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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Have you read through some, or most of this thread yet? A lot of it boils down to what kind of army do you want to play, do you like the rules for the Legions you're interested in, and are you comfortable painting an entire force in that paint scheme? That last one can be a lot more important than people think, where they'll finally decide on something, plan out units, buy and build them, and then discover they hate painting them.


Now, of the one ones you've listed I would vote for Luna Wolves, simply because we see so few of them, and I agree that their story and color scheme is great.

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I would definetly love to see some Luna Wolves, the mix of white armour for regular troops and black for the elite justaerin and reavers is an amazing contrast.


But as BCK said, it comes down to wether you like painting that particular colour, and white is a pain for mosts, very dificult to get right.

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I'd advise not to think of choosing your legion (or shying away from one) just because of one character in it : sure, Erebus is a :cuss , but there are plenty of great characters in the Word Bearers, especially Argel Tal of the Gal Vorbak, as well as that Sniper guy; on the other hand, don't choose Sigismund JUST because he's a great swordsman, there are many other formidable duelists in the canon (Lucius, Sharowkin, Sevatar, Abaddon and the one from the Dark Angels whose name is on the tip of my tongue), and nothing is stopping you from creating your own character in that vein.


If you like the idea of the possessed, the Luna Wolves and great duellists, I'd say, have a look at those possessed Sons of Horus in Vengeful Spirit. Take a traitor army of Sons of Horus, but with strong ties to their past as Luna Wolves, meaning that at least some of them have kept that colour scheme, give them a great fighter as their commander (you may even say that Horus considered him for the Mournival, but was put off by his ties to the Terran roots of the Luna Wolves). That way, you've also got an excuse for giving in and painting normal sea green for the Sons of Horus should you decide that the White is too hard to pull of uniformly, and you're set to go ! Granted, the possessed Sons of Horus wont be getting rules just yet, but use them as "counts as" Gal Vorbak in the mean time, and it should work pretty well.

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Asides from Eidolon are there any other Emperor's Children with rules? I wouldn't expect Lucius to have any seeing as he's more important post-Heresy, however it's surprising that they didn't include say, Tarvitz, at least for players running an Istvaan III campaign.

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Asides from Eidolon are there any other Emperor's Children with rules? I wouldn't expect Lucius to have any seeing as he's more important post-Heresy, however it's surprising that they didn't include say, Tarvitz, at least for players running an Istvaan III campaign.


Tarvitz is the only other EC character with rules out, actually. We'll probably see Apothecary Fabius and Lucius rules and models at some point though.


edit: oh yeah, and Rylanor

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Asides from Eidolon are there any other Emperor's Children with rules? I wouldn't expect Lucius to have any seeing as he's more important post-Heresy, however it's surprising that they didn't include say, Tarvitz, at least for players running an Istvaan III campaign.

Tarvitz is the only other EC character with rules out, actually. We'll probably see Apothecary Fabius and Lucius rules and models at some point though.

edit: oh yeah, and Rylanor

Well, since Rylanor is a Dreadnought, your comment is also right msn-wink.gif

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I haven't read the whole thread but seem to have a similar problem to many others.


My favoured legions would definitely be Sallies and Scars, but...


My flame painting isn't great, and I already have a biggish force of 40k Sallies.


I can't get my head around Scars doing everything as opposed to their limited 40k role. Plus I am not really into Mongols just the bike aspect really.


I love Roman influences but I can't bring myself to love the Smurfs.


I don't really want to do a traitor force, albeit I do have a lot of love for the concept of sonic weaponry.


For the record, in classic RPG's I usually go for a barbarian type, in shooty ones I am all about ranged overkill! :D


Advise me, oh wise and helpful brethren!

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I haven't read the whole thread but seem to have a similar problem to many others.

My favoured legions would definitely be Sallies and Scars, but...

My flame painting isn't great, and I already have a biggish force of 40k Sallies.

I can't get my head around Scars doing everything as opposed to their limited 40k role. Plus I am not really into Mongols just the bike aspect really.

I love Roman influences but I can't bring myself to love the Smurfs.

I don't really want to do a traitor force, albeit I do have a lot of love for the concept of sonic weaponry.

