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Help with LunaWolves/SoH

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So, I have a lot of written background material for a piratical Space Wolf warband pledged to the Black Legion. It revolves around a Great Company lost in the 3rd crusade.


I was looking at a large amount of greenstuff work and a mixture of CSM and SW sprues to achieve the look, but now ive had a second look at the FW HH Luna Wolves / Sons of Horus and I need some help!


Basically, what things wold I have to try and avoid using to make sure I dont commit fluff-crimes?


Id like to use these pads 



matched to bodies made from SW, CSM and Beserker marine bodies. I also think ill make the Characters from a mix of HH special characters and parts of the SW named characters.


Can anyone tell me any things I should avoid? Ive only just started reading the HH series, so im not sure myself.


Thanks :D

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I wouldn't worry too much about "fluff crimes" as you'll find that the more fluff you read the more changes you'll find depending on how old the fluff is and the author.


Main think to avoid would be painting those pads in the SoH green scheme. The bits look good, concept sounds good, and you've got an idea for your own army. Now have a bit of fun with creating your own army (and don't forget to post progress too ;) ).

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