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Strike Force Sunray - The Siege of Eboracum Campaign


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With all this talk on here of sicarans and legacies of glory, it's about time we had some pics. So despite running out of glue before I could put the sponsons on the second sicaran, I thought I'd start the race to get the first painted BA sicaran up on here tongue.png Also gives me the chance to make people feel better about themselves, as once you've seen my finished work you'll know you're not as bad a painter as you thought you were biggrin.png

Following on from the list here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294603-1850-tourny-list-with-forgeworld-anti-eldar/?do=findComment&comment=3766760

The raptor and caestus are still on the way from my, er...little genie friend *cough*...so hopefully I'll have the sicarans nearly done by then. Suggestions are always welcome and I would really appreciate tips on how to make things look more BA.

Anyway here goes. Sicarans under construction and almost finished, with a basecoated razorback sneaking in for scale


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Not sure if you have any bits left over from a Baal but those could definitely be added. Additionally you could take Sanguinary guard wings and add them to flat spaces to give some depth. Looking at the models however, it doesn't look like there's a lot of empty space that the wings would fit on. You could always use transfers or perhaps make a stencil.


I'd suggest adding a BA transfer on those flat area over the front of the tracks as a start.

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Those baal bits would be perfect but they went on a stormraven and land raider which have since moved on via ebay sadly. I've got the wings from sanguinor and astorath, will try fitting them over the sides near the front but as you say there may not be enough room. Maybe they could go on the rear of each autocannon, this may look pretty OTT though.


Considering mounting the sanguinor torso on the front of one, with head and arms. Again will have to try and see, but the sicaran is an ancient relic after all and the concept of one being adorned with the armour of an ancient hero is quite fitting. Wouldn't have to represent the sanguinor himself of course.


Thanks for the tips. I was thinking about a numeral transfer where you said but the blood angel symbol is better, as I doubt they would number sicarans in the same way as modern vehicles.

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The sicarans are so sexy! I saw that your list has them equipped with dozer blades. The dozer blades would have plenty of space for BA bling or freehands.


How are you going to mount the dozer blades anyway? And what dozer blades will you use?

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Couple more sicaran pics for context






@ Zynk Kaladin, have to agree that freehand wings would really do these justice. Will pencil in the outline and details once the sides are coated red, then take it slowly and see how they turn out.


With the bulk and power of the model it's easy to forget they are fast vehicles - and therefore fit right in with BA tactics - so wings would be perfectly fitting. Cheers.

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@ ixzion, not sure if the vindicator siege shield would look too heavy so I think I'll go with what I have and use a guard chimera dozerblade. It's just the right size to almost completely cover across the tracks and it doesn't look out of proportion with the model. Seems to fit well actually, and easy to mount as the bars are long enough to fix on the underside and still have the dozer up in front of the tracks.


@knife&fork, so true. Was a bit miffed at first when they FAQ'd its side and rear to AV 12 but to be fair it's hard to justify an all-round AV 13 fast vehicle, at that price anyway.

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Do you have the Forgeworld brass etch sheet? If not I urge you to get it, there are so many flat panels on that Sicaran crying out for some of those details.


Got one on the way, mainly for the name plates but yeah there's room for plenty of stuff for sure. Haven't used them before though, how do they look? Do they look better with a little highlighting and varnishing or just as they come?


I'm planning to get a sicarian myself and wonder how the kit is to work with? On some of the forgeworld kits i've nearly lost limps in the assembly proces.

Really simple to put together without instructions. Comes delivered off the sprue, a few bits of flash particularly on the upper rear of the track guards, not sure how people usually deal with thick stubborn bits but I found heating a knife and pair of clippers worked smoothly. Hope you put your pics up when you get it!

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Ah, good man. I've mainly used some of the smaller ones so far and I've fully painted mine as my Chapter doesn't use gold brass or bronze in it's colour scheme so I can't really help you with whether a wash and some varnish would be sufficient,

A few examples

What I can say is that the detail on some is quite shallow (but unless you're putting way too much paint on that's not a problem) and the details on the smaller ones are quite fiddly.

