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Strike Force Sunray - The Siege of Eboracum Campaign


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Man I got the conversion kit, which turned out to be the biggest hoogest pain in the butt to put together, ever. Most of the main parts were bent or twisted during transit, so you can imagine.


Look forward to seeing yours, as mine is going to be very basic I'm pretty sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently the TO for Caledonian Uprising 2015 has decided to expand the capacity to 160 players, after the initial 120 tickets sold out in 5 days.


Just want to say to anyone here in the UK, check out their facebook page and get yourself a ticket. For £30 it is great value for money - brilliant terrain setup, well comped, awesome friendly atmosphere and superb lunches too. There were only 3 of us BA players there last year.

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Had a test game last night. Against GK - 4 units of 10 GK each with 2 psycannon, 10 paladins with a few inquisitors. You know when your dice are just so, so bad it's like they're trying to tell you something? Check it out:


2 Sicarans in 2 turns of shooting at a GK unit not in cover.

24 TL rending autocannon shots

8 lascannon shots

12 heavy bolter shots


= 3 kills


Go figure...


His warlord trait was -1 to my reserve rolls. Raptor came in T2 thanks to the damocles. Caestus rolls a 2..use corbulos reroll..2 again. Raptor causes 9 wounds with cannon and missiles on GK unit, he passes 6 5+ cover saves and all his armour saves against quad HB.


Caestus in T3: 5 hits with melta blast with ignore cover. Roll 3 1's to wound and he passes an invul so it causes 1 wound..


In assault, termies with corbs and reclusiarch are the obligatory just over 1" away from paladins in cover, so with the -2 charge modifier i need a 4 charge range...and naturally roll 3...


So basically his GK marched over the board without a scratch, swept my squads aside then went to ground. Then once again it hinged on an assault which just died spectacularly before it even began.


Ah, whinge over! There, I feel better now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well everything is pretty much done, barring washes and spot details on the razorbacks and problems getting that third flamer on ebay due to paypal and my bank teaming up to be the biggest....well let's just say the origins of the Adeptus Arbites are definitely tied to 21st century banking methods...


Anyway I can't get pics up due to a certain technical...er...'difficulty' which I won't bore you with but hopefully I'll have at least a full army pic up soon.


So in order to justify me posting in the first place, I'm going off on a little random tangent here.


In 'Horus Rising', a rembrancer is quoted on his remark that the first thing that struck him when he met an Adeptus Astartes was the smell. Now I'm wondering, what with their enhanced metablolism and all, not only must they be very sweaty but surely they still fart too? So what happens, is the methane absorbed into the power armour's recycled air? Do they smell more pungent?


A totally irrelevant point I know, but I have an idea for fluff for my army where one of my troopers is known for nothing other than breathing in deeply and saying 'Ahhh, the emperor's finest!' every time he drops one.



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Well everything is pretty much done, barring washes and spot details on the razorbacks and problems getting that third flamer on ebay due to paypal and my bank teaming up to be the biggest....well let's just say the origins of the Adeptus Arbites are definitely tied to 21st century banking methods...


Anyway I can't get pics up due to a certain technical...er...'difficulty' which I won't bore you with but hopefully I'll have at least a full army pic up soon.


So in order to justify me posting in the first place, I'm going off on a little random tangent here.


In 'Horus Rising', a rembrancer is quoted on his remark that the first thing that struck him when he met an Adeptus Astartes was the smell. Now I'm wondering, what with their enhanced metablolism and all, not only must they be very sweaty but surely they still fart too? So what happens, is the methane absorbed into the power armour's recycled air? Do they smell more pungent?


A totally irrelevant point I know, but I have an idea for fluff for my army where one of my troopers is known for nothing other than breathing in deeply and saying 'Ahhh, the emperor's finest!' every time he drops one.




Well since we use Sanguinius gene seed I assume all BA + sucessors smell like roses, fresh summer rain and manly perfumes.

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I imagine an astartes (and particularly any Son of Sanguinius) smells like a blend of an abattoir and and oil refinery: smoke, diesel fumes and months-old blood.

That's not to say one of them can't be particularly renowned for adding his own scent to the general musk tongue.png

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Space Wolves reek of pedigree chum, Salamanders of burnt toast.


Had another game tonight, vs a Tau Farsight enclave build, not a build I expect to see a lot of at tourny but it was a good refresher in Tau fairy shenanigans and a chance for my dice to redeem themselves or..die...


He had:


Farsight and 4 suits in deep striking reserve

2 x 3 crisis suits

3 x broadside with railguns and 6 or 7 drones inc. 2 shield drones

7 x stealth suits


Hammerhead with railgun



Mission was vanguard strike, purge the alien primary, cleanse and control secondary, STW LB and first strike tertiary.


Got some pics to put up tomorrow, it turned out to be a really enjoyable game with the Blood Angels thrown off balance in the first half of the battle before they took control and proceeded to blast and smash the Tau off the field for a 20-win. My dice reluctantly redeemed themselves, taking their darned time about it too, and the Caestus with the 'Battle of Keylek' legacy was MVP by a mile, totally bossing the table and using the ignores cover on turn two and doing the exact job it was meant for: destroying broadsides in cover. In turn 3 it vaporised the whole farsight squad, so in total it must have killed at least 600 points of stuff? The termies smashed up the riptide and a unit of suits before they even realised they had disembarked.


