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Dark vengeance conversions tips


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Hi heretics !!! 


So i've been building a small chaos space marines force along my loyalist force, and, loving nurgle, i'm going full Typhus/zombies. I have a squad of plague marines waiting to be assembled and painted, but since i've bought 2 dark vengeance boxes, i wanted to convert my 12 chosen into plague marines of papa nurgle. 


Does anyone have links or tips on how to do this properly ? Any advice would be usefull ! :D


Thank you ! 

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While not Dark Vengance models, I spoted these Nurgle Chaos Space Marines conversion over on the Games Workshop Glasgow facebook page, which made use of the effect paints GW sell




Chaplain Kage - That really cool :D



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I just dumped green stuff and lustrian undergrowth on my DA tactical marines in that set to turn them into CSM of nurgle. I know people complain about them sucking but sticking them in a ruin on an objective works pretty well while your plague marines go get work done on the front line. Or just run msu and leave them in their rhino's.


I also did the same for the DA terminators and shaved off all the aquilas. Call the assault cannon a reaper and your golden.

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