black respectively.

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Yeah saw those! And the DA! And rules for combined legions - so Angels of Death may have to be it!


Although I am always tempted by the simplicity of Iron Warriors... Spray Silver, wash with black and brown - jobs a goodun!

Being fair, you can say the same for Death Guard or Iron Hands. White and Black respectively.

Aye, true. I have a love for both of those legions too, but my BA are already primarily Black and I've gone off the DG in recent years, may even prefer them in the plague form!

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A test run I did earlier for a possible spray paint scheme for my Sons of Horus. It's a basecoat of Humbrol Dark Green (30), with a light spray of Chaos Black for the speckling. I'm not that convinced, though... is it worth washing a section of it with Agrax Earthshade?


I was using the scheme portrayed here for reference.

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Hey everyone. After reading the first 6 books of the BL HH, I have decided to build a 30k legion army. I left 40k during 3rd edition and am starting over fresh.


I don't have anything yet (FW books, models,ect.) What should I get first? I am drawn to the Salamanders for loyalists and the World Eaters for traitors.

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It varies. Are you angling on collecting to play tabletop or just for looks? If you're planning on the former then it's worth picking up one of the books and building an army list and working from there, however if it's the latter then I'd just go with your gut. As far as modelling goes I'd say start off with a simple Tactical Squad with some of the legion-specific upgrades to work yourself into it, and then roll on from there.


Oh, and you can use a lot of the regular 40k marines stuff to add some flavour to your army. Hope that helps. c:

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I'm definitely angling to play tabletop. Which of the FW books should I get first? The red books or the bigger books like Betrayal... or both?

About how many models would I need for a small skirmish game?

Probably the red books if gaming is your focus. With the two red books you'll have the army list and the rules for both salamanders and World Eaters, whereas with the bigger books you'd need book 1 and 2 to get the same, plus there's little corrections in the red books so the army list in book 1 is slightly out of date. I'd definitely get the big books at some point though, the fluff and art is excellent.

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I'm definitely angling to play tabletop. Which of the FW books should I get first? The red books or the bigger books like Betrayal... or both?

About how many models would I need for a small skirmish game?

Probably the red books if gaming is your focus. With the two red books you'll have the army list and the rules for both salamanders and World Eaters, whereas with the bigger books you'd need book 1 and 2 to get the same, plus there's little corrections in the red books so the army list in book 1 is slightly out of date. I'd definitely get the big books at some point though, the fluff and art is excellent.


Also, don't forget to read the FAQs on Forgeworlds Download Section.

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I'm definitely angling to play tabletop. Which of the FW books should I get first? The red books or the bigger books like Betrayal... or both?

About how many models would I need for a small skirmish game?


Skirmish-wise you're probably looking somewhere in the region of 1000-2000 points, anything over 2500-3000 you'll likely start running into LoWs, which can ruin your day. :p

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gonna jump on board this topic and look for some assistance. Been contemplating getting into the HH for a long time and with the forthcoming Plastics it may actually gain traction in my area so it's time to jump on the FW kits!

I want to make a force that specialises in the "nasty" equipment available in 30k, specifically Phosphex and Rad.

Who would be the chapter most likely to utilise this sort of tech? I've read some stuff about the Death Guard using them a bit and have considered them, however I play them in 40k so thought I would see if anyone else got into them heavily.

Thanks in advance.

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Gonna jump on board this topic and look for some assistance. Been contemplating getting into the HH for a long time and with the forthcoming Plastics it may actually gain traction in my area so it's time to jump on the FW kits!

I want to make a force that specialises in the "nasty" equipment available in 30k, specifically Phosphex and Rad.

Who would be the chapter most likely to utilise this sort of tech? I've read some stuff about the Death Guard using them a bit and have considered them, however I play them in 40k so thought I would see if anyone else got into them heavily.

Thanks in advance.

The wonderful thing about the legions is that they were so large, they tended to have everything in one form or another, bar other legions specialties. Best advice I can give? Look up the 1d4chan tactics page for the legions. About the only thing I think the Death Guard get special is a Flamer with rerolls to wound and gets hot, in regards to nasty weapons. However, if you want lots of Nasty weapons, you'll likely field a lot of Destroyer units.

