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Alternative banners manufacturers.


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I want to include a few different banners in my Grey Knights force. I suck at freehand so I'd really like them to be moulded banners but I can't seem to find any generic (enough) banners. Do any third party manufacturers make moulded space marine banners? I want something that isn't obviously dedicated to another chapter, but apart from that I'm not terribly fussy.
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I've seen the Forgeworld Venerable Dreadnaught banners used as company standards to good effect, while they're chapter specific the black templars and ultramarines ones could be generic enough with a few icons filed off. Not a cheap way to do it tho!

At one point, Hitech miniatures made the type of banners you're talking about. They were cast resin, and it was a soft, more flexible resin as well. The only problem was that the top edge was just flat and featureless, so some greenstuff work would be needed to make it look like it was hanging from the standard pole rather than just glued into place. As far as I know, Hitech no longer makes them, but I've seen them pop up occasionally on Ebay or in clearance at online retailers that carry third party pieces.


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