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Tzeentch CSM armys not thousand sons sources.

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Hi everyone, I'm looking to start up a DIY Chaos warband based on tzeentch however I want to stay away form the Thousand Sons theme. So mutated troops but still sorc Heavy. 


Most of my inspiration at the moment is coming from WHFB artwork of tzeentch chosen. I think they look great and want to try and represent these type of warrriors in 40k.



 I've come up with some fluff ideas and stuff, but I am struggling to find any sources or even pictures of CSM models of a tzeentch variety (that arent already Thousand Sons).



Many thanks look forward to seeing what people can come up with! 




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I've always wanted to see this kind of thing too, so I'll be watching.

It depends what tickles your fancy, but you could go for something like the old Rogue Trader-era Chaos/Renegade SM.




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If you're looking at WHFB read Palace of the Plague Lord (i think thats what its called anyway) as that follows a tzeentch follower on his quest to avenge his village. Great read too.

For 40k i like the oracles of change. I'd link them to the lexicanum page but i'm on my phone so can't. Tzeentch can also be a cc army but it'd be harder to work imho. I'd suggest mutated marines, especially the champions as they'd be more blessed by him. As said, tzeentch is fantastic for conversions etc as he is very much the epitome of chaos and change.

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Little known fact I can paint Tzeentch. There are more, but not on Flickr apparently. I like old renegades. I keep acquiring them. I like Tzeentch's everyone has an invulnerable save on lowly tactical marines, but this is a Lord on Disc, which now must be a sorcerer in the newest rules. You can try to spot the subtle conversion.


3909719497_8cd9c73d11.jpgTzeentch Lord by Muskie McKay, on Flickr

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Hi everyone, I'm looking to start up a DIY Chaos warband based on tzeentch however I want to stay away form the Thousand Sons theme. So mutated troops but still sorc Heavy. 


Most of my inspiration at the moment is coming from WHFB artwork of tzeentch chosen. I think they look great and want to try and represent these type of warrriors in 40k.



 I've come up with some fluff ideas and stuff, but I am struggling to find any sources or even pictures of CSM models of a tzeentch variety (that arent already Thousand Sons).



Many thanks look forward to seeing what people can come up with! 

Spam cultists take,2 sorc and as many demon detachments as you can. Playing demon main would probably be better, you could then limit the number of cultists you have to take and maximize the number of casters and power dice. Besides that, there is no way to run a good tzeench army.

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Backpack is a Cypher one (one of the backpacks you can buy along with Fabius'), and it looks like the pistol from the 1kSons conversion pack...?


Very nice work.


No one ever notices the pistol and no one else seems to convert old OOP metal models but me. Converting metal seems to be a forgotten art as you have to be very careful cutting and pinning. The original model had a plasma pistol, but under the then rules of the snooty Tzeentch demon weapon or Kai Gun further back, why pay for a plasma pistol too, so off it went. No Eqyptian or Thousand Sons imagery needed. Across the millennia surely others have fallen under the sway of the Tzeentch.


I'll have to photograph all my Tzeentch guys and Nurgle guys and other Chaos guys, mainly they just go unused and sit in storage.

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     In a little different vein the Dornian Heresy covers what could possibly happen to the Raven Guard if they fell to Tzeentch worship. In effect they are small warbands led by sorcerers while their line warriors have the ability to transform their bodies and armor into weapons. The sorcerers help to keep this ability from running wild so their warriors don't all devolve into chaos spawn. Could work as great fluff for a chaos warband.

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