For the record, in classic RPG's I usually go for a barbarian type, in shooty ones I am all about ranged overkill! biggrin.png

Advise me, oh wise and helpful brethren!

A White Scars Siege company sounds different, and fun. White Scars Anything-but-Fast-Attack sounds tasty, really. Relish in the oddities!

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If you're into the bike aspect, with slight roman influences, you can think about some kind of Imperial Fists outrider company... In fact, come to think of it, Emperor's children also have some measure of roman influence (i think ?), you can still do a loyalist force of them, just saying they weren't at Istvaan for a very good reason. And I think sonic weaponry was developed slightly before Istvaan, so you can probably think of IIIrd Legion bikers and sonic weapons for the compulsory foot or tank sloggers... Plus the Legion outrider bike forgeworld has should fit nicely with Emperor's Children...


And you can have a terran champion who acceeded to his rank before fulgrim was found, who was a sort of barbarian, and he hasn't been promoted since (because of his "lack of perfection")


What do you think about that ?

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There's no need to associate the 'Roman' theme with the Ultramarines. Don't forget the Imperium as a whole, and the Legions, are strongly influenced by the Roman aesthetic; we've got decimation by Peturabo of his own Legion, Roman-style ranks, the Aquila, even modified as it is, and the Imperial Fists are the ones with the battle honour for Roma msn-wink.gif. Personally I've always thought 30k Ultramarines skew more towards the Greek ideal, given the way they adopt Greek military terminology wholesale.

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There's no need to associate the 'Roman' theme with the Ultramarines. Don't forget the Imperium as a whole, and the Legions, are strongly influenced by the Roman aesthetic; we've got decimation by Peturabo of his own Legion, Roman-style ranks, the Aquila, even modified as it is, and the Imperial Fists are the ones with the battle honour for Roma msn-wink.gif. Personally I've always thought 30k Ultramarines skew more towards the Greek ideal, given the way they adopt Greek military terminology wholesale.

[pedantic mode]

In fairness, the Imperium more Holy Roman Empire inspired... of course, granted, the Holy Roman Empire was inspired by the Roman Empire...

Perturabo's decimation is not necessarily roman either, I think it was greek (or even persian/assyrian) before them.

I'm sorry, must be tired, but I can't think of greek terminologies used in the XIIIth Legion over Roman ones, apart from the fortress of Hera ?

[/pedantic mode]

Otherwise, yeah, no need to associate romans to only Ultramarines, given the size of the Legions and the diversity of origins of most of them (at least the Terrans in them) you can pretty much do what you want. Hel, you can even have Roman Space Wolves ! (what with Romulus and Remus for instance...)

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Ive always looked at the legions and the Imperium as a whole as the Roman Empire and legions. Space wolves? Germanic roman auxilia. White Scars? Steppe levies of the Roman Legion. So on and so on, with legions such as Emperor Children, Ultramarines, Iron Warriors and a few others as almost purely inspired by the roman legion. And ovious science fiction elements such as the Iron Hands with their bionics.

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A White Scars Siege company sounds different, and fun. White Scars Anything-but-Fast-Attack sounds tasty, really. Relish in the oddities!

Mm, I just still can't see them with dreadnoughts, even back in the day... I'm one of those who even looks at WS termies and devastators and thinks "just wrong" - my issue I know.

If you're into the bike aspect, with slight roman influences, you can think about some kind of Imperial Fists outrider company... In fact, come to think of it, Emperor's children also have some measure of roman influence (i think ?), you can still do a loyalist force of them, just saying they weren't at Istvaan for a very good reason. And I think sonic weaponry was developed slightly before Istvaan, so you can probably think of IIIrd Legion bikers and sonic weapons for the compulsory foot or tank sloggers... Plus the Legion outrider bike forgeworld has should fit nicely with Emperor's Children...

And you can have a terran champion who acceeded to his rank before fulgrim was found, who was a sort of barbarian, and he hasn't been promoted since (because of his "lack of perfection")

What do you think about that ?