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Yeah the Death Guard get extra access to Rad Grenades with their Rite Of War but like I said I'm looking to steer away from them of possible. Maybe I'll go back to some good old First Legion and start sowing the seeds of rebellion with a Pre-Fallen list until they get some more attention.

For now I guess I'll just start with Destroyers...

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Alpha Legion would use anything and everything, and yeah if you use their RoW you can use one unit from any of the legions special units as an elite slot. I think IW get a lot of Phosphex and they'd not hesitate to use the nastier weaponry. Hell even the Ultramarines had destroyers so fluff wise you'd be able to justify any legion save perhaps Salamanders who can't take destroyers.
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Alpha Legion would use anything and everything, and yeah if you use their RoW you can use one unit from any of the legions special units as an elite slot. I think IW get a lot of Phosphex and they'd not hesitate to use the nastier weaponry. Hell even the Ultramarines had destroyers so fluff wise you'd be able to justify any legion save perhaps Salamanders who can't take destroyers.

Except in an Allied Detachment ;)

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Yeah. So they can never take Moritats can they? Because they're one of the HQs that can't be your only HQ and you only get one HQ slot with an allied detachment.


Sallies are probably the hardest to justify fluff wise but you still could.

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Yeah. So they can never take Moritats can they? Because they're one of the HQs that can't be your only HQ and you only get one HQ slot with an allied detachment.


Sallies are probably the hardest to justify fluff wise but you still could.

Yes on Both counts.

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Ok, so I have lost counts on the amount of times I have started new legion, or army, and then dropped it in a few weeks. I honestly wonder if people will stop looking at my models cos I never stick to anything. It's starting to really drag down the enjoyment I have for this hobby, not to mention the wasted time and money (although I have made a good trade on Ebay).


What really really want is to look at my shelf and see some painted models. I realise it takes some self discipline, something I clearly lack, but finding dome thing enjoyable would help.


The one thing I know, is everything I do I want it to be unified, so legion, Mechanicum, Imperial Army, Knights, all based similiar. Why is this important? Don't know just is to me.


Enjoyment of painting has become the biggest factor for me, as I've realised what I love in the RMS of background isnt what I like when it come to paint. Alpha Legion, Raven Guard, and Word Bearers are easily the ones I love to read about the most. But I have never enjoyed painting them. I don't know why, maybe I can never satisfy my inner image of those Legions in paint.


I have been working on some Mechanicum models. Largely these have just been conversions but I have made them compliant with the Mechanicum list. I have an idea based around the Lachrimallus cult and cybernetica aspect of the Mechanicum. Traders and experimentors in flesh. It has a dark element to it, one I could easily see as a forerunner to the Dark Mechanicum.


my Lachrimallus Magos

While the Mechanicum could be a main focus I still want to tie in some Space Marines, and there's where my trouble is coming from.


So what have I enjoyed.


Iron Hands


Well sort of. I loved building the model, but he didn't have to be an Iron Hand. Paint wise be was quick, took around 4-5 hours, but was it enjoyable. I feel I rushed the metals, and the face, so I'm wondering if I really did enjoy painting him. He does fit with the Mechanicum in general, but ,aye not the darker vibe. I feel there is plenty of conversion opportunity with them, especially around bionics, but they don't have sole ownership with that. At the moment I'm just not massively convinced.


Death Guard


So I got Typhus as an experiment in painting. I never really had an intention to do a Heresy Death Guard force (always fancied a 40k one though). He just was so much fun to paint, and I really enjoy his look. Also the above Iron Hand would look awesome as a Death Gaurd. I definitely want to experiment more with weathering and the Death Guard are a perfect fit for that. My only concern is how I would feel if I have a few more models in front of me. Now they would sort of fit the Mechanicum, two factions starting down a dark path, and I could extend my weathering experiment over to the Mech forces.


I'm not really sure this a question for which legion, more just me writing down my thoughts, but I would like to see what you guys think. I'm sort of erring towards the Death Guard but I worry I'll go off them quick.

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