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Axe Juggerlord vs CS Juggerlord vs Nugle Bike Lord


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Need opinions on which one of the following you think is better:

  1. Juggerlord with Axe of Khorne
  2. Juggerlord with Crimson Slaughter: Daemonhart, PowerFist & Lightning Claw
  3. Nurgle Lord on Bike with Crimson Slaughter: Daemonhart, PowerFist & Lightning Claw

Also, should I then take a Spawn squad or a Bike squad (with the corresponding Mark) to accompany the above?


Thanks for the opinions.

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Yeah, I'd take blade over fist & claw on a CS lord.  You'll need to put him in a bike squad instead of spawn, so the champ can tank the first challenge, allowing the lord to power up the sword by beating on melee guys.


If you're going to face much strength 10, then take the nurgle one.  Otherwise either way.

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Just because I like Nurgle Bikers, I'd go with the Nurgle Lord with a PF and LC and Demonheart. However the Juggerlord with the Axe I think would put out a lot of attacks, also the CS Juggerlord with Demonheart and the Blade could be a good combination too.

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Today I'll be running him like two but with the blade with spawn. Then a unit of nurgle bikers with a sorcerer.


Lord on Jugger is a beast for me but after word on the street got out of what he does he usually gets hounded down.r

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khorne lord with axe and juggernaut-in a unit of 5 unmarked spawn. A nasty piece of work, he'll hack down almost anuthing in the game. A nurgle lord just is tough to kill, a good character can tke him down, it just takes time.

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I've tried all of the above options and what really works best for me is the fist/claw juggerlord.


While the Axe of Blind Fury is fun, and you do get a ton of attacks, I've found that the survivability that the 2+ save brings is just really important. The problem with the Nurgle lord is that he's only 3 wounds at the end of the day, which is a surprisingly big deal despite being T6 2+.


I like the Fist/Claw so much that I've converted a new jugger lord to replace my axe toting one! 


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In what cases would you take an accompanying Spawn squad over a Bike squad and vice versa?


I.e. which one do you think is tougher (including Jink) and which one would be better in close combat?

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I have found recently that having a biker lord then taking spawn and losing the fleet bonus kinda sucks. Same with fleet cavalry lord then riding with bikers and again losing fleet. Nothing like having to make a 3 inch charge then roll those snake eyes and say HAHAHA FLEET!


Except my opponent was smiling and said HAHAHA BIKE. I sad faced then came the rapid fire plasma guns.

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In what cases would you take an accompanying Spawn squad over a Bike squad and vice versa?


I.e. which one do you think is tougher (including Jink) and which one would be better in close combat?

I'd say keep biked to bikes depending on how commited of a star it is. If it's just spawn, chances are they're for wounding and feinting. Both are reliable escorts but bilbo runs a good point.

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In what cases would you take an accompanying Spawn squad over a Bike squad and vice versa?


I.e. which one do you think is tougher (including Jink) and which one would be better in close combat?

I actually really like the jugger lord with khorne bikes. The icon of wrath rerolling charges makes up for losing fleet, and they're often better protection for the lord since they can jink. He can run while they flat out, and even though he doesn't get to reroll it, the speed gained by the bikes is still fantastic. Usually he rides with them for a turn or two as they get shot to holy hell, and then jumps ship to a unit of unmarked spawn for protection.


In close combat the bikes have 4 S5 attacks each on the charge, so that's pretty nice, the spawn are good in combat too but sometimes they get screwed by random attacks.

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bikes hit a lot harder, you also get an aspiring champ for challenging while your axelord can get to hacking. BUT they have less wounds than 5 spawn, cost twice as many points, and any grav-guns will make you cry. I just prefer the spawn and buy more threats with the close to 200 extra points. And it make my army less vulnerable.


If you know you won't face grav, go for bikes. If you know its marines, go for spawn.


And for an all-round choice, go for spawn I'd say its safer.


chaos bikes are good, but they only really shine in my eyes when they are MoS with FNP baner for a jink save followed by fnp.

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Thanks for all the opinions folks!


Think I'll build both a Nurgle Lord on Bike with Nurgle Spawn and a Jugger Lord with Khorne Bikes.

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If only they would make a Nurgle Lord able to ride a ROT FLY MOUNT!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Maybe I should just put him on a Fly and count is as a Bike. Hmmmm...

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Also if you are looking for 8 man squads and a spawn jugger combo you could always take three juggerlords(one from each codex/sup if you like) and 5 spawn. Someone was doing a similar build here on the forums iirc, although I don't remember the name at the moment.

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I have been working on and off on a nurgle "biker" lord that is actually a centipede type fellow comprised of what was once an entire unit of plague marines that congealed together into a pupa. Both his hands are therefore free. But I agree that double fist biker lords need heavy conversion to look good. (I imagine iron warriors with servo arms are also a good route.)

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