I think you have some awesome ideas there. I am not dead keen on purple though; maybe I could do a darker purple scheme or something, are there any variant EC colour schemes I could go with? For that matter, which book do I need to get for the extra colour schemes?

Otherwise, I kinda like the Fists but yellow IS tricky and I am not wholly sold on the Germanic aspect to their fluff, though I quite like them.

There's no need to associate the 'Roman' theme with the Ultramarines. Don't forget the Imperium as a whole, and the Legions, are strongly influenced by the Roman aesthetic; we've got decimation by Peturabo of his own Legion, Roman-style ranks, the Aquila, even modified as it is, and the Imperial Fists are the ones with the battle honour for Roma msn-wink.gif. Personally I've always thought 30k Ultramarines skew more towards the Greek ideal, given the way they adopt Greek military terminology wholesale.

Yeah it's true that the whole legion concept is very Roman and I accept your points. Yet I feel the Ultras are the most clearly Roman in style... I would probably love them if they hadn't been so overdone in 40k, you all know what I mean.

Ah well if there's one thing I love more than Romans it's Greeks. I was very tempted to do Iron Snakes for my 40k forces but think I have done more than enough different 40k marine chapters ("real" and DIY)

Ive always looked at the legions and the Imperium as a whole as the Roman Empire and legions. Space wolves? Germanic roman auxilia. White Scars? Steppe levies of the Roman Legion. So on and so on, with legions such as Emperor Children, Ultramarines, Iron Warriors and a few others as almost purely inspired by the roman legion. And ovious science fiction elements such as the Iron Hands with their bionics.

Yes and no tbh. SW definitely are Vikings for me, WS are definitely Mongols.
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I've always thought the Emperor's Children were more Eastern Empire/Byzantine in their aesthetic and style, whereas the Ultras are more classical Rome, and the Iron Warriors more classically Greek. 


This could also be as the ECs are a little less overt in their historical inspirations than some of the other legions, and given relative lack of well-defined "look" for the Eastern Empire in history and popular culture (at least insofar as the iconic Hoplite or Legionnaire) means the more divergent IIIrd, with clear Roman inspiration, but with an emphasis on the arts, culture, decadence and rapid, precise warfare (as the Byzantines were much more cavalry orientated than the western empire, and were, with the fall of Rome in 476 the single most sophisticated, refined military in the world for nearly a millenia), and, you know, Purple, they fit a fair number of checkboxes. 

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There's no need to associate the 'Roman' theme with the Ultramarines. Don't forget the Imperium as a whole, and the Legions, are strongly influenced by the Roman aesthetic; we've got decimation by Peturabo of his own Legion, Roman-style ranks, the Aquila, even modified as it is, and the Imperial Fists are the ones with the battle honour for Roma msn-wink.gif. Personally I've always thought 30k Ultramarines skew more towards the Greek ideal, given the way they adopt Greek military terminology wholesale.

[pedantic mode]

In fairness, the Imperium more Holy Roman Empire inspired... of course, granted, the Holy Roman Empire was inspired by the Roman Empire...

Perturabo's decimation is not necessarily roman either, I think it was greek (or even persian/assyrian) before them.

I'm sorry, must be tired, but I can't think of greek terminologies used in the XIIIth Legion over Roman ones, apart from the fortress of Hera ?

[/pedantic mode]

Otherwise, yeah, no need to associate romans to only Ultramarines, given the size of the Legions and the diversity of origins of most of them (at least the Terrans in them) you can pretty much do what you want. Hel, you can even have Roman Space Wolves ! (what with Romulus and Remus for instance...)

In fairness, it's a very subtle one, but I think it is there. If we look at the Legion's members, a lot of the Ultramarines have names from Greek origins, rather than pure Latin like we normally see in the Ultramarines of the forty-first millennium, (though Captain Antilochos of the 10th Company is an exception) like Ptolemy, from Ptolemaios, Eikos supposedly means 'probable' according to 'Against The Gods' by Peter L. Bernstein, Tylos was apparently the Greek name for Bahrain. Lots of other Legion-era names are the Latin translations of the original Greek.

