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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Wait for book 6 to drop and do Shattered Legions, then you can paint any and all legions to suit your mood

Honestly, what I'm waiting for right now too!


If you want a unified force though, IH are the best to ally with Mechanicum, who go with Knights, who would probably have a troop based militia! Plus your iron hand is BEAUTIFUL

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Don't feel too bad about bouncing from one Legion to the next because a lot of people do it. Back when I was still doing 40k, I started with Blood Angels, went do a DIY chapter, then Imperial Fists and gave them up because yellow is a real PITA to paint, then to Crimson Fists, then a brief moment of considering repainting them as Salamanders, then back to Imperial Fists, and finally a brief dalliance with the Angels of Vengeance (of the Dark Angels). I think that's all of them...


When I jumped ship to the Heresy, book 2 - Massacre - had just come out and while I really wanted to do White Scars and even started some conversions, but after a good month of thinking on it, I ultimately went with a Legion that currently had rules for them.


As you mentioned in your post, enjoying the painting is going to be a huge aspect of sticking with a Legion. I love the Imperial Fists paint scheme and think a well painted army of them is one of the best looking in the entire range, but yellow just hates me and I can't do it to my satisfaction on anything larger than hazard stripes. Another reason why I held off on the Scars (I don't play, but I wanted the rules and fluff to help with more characterful conversions) was white is another color I'm not great with. My choice of the VIII was a happy medium of finding an idea and story I could really sink my creativity into, as well as being comfortable with the paint job. Even then, it wasn't 100% as I really like the Dusk Raiders and settled with eventually building a small force of them as allies.


Coincidentally, this very problem is one of the reasons we started up the March of the Legions, so people could try out a single figure of a Legion in an event with other members. For me, I have a good idea of what will and won't be enjoyable for me to paint and I just needed some time to think on it until I had a winner, but maybe you should try painting up some individual figures of the Legions you're interested in and see what grabs you.

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I'm not really sure this a question for which legion, more just me writing down my thoughts, but I would like to see what you guys think. I'm sort of erring towards the Death Guard but I worry I'll go off them quick.


I never thought I'd be saying this, but paint scheme might just be the most important part of the hobby. If you can't paint what you've modeled, you just have a bunch of cool, unfinished resin/plastic works -- something you're really only half proud of, at least in my experience. I'll always have a soft spot for Raven Guard, but painting black was really not that enjoyable for me.


Alternatively, as the mods will often point out, this is the Heresy. Anything goes. Which trickles down to paint schemes as well. If that doesn't sit well in your stomach, you can always get off painting allies as rewards for suffering through your legion's paint scheme. Knights, mechanicum, and SA offer tons of flexibility in paint scheme to complement your main forces and give you that needed break. That was my plan for my RG/Mechanicum force. 


At the end (I hope), I found the truth of it all to be a happy medium where the painting is equally rewarding and natural as the modelling you're putting into your force. Wherever that takes you. For me, it was the Sons of Horus. If I was to hop into a time machine, go back a few years, and tell my Raven-Guard-To-The-End self that not only will I be ditching RG for a traitor force, but also it would be the Sons of Horus, I would have received a laugh and something along the lines of ':cuss off'.


Keep your mind open, and do what makes you happy. True in life, true in this hobby.

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You could try painting a scheme the way I do: Get an Idea for the Main Colors then just wing it 100% of the way :p Literally nothing I've painted so far has had a Pre-planned scheme, just pre-planned colors that I'd like to include. Naturally I use a Lot of Yellow because Imperial Fists but I almost never paint 2 of the Same unit the same way twice unless they were all batch painted Together.


It adds some Variation while being recognizably Imperial Fists...not that Its all that hard since they're the only Yellow Legion :p


Best Example being my Templar Bros. The First one being made & painted LITERALLY A DAY BEFORE WE GOT THE TEMPLAR KITS TEASED! YES I'M STILL SALTY ABOUT THAT BIT OF TIMING! And the other ones being post-Templar Kit Release.


2015 07 17 00.17.57

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i am notorious about not painting the same thing over and over again ... my unfinished space wolves are a great example of that ... i have about 4 armies going .. and will grab a mini or two from each army to paint at the same time ... so i can keep it mixed up and i do not get tired of the same stuff over and over again ... 

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Thanks for the advice guys. In regards to the Shattered Legion, it still doesn't really help as there needs to be some thought behind it.


It is going to have to come down to a paint scheme I atchally enjoy, and one I can repeat several times. For me Death Guard might just be that. So I'm going to grab some Deathshroud, see if I like painting the scheme over 5 models, and go from there. I don't know to much about the Heresy Era Death Guard so will read up on them and see if I can plan a cool force that fits in with the Mechanicum.

If I can't get through those 5, I can always put them on some display bases and sit them next to Typhus.

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Instead of buying 5 Legion specific models, why not just try out the paint job on some generic marines? You can always strip them later if you don't like it.

That would make more sense then my plan. I have a few would be Iron Hands I can paint up.

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Okay, I'm thinking perhaps a combined force of Death Guard and World Eaters.


I think the sea of white/ grey ceramite broken up by blue and green could look ace.


As for how they play, what do people think the main force should be? The plan would be big tactical blobs if WE just charing forward while Grave Wardens, Heavy Support Squads and DG in general lay down the fire support?

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Okay, I'm thinking perhaps a combined force of Death Guard and World Eaters.


I think the sea of white/ grey ceramite broken up by blue and green could look ace.


As for how they play, what do people think the main force should be? The plan would be big tactical blobs if WE just charing forward while Grave Wardens, Heavy Support Squads and DG in general lay down the fire support?


You could go either way depending on what kind of Rite of War you want to run (or not run!). Something to keep in mind is that Berserker Assault doesn't allow Legiones Astartes allies, and The Reaping does. Plus an allied detachment helps get around The Reaping's limitation to 1 Fast Attack choice, as well as opening up Deep Strike options.

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Yeah, I was thinking some infiltrating DG destroyers and Grave Wardens via Mortug with some WE support.


Of course my mind changes weekly on what legions I want to do... I was Fists a couple weeks ago, and RG before that x.x

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And keep in mind, if you end up deciding not to use certain models, you can repurpose them. I know that if I don't like my legion army, my CSM army is getting a substantial increase of manpower... which it will be anyway, because Legion Models are sorta awesome like that.

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On my test models I've done more dirt build up and general grime then paint chipping, and tried to concentrate it in areas you would expect it. I also want to add scorched and other heated areas to, but that will need more experimenting.
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So, uh, does anyone know where I can get some of these axes? They look fantastic.

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Don't know if this goes here by to just wondering how do others represent tactical marines with extra close combat weapons (are they called despoiler squads?)

FW Bolter Packs usually include Bayonets. Those are usually sufficient.


Despoilers are BP&CS Marines. Essentially Assault Marines without Jump Packs.

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Are you sure? The Ashen Circle axes all have chainblades, unless there's more in the box?


Pretty sure. I had to go back and look at them again because I had forgotten about the chainblade part, but yeah, it looks like someone cut off the chainblade, filed down the edge to make a blade, removed the motor, and decorated the haft a little more.



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