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another loyalist has fallen...


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There is no left and right in space.




As what to do next. 2xrhino . 7 bikers[2 to make HQs] . 2xforge/mauler find box. Belfegor DLC. Chaos demons codex. Aegis gunline. 30xhorrors. 3xheralds on tzeench with discs. 2xDP/FMC class models. 4-6 screamers. Should give you enough models to build 1-2 WB army combined with the stuff you already have.

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But there is a portside and starboardside ;)


Isn't the 77th verse about eating Garlic Roasted Scouts?

Alas, that is the 477th verse. 'Tis my favorite in the whole book. Hmm, garlic.


And Tenebris, begone with your Sicaran Apocrypha! A true Son Lorgar does not read the verses penned by the False Prophet Erebus!

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Yeah, I'm always a little puzzled that someone would be playing loyalists...and choose to play Chaos. It's like, "I want to play the Dark Eldar of Space Marines, where most of my army list is fighting me."

Hey the same censored.gif wrote that codex too...funny that. I do take grim satisfaction that Space Wolves "Got Balanced" and got some of Phil's more modern, "loving touches" like us. Though I think the Transports in Fast attack won't last after the first round of FAQs.

You think thats bad, I recently put my CSM on the shelf.....To play Nids......


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Now before you dare to claim yourself a Word Bearer answer this, what is the fourth tenant of the Book of Lorgar?


(Hint, Word Bearers Novel, Dark Apostle, by Anthony Reynolds)


It's a trap, don't answer! Only ADB and Abnett write canon Word Bearers. :p


Welcome to Chaos, and congrats on your excellent choice of legion. You will find, admittedly, that the codex is... somewhat lacklustre, it suffers from an incredibly frustrating lack of internal balance and synergy. However, it isn't a complete dead end, and you can make some pretty effective builds out of it. Add daemon allies and this improves. You can also make a lot of fun lists with it, so there's also that.


The painting and modeling opportunities are, of course, fantastic, and if you find you hate the codex as much as some people here do, there's always the proscribed horror of counts-as. Don't be put off, basically.

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Great to see someone else turning to Chaos too.

I don't know about the codex (all I want is a fun game, after all) but I was tempted to the Ruinous Powers by the modelling opportunities and fluff.


Very much looking forward to seeing your work!

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I appreciate it.


As far as the "effectiveness" of the current Chaos Codex.... it really doesn't matter to me. Even though I have played in my share of tournaments, I mainly play these days for fun. For me it's about building and playing a fun and fluffy list. The challenge for me will be trying to make units that nobody takes work on the table. It's all about the fluff and having fun these days. If I wanted to worry about squeezing every ounce of effectiveness from a list I'd be playing Blood Angels or Space Wolves... and hating every minute of it. I'm looking forward to the converting aspect of modeling Chaos as well.

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Now before you dare to claim yourself a Word Bearer answer this, what is the fourth tenant of the Book of Lorgar?


(Hint, Word Bearers Novel, Dark Apostle, by Anthony Reynolds)

It's a trap, don't answer! Only ADB and Abnett write canon Word Bearers. :p


Actually Reynolds redeemed himself with The Purge. It even has the Heathens Stamp of Approved Heresy.
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Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I appreciate it.


As far as the "effectiveness" of the current Chaos Codex.... it really doesn't matter to me. Even though I have played in my share of tournaments, I mainly play these days for fun. For me it's about building and playing a fun and fluffy list. The challenge for me will be trying to make units that nobody takes work on the table. It's all about the fluff and having fun these days. If I wanted to worry about squeezing every ounce of effectiveness from a list I'd be playing Blood Angels or Space Wolves... and hating every minute of it. I'm looking forward to the converting aspect of modeling Chaos as well.

Well then. I think Chaos can deliver on the fun and fluff side. Especially if you like to put that little extra in.

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BTW forte... I came real close to declaring for Emperors Children/Slaanesh. The challenge of painting tons of "pink" really interests me. Noise Marines ftw.

You could do both. Just paint up your Noise Marines/ Slaaneshi units as either EC or "radical Word Bearers".
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Violators are blue. Pink is just a common factor because Slaanesh associates with. In truth, it sticks because Noise marines and many Slaanesh aligned astartes have distorted and burned out their senses that they have to take extreme colors and sonic sounds to see and hear anything.


Depending on your interpretation, you can have tolerated Slaaneshi Word Bearers or you can make a Sanctified knockoff. A lot of people are finally distancing themselves from some older fluff to try or get away with doing something, so it's perfectly fine.

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Distance from the old fluff...how dare you even suggest such a thing?


My view is still quite influenced by the Realms of Chaos books. But, I also understand that not everyone has that view (or is that old :cry: ). That and there's been so many changes over the years and who can solidly say what any Legion/Warband fully believes are the guidelines to live by.

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BTW forte... I came real close to declaring for Emperors Children/Slaanesh. The challenge of painting tons of "pink" really interests me. Noise Marines ftw.


I did squad of WB Noise Marines in the recent challenge. ;)

And rock they do!

Looking at them reminded me how -for want of a different term- chaotic NM should be. Having painted loyalist marines for so long, and then IG, my plans for my own NM have been rather 'uniform', on reflection. Must rethink.

Many thanks! :)

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BTW forte... I came real close to declaring for Emperors Children/Slaanesh. The challenge of painting tons of "pink" really interests me. Noise Marines ftw.

I did squad of WB Noise Marines in the recent challenge. msn-wink.gif

And rock they do!

Looking at them reminded me how -for want of a different term- chaotic NM should be. Having painted loyalist marines for so long, and then IG, my plans for my own NM have been rather 'uniform', on reflection. Must rethink.

Many thanks! smile.png

Yeah I know how you feel. I was going back and forth for probably 6 months before I decided on how to paint my NM. Having them more uniform might actually look better on the tabletop, but I wanted to paint them as a sort of homage to the era in which they were made, while at the same time having them as 'Word Bearers'. Lots of conflicting ideas.

It took much longer to paint them like I did, but it was definitely more fun! The hard part with mixing lots of colours is making them not look like toys.

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