Then we've got ships like the Aeturnus, honour-titles like tetrarch, which while adopted by the Romans to refer to the four Emperors-system, was originally a Greek term for an officer in charge of a fourth of a phalanx/infantry company, and Logos Lectora is half Greek, with the latter word being Spanish, which is cool because I've noticed some Spanish influences in the Legion names as I've gone along researching.

But moving swiftly to avoid an impending Hammer of Mod attack in the next phase, what's the attraction for other people in doing two different Legions? I've barely started my Fists and already I want to start either a Luna Wolf or a Night Lord army. dry.png

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I'm doing Sons of Horus, Emperor's Children, White Scars, Blood Angels and Thousand Sons. >_> And I still want to do Death Guard. Heresy-era gaming is dangerous. You wind up wanting to do everything that isn't Dark Angels or Space Wolves.

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I haven't read the whole thread but seem to have a similar problem to many others.

My favoured legions would definitely be Sallies and Scars, but...

My flame painting isn't great, and I already have a biggish force of 40k Sallies.

I can't get my head around Scars doing everything as opposed to their limited 40k role. Plus I am not really into Mongols just the bike aspect really.

I love Roman influences but I can't bring myself to love the Smurfs.

I don't really want to do a traitor force, albeit I do have a lot of love for the concept of sonic weaponry.

For the record, in classic RPG's I usually go for a barbarian type, in shooty ones I am all about ranged overkill! biggrin.png

Advise me, oh wise and helpful brethren!

A White Scars Siege company sounds different, and fun. White Scars Anything-but-Fast-Attack sounds tasty, really. Relish in the oddities!

Just do them as terrans and it's done.

I however want the ability to suppress the foe from the sky with overwhelming firepower and then carve into them from underneath with jetbikes and drop pods full if volkites.

I'm going to watch the aliens burn!!

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This is my first post on C&B. I usually post on DakkaDakka in their List Building section for 40K.

They don't seem to have a 30K section and outside of Beating Face they don't have anything constructive. 

One of the players in my area started an Emperor's Children Legion and seems to really like it (he is deployed to Afghanistan right now).

I used to play Orks, but somewhere lost having fun and started focusing on tournament winning (mediocre at best). So I switched to Nurgle Deamons that I borrowed from a friend. Now I want to go back to gaming for the sake of gaming and fluffing (haha).

This summer I have been in a State of Flux, buying/selling a number of Codexes trying to find the right fit. 

Anyway my Friend suggested that I listen to They Eye of Horus Podcast since I have read all of the of HH novels and love almost all of them. Since then I have ordered the Red Books and have been trying to figure out what to play.

Initially I was thinking of making a Tank Heavy list, but it seems that most of the lists revolve around taking the best unit with their Primarch in a Spartan and shoving it down your throat in the second round.  I have yet to see a reliable way to stop that thing from making it to my lines (reading and Theory Crafting on Battle Scribe only). I still want to have a Tank Centric Army, but realize that I will need a counter charge unit to catch theirs. 

TEoH and my friend have suggested that I should play either, Iron Hands, Iron Warriors or Salamanders. I am limited in my info about the differences. 

Iron Hands:
Bonuses to vehicle survivability

Assuming they have bionics like their 40K brethren.
Ferrous is total Player Pimp
Access to 3++
Not sure about their special units.

Black all too often looks like primer
After Istvaan Ferrous is dead and most of them are damn near suicidal.

Iron Warriors:
Extra Armor for everything
Assault after shooting Bolters

Bolt Gun Metal looks better than Black
Upgraded Heavy Weapon Squad
Can be Loyal or Traitor

Perturabo seems to be the weakest of the 3.
He treats his men like :cuss. 

Green can be varied
Access to 3++
Pyroclasts looks crazy good
Vulcan might be able to beat the others like Red Headed Step Children
Better Flamers and Meltas
Cares the most about regular people

No vehicle upgrades that will really mater thanks to Ceramite Armor.
Melta Upgrade also experiences this problem

Next option would be to play a Shattered Legion.

Thanks in Advance,

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A new way of choosing your Legion look at this artwork and pick which primarch you like and that's it your done everything else is bullocks

Omg thats amazing.


Image for those on mobile not wanting to click the link. Individual Portraits can be found on the link though.



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