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another loyalist has fallen...


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Hi guys. I got up this morning with the money/ambition to buy models (lots of them) to rebuild my Ultramarine army. Funny thing happened after I finished my order. In a few days I'll be receiving Marines, but not the ones I intended to get. Here's what's being shipped:


1 Dark Apostle

1 Chaos Space Marine Attack Force

1 box of Chaos Space Marines

2 boxes of Raptors

1 Helbrute

1 Chaos Codex


After 20 years of playing loyalist Space Marines, I have decided to embrace Chaos and build a Word Bearers army. I can't wait to get started. Just had to share...

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Yeah, I'm always a little puzzled that someone would be playing loyalists...and choose to play Chaos.  It's like, "I want to play the Dark Eldar of Space Marines, where most of my army list is fighting me."


Hey the same :cuss wrote that codex too...funny that.  I do take grim satisfaction that Space Wolves "Got Balanced" and got some of Phil's more modern, "loving touches" like us.  Though I think the Transports in Fast attack won't last after the first round of FAQs.

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Welcome to the family! Just be careful of forte.


You may be dissapointed in the performance of... well, everything. Cultists are one of the few units to benefit from the Dark Apostle, but he's not up to spec of regular Lords with similar equipment.

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I did nothing. There's no proof...well, maybe a little.


Welcome to Chaos when the Codex is a little erm..but the modelling opportunities are just woooosssshhh! And don't be discouraged but the lack of easy win unit options. A hard fought game is much more rewarding :tu:

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:\ True but with the General "ugh" ness of the current CSM codex, using Legion Astartes rules for the Actual Space Marines then adding on any chaosy bits might make them a bit more...Viable? Because honestly, who really wants to run a Chaos Space Marine Force with no Chaos Space Marines (or a minimal amount thereof)



Though at that point its more or less House Rules.

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Yeah, I'm always a little puzzled that someone would be playing loyalists...and choose to play Chaos. It's like, "I want to play the Dark Eldar of Space Marines, where most of my army list is fighting me."

Hey the same censored.gif wrote that codex too...funny that. I do take grim satisfaction that Space Wolves "Got Balanced" and got some of Phil's more modern, "loving touches" like us. Though I think the Transports in Fast attack won't last after the first round of FAQs.

You think thats bad, I recently put my CSM on the shelf.....To play Nids......

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Yeah, I'm always a little puzzled that someone would be playing loyalists...and choose to play Chaos. It's like, "I want to play the Dark Eldar of Space Marines, where most of my army list is fighting me."

Hey the same censored.gif wrote that codex too...funny that. I do take grim satisfaction that Space Wolves "Got Balanced" and got some of Phil's more modern, "loving touches" like us. Though I think the Transports in Fast attack won't last after the first round of FAQs.

You think thats bad, I recently put my CSM on the shelf.....To play Nids......

I just.....I mean...I can't even....

I'll just cry with you.

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Ok, first thing first marine. We of Chaos do not tolerate weakness. You will kill the loyalist bastard, you will skin him, you will take his geneseed and sacrifice his carcass to the Dark Gods. You are not in for the job, too bad, there are thousands of aspirants out there. 


Now here is your ritual dagger, your book of prayers and since I like you, here is the 77th verse of the Litany of Revulsion written upon the skin of a flayed virgin. Attach it to your armour and memorize its words, it will help to channel your hatred. You are still a long way from becoming a Veteran of the Long War, but with faith, the path ahead will be filled with glorious challenge and sacrifice, as befits a son of Lorgar.


Do not let people confuse you with rants of weakness, the weak pity themselves, the strong embrace weakness, for it turns their self loathing to hatred, hatred to malice and malice into the will to fight the Long War. Bitterness is a balm to soothe your wounds, cruelty, the beat of your two hearts. Do not forget those words acolyte. 


By leaving your loyalist brethren you have shown the will to seek the truth, to open yourself to the revelation of Chaos, to be entitled to immortality should you be brave, or foolish, enough to seek it. 

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Hi guys. I got up this morning with the money/ambition to buy models (lots of them) to rebuild my Ultramarine army. Funny thing happened after I finished my order. In a few days I'll be receiving Marines, but not the ones I intended to get. Here's what's being shipped:


1 Dark Apostle

1 Chaos Space Marine Attack Force

1 box of Chaos Space Marines

2 boxes of Raptors

1 Helbrute

1 Chaos Codex


After 20 years of playing loyalist Space Marines, I have decided to embrace Chaos and build a Word Bearers army. I can't wait to get started. Just had to share...


Welcome to the Chaos fourm.


Look like a good start to your Word Bearer force.  If your looking for any idea toward model side, there a lot of great Word Bearer armies kicking about on the forum, just to name a few:


From the Abyss - A Word Bearers Log by noctus cornix



Tzen's Word Bearers WIP Blog

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/278640-tzens-word-bearers-wip-blog/page-1?hl=+word +bearers


Also a great time to start Word Bearer, with Forgeworld release the Word Bearer upgread packs & the Possessed Marine models.



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Hmmm. Turned to Chaos less than 24 hours ago and already getting free drinks? Sweet. tongue.png

The downside is, all of them are spiked.

Not yet it's not.

So what are your plans then? And particular Legion/Warband or you going homebrew?

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Yeah, I'm always a little puzzled that someone would be playing loyalists...and choose to play Chaos. It's like, "I want to play the Dark Eldar of Space Marines, where most of my army list is fighting me."

Hey the same censored.gif wrote that codex too...funny that. I do take grim satisfaction that Space Wolves "Got Balanced" and got some of Phil's more modern, "loving touches" like us. Though I think the Transports in Fast attack won't last after the first round of FAQs.

You think thats bad, I recently put my CSM on the shelf.....To play Nids......

I just.....I mean...I can't even....

I'll just cry with you.

I needed a break from the Call of the plague father before I sell my soul to the pleasure prince....so I'm FINALLY getting my nids painted in the mean time

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Welcome to the fold brother!

Considering what models you have bought and what legion you had in mind, I would definitely advice you to have a peak at the Word Bearer Legion list. The only model you have that doesn't fit is the Forgefiend, but if you give it Hades autocannons you can play it as a Contemptor.

On the other hand, I have access to both lists and most of the time I actually play using the basic CSM codex. It just feels easier, and I really like Daemon Engines and Sorcerers.

Play using the Legion list if you really love basic marines, because you will want a 20-man strong squad of tacticals and probably a 15-20 man squad of assault marines too, and if you want some special weapons you are looking at squad-sized units of those too, so most of your points will be eaten up by basic marines.

If you want some more daemonic stuff like Daemon Princes, Spawns and Daemon Engines the 40k books are where it's at. Lists made using the 40k codex will often have a fairly low number of basic marines, and many lists that I have seen don't use any squads of CSM at all. Bikes if that counts. Otherwise it's just cultists, maybe Termies, Oblits, Cult marines and Bikes.

The stuff you bought does seem to be themed more around CSM than just odd Chaos stuff (not a single cultists or Cult marine in sight!), so I would definitely advice you to have a look at the Legion list by FW.

You got the perfect basis for a Legion list too. One 20-man squad of marines lead by a Chaplain, one 15-man squad of Assault marines, one Termi squad lead by a Termi Character, a Contemptor and a Dread. Perfect!

I think you might enjoy your new WB army more that way, and it's also easier to not stray into the use of Cult marines and such when they are not even a 'legal' unit. smile.png

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