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new ven dread


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Played with the new ven dread today with the axe and shield. 7 damage results. All saved. Was in combat two turns with tzeentch marines. Killed all 10 with 0 damag


I just read this same post on facebook!! HAHA!! Nice work, brother!!


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My Ven Dread pounded down a squad of Chaos Bikers, then took a charge from a Helbrute, got shook, and immbolized and destroyed the Helbrute's weapon in return.


Oh yea, that guy is becoming a staple in my list.



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I have built and painted the axe+shield ven dread too but haven't played him yet, there was just something about an ancient dreadnought smashing troops aside with a huge shield and carving things apart with an axe the size of a terminator that makes me smile smile.png I will be podding him in along with my alpha stike units to soak up some damage then charging him into something expensive and start wrecking face !

Here is Jarvald Redfang still bringing terror to the xenos and heretical in the name of Russ and the Allfather


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Good to hear. I want to use it so bad buy my main concern was getting it into combat and... then what? Three attacks, albeit master crafted.


Do ven dreads have 2 base still?


If so on the charge its getting 4 (2 base, +1 charge, +1 for having the shield/axe combo)


plus 4 WS5 attacks, rerolling 1 miss, and rerolling all failed wounds (axe has shred??)...with opponents having to hit AV13 - not bad in my books

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It's a shame that you lose the ranged weapon. Would be ace to have a heavy flamer involved when you pod in. Still, 180pts for a podded 3++ dreadnought I think is a decent choice. 

Would like to hear from those with experience of playing with it if it's easy or difficult to keep it's 3++ facing at the right targets. Depends on the opposing army to a degree I guess. Pod will help I'm sure.

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