I have seen examples on various sites that look like they've had barely anything done to them and that's seemed fine. Even if you want them to be a kind of gold colour I'd still undercoat and paint up, but that's just me.


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Is it possible to magnetize the sponsons to switch weapons?

I'm sure it is but that's something I've never done so I'm not the man to ask m'fraid :)



Ah, good man. I've mainly used some of the smaller ones so far and I've fully painted mine as my Chapter doesn't use gold brass or bronze in it's colour scheme so I can't really help you with whether a wash and some varnish would be sufficient,


A few examples



What I can say is that the detail on some is quite shallow (but unless you're putting way too much paint on that's not a problem) and the details on the smaller ones are quite fiddly.


I have seen examples on various sites that look like they've had barely anything done to them and that's seemed fine. Even if you want them to be a kind of gold colour I'd still undercoat and paint up, but that's just me.




Those are great - that blood drop in a circle on the baal turret, is that a transfer? I can see what you mean about the small details and their shallowness. Cheers.

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Good lord I want a sicarian so bad... Torn between one or getting my first landraider... Looking forward to seeing how your's turn out.

Oh and to the person above talking about marines as a mural- that was wolf_pack smile.png.

Thanks. I couldn't remember who it was. Here's a link to one of the murals he did. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/274500-wolf-packs-blood-angels-conversions-and-kit-bashes/?p=3578786

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A thought I've had recently is that the sanguinary guard death mask, with the back half of the head cut off, could make rather cool decoration on the flat surfaces of vehicles. Currently in the field so can't demonstrate but maybe someone else can. One on each track forward facing guard maybe?
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A thought I've had recently is that the sanguinary guard death mask, with the back half of the head cut off, could make rather cool decoration on the flat surfaces of vehicles. Currently in the field so can't demonstrate but maybe someone else can. One on each track forward facing guard maybe?

That sounds sexy. Gotta try it!


Finally a use for death masks.

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Thanks for sharing that link, wolf pack's mural really is amazing. Will have to check out his tutorial when I get the chance. I noticed he used the furioso librarian, funnily enough I'd just been cutting one up to use panels as armour over the sides of the lascannons. Also fiddling around with using the furioso visor and central panel to go over the driver's slit, think this will need some green stuff though as there's a slight gap between surfaces which can't be avoided.


Those death masks would look great, or something similar at least. Will probably see what I can scrounge from the brass etching sprue first though. Also got a lot of brass chain to play with as I think this'll fit right in. Would love a few incense balls too, as seen on the terminator reclusiarch, but am stumped as to what would be a good sub for this.


Thanks so much for all the advice and suggestions so far.

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Nope, the Baal Pred icon is 100/% bras etch - so, yeah, shallow detail!

I re-found a link I'd been hoping to post yesterday, there are some BA vehicles in this flickr stream that how a wide range of the brass etch pieces used accross a variety of vehicles. Some of them are better utilised than others, but hopefully it's useful.


I like the death mask idea actually, though I prefer to shave them down the headdress and use them as creepy faces for characters myself.

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I just finally won an ebay lot with those guys (I was in the military when that set came out and missed it sadly) and got them stripped of the silver paint the guy had put on them.  I planned on using that particular one as my first company captain.  The first company captain is the shield of Baal afterall and I cannot think of a more blingy BA TDA clad guy with a shield.  It just looks like it will take me weeks to get the guy painted with all the detail those minis have.

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I've only got Gideon and Calistarius, who's had a little conversion so he carries a force sword and plasma pistol so I use him as a mephiston proxy. Was an absolute pleasure to paint, even by my mediocre standards it's just such a powerful and striking model.


There's a couple of annoying sculpt glitches on gideon, for example the skull hanging on his front right extends backwards to join the armour, where there should be a gap between them. Kind of makes it look like a skull attached to a toblerone, sort of. Still a glorious model, will see how it looks when painted.

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