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Strike Force Sunray - The Siege of Eboracum Campaign


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Caestus built. Looks like plenty of room for brass bling, also thinking sanguinor's or astorath's wings could go somewhere.




Also that idea with the death masks - reckon Sgt. Gideon would look absolutely awesome with one! Gonna try it methinks.

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Fist bump Caestus-bro! thumbsup.gif

Seriously, really easy. A lot easier than a stormraven - it's surprisingly heavy and as sturdy as it looks.

I take it yours wasn't slightly twisted and mangled by the post office? laugh.png
Cheers bro :)

Haha yeah, it made it through the den of chaos itself without a scratch. A good omen I hope!

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Progress on the first sicaran. Needs a little tidying up, then onto the BA bling. The near autocannon has been varnished while the other one hasn't yet. Just wanted to see the difference..hmm



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First sicaran completed








Brother Phiote bearing his cheesiest grin after winning the raffle for official poser:





Thanks for all the input. Particular thanks to Corvus_Dansuer for the death mask idea - thought it worked so well I stuck some on the hull too.


Not sure if the dozer blade should be red? I settled on the metalled look because I think it looks gritty and battered without detracting from the overall model.


Also not sure if the sanguinor looks ok there or if he should go up between the wings, behind the turret hatch. Any suggestions welcome. Cheers :)

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Not sure if the dozer blade should be red? I settled on the metalled look because I think it looks gritty and battered without detracting from the overall model.

Also not sure if the sanguinor looks ok there or if he should go up between the wings, behind the turret hatch. Any suggestions welcome. Cheers smile.png

Dozer blade looks fine, but I think the sanguinor should go. Right now it looks like there was an accident on the way to the battlefield... one that will be difficult to explain to the scribes :P

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This is what a BA tank should look like. I'd leave the Sanguinor where he is. One nit pick however would the mold-lines on the barrels of the turret guns.

Ugh, good point. I think I just assumed they would disappear under the paint because they are so shallow. Thanks for the heads up, I'll file them down on the second sicaran before painting it. Cheers!

Not sure if the dozer blade should be red? I settled on the metalled look because I think it looks gritty and battered without detracting from the overall model.

Also not sure if the sanguinor looks ok there or if he should go up between the wings, behind the turret hatch. Any suggestions welcome. Cheers smile.png

Dozer blade looks fine, but I think the sanguinor should go. Right now it looks like there was an accident on the way to the battlefield... one that will be difficult to explain to the scribes :P

:D The worrying thing is he seems quite happy there! The model looks no worse off without him but I just like the extra touch it brings. Really don't want to go filing bits off him so he can go on the side, I'd end up regretting it one way or another.

BTW what do you suggest is the best red for highlighting? I'm working on the termies at the mo, with mephiston red armour. Don't normally do highlighting but I think termies kind of need it.

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I highlight with very thin lines (when in control/paying attention anyway) of Evil Sunz Scarlet. For me really brings a model together and makes the bits pop that you want to pop. My vechiles are basically just Mephiston Red with the scarlet highlight and nuln oil shading. My troops are a Mephiston red base, a Wazadaka Red surface highlight, nuln oil shading and then finished with scarlet edge highlights.

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Cheers Corv, I had a look on your thread and you've got a nice subtle highlight effect which is what I'm after. What's always put me off highlights is the contrast seems too drastic and un-lifelike. Seems like them fancy edge pots might be worth a crack after all!
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Ah good old camera trickery eh :p I'll probably try a fine drybrushing first and see how that goes. Natural light seems to do enough on my marines but with the bulkier armour and wider edges on the terminators I do think they need a highlight.
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Termie sarge with death mask. Had to file the head down to fit it in, overdid it a little...so tried to adapt with a buzz-cut for the sarge and the mask being literally a mask. Could be worse I suppose. And at least it gave me inspiration for the sergeant's name. 'Auske'...auske, oscar...geddit? Sigh, my lack of creativity knows no bounds these days.



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Hmm yeah..it's pretty much exactly where the old bare head was so I guess you are right! Also got lazy with the small shield next to his head. Really should be something other than light gold on there. **Goes off to google the complementary colour of red cos I's forgotten it
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Well tickets for january's event - caledonian uprising 2015 - are up along with the rulespack, and it may be 4 months away but reading the pack has given me an almighty buzz in my guts.


Tim King, the TO, has been bold enough to tweak a few rules for the tourny and I think he's got it right. Including:


Invisibility: no longer treat shots as snap shooting but treat firing unit as having BS1. So now template and blast can target them.


Warp charge: no cap, but only 15 points can be used per turn towards summoning.


Re-rolled saves: re-roll is now capped at 4+, e.g. A failed 2+ rerollable now only passes on 4+ on the reroll


Lords of War: only LoW of less than 490 points may be taken.


The missions are a mix; eternal war deployment and primary, maelstrom secondary. Tertiary mission is STW, linebreaker and 'first strike' which is if you kill a unit in your first turn, so like first blood only both players can get it.


Will post more on the missions closer to the date, but tactical objective cards are limited to 18 from a given list, each player may only score each card once, only two cards may be scored per turn and any cards that are redundant vs your opponent may be redrawn e.g. Kill psykers, kill flyers.


6 objectives per game, all 6 count towards maelstrom but not all count towards the primary EW mission.


Example - mission 1

Deployment: hammer and anvil

Primary: big guns never tire

Secondary: tactical escalation

Tertiary: STW, LB and FS


10 points for winning primary, 6 for winning secondary, 4 for winning tertiary.


Must admit I groaned when I first saw that maelstrom missions were in, but with the way Tim has restricted things I think it's going to be great.


Now then, must get this lot ready and start getting some practice in :)

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