And that reminds me why I love playing BA, because it feels so awesome to roll the enemy's forces up with a crushing assault, more so after taking a beating from them to start with...as we BA often seem to do.

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Sigh...having a right job just getting one photo up...if anyone could tell me how to make it appear as an image I really would be grateful, although when I use the full url it says this image is not allowed on this community?! Anyway in the meantime..

Deployment and turn 1

Nothing got red thirst. Warlord trait was 'target priority'. Really useful when your warlord is attached to a pure assault unit and the only ranged weapons between them are two bolt pistols biggrin.png

Objectives are the small red triangles: three on my board half - one in each ruin - one in the main central ruin, one in the top right ruin and the last in the top central ruin.

He deploys first. The hammerhead and a unit of crisis suits (mix of plasma and fusion, one with interceptor) start in the ruins on the top left. In the top centre ruin the broadsides and drones occupy the top floor with two drones going on the first floor. The other crisis suits and the riptide deploy as far as they can to the top-right. The stealth suits are infiltrated into the central ruin. The farsight and his unit go into deep striking reserve.

I deploy in a totally un-BA manner, hogging the only two LOS-blocking ruins tightly as possible with everything on the board. My tactical objective (TO) cards were assassinate, hold 3 TO for 2VP, and issue a challenge or win an ongoing challenge. So I aimed to dash the left-most razorback flat out over to the TO in the bottom left, which would leave me holding all 3 in my board half. Other than that I just hoped to maximise cover saves and hang on until the air support arrived. The Tau were not present in great numbers so I knew it was just a matter of applying the firepower and they would cease to be a threat. The hammerhead was a big threat to the sicarans while everything else he had could potentially hurt my fliers. That said, I was already salivating at the thought of slapping that ignores cover large melta-pie on top of those broadsides, and the riptide was the only real contender for terminator hammer practice. With those two units out of the way, he would have nothing to stop me from dominating his DZ. So that was the plan...

Tau turn 1

The hammerhead moves forward and hugs the board edge to get an angle on my sicaran, which thankfully passes its cover save in the shooting phase. The suits on my left jet forward as far as possible towards the TO at the bottom left. His suits on the right and the riptide move into the top right ruins. One of the fusion blasters aims at one of my cover-hugging razorbacks, but the cover save is passed again so thankfully no BA casualties this turn.

BA turn 1

The left-most razorback bursts out of cover and heads for the bottom-left TO. Unfortunately it gets immobilised when moving flat-out into the ruins, leaving it about 3.5" away from the TO and thus missing those 2 VPs. Fiddlesticks! The other RBs and the damocles move right into the cover of the corner ruin as the sicarans creep out, trying to keep their cover save.

In shooting, first thing I do is drop the orbital bombardment onto the suits sweeping towards my left flank. With farsight enclave his suits are troops and thus obsec, and with the amount of plasma and melta they had they would swat aside the immobilised RB and its 5-man squad quite easily. The template scatters nowhere...use corbulo's reroll...scatters 9" forwards, clipping and penetrating the hammerhead but it passes its 3+ jink.

The left-hand sicaran lines up on the hammerhead. Continuing an ongoing trend, yet again only one lascannon hits but it fails to penetrate. With the accelerator autocannon I again roll a load of 6's to hit but get none when I roll to penetrate. Bah! The other sicaran sees this and decides to muller the stealth suits a little, and a little is all it does, killing 1 after wading through those 2+ cover saves.

And that was turn 1, with absolutely minimum casualties (1 model killed) but with the situation on my left flank already being a cause for concern. Thankfully though his hammerhead would be firing snap shots and all my vehicles apart from the immobilised RB were hidden or in cover. They just had to get through another turn of shooting from the whole Tau army...

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End of turn 1 / start of turn 2:




Tau turn 2


Farsight fails to arrive.


The riptide and squad on the right stay in the ruin, with the riptide moving to the top floor. On the left the hammerhead zips forward to get some cover from the ruin while the three suits do the same. In shooting the broadsides wreck the immobilised RB and the riptide makes a long-range shot across the field at the now-disembarked squad, killing the sergeant and two marines. The hammerhead tries a snap shot at the sicaran in the right corner and misses.


BA turn 2


Think I got off lightly there, but hugging cover probably saved at least one of my sicarans as it made my oppo look for the more likely to wound option.


The caestus and raptor both arrive. The caestus lines up so that it can blast the broadsides and still be close enough to the riptide for the reclusiarch, corbulo and the termies to stand a chance of charging it next turn. The raptor moves to nip my left-flank problems in the bud. The sicarans shift a little to keep out of LOS of the riptide. Tau intercept fire forces the raptor to jink, just as well as he hits and pens with a fusion blaster but the raptor jinks it. The broadsides put a glance on it though, while the riptide fires to no avail at the caestus.


In shooting, the caestus lets rip and using the twin-linked reroll gets only a little scatter. Out of the three broadsides and six drones only one suit and one drone are left standing once the magna-melta and firefuries have done their work. Only a few successful invuls from the shield drones prevent the unit from being wiped out. The raptor manages to put 6 wounds on the suits on the left with the avenger cannon but suffers the same fate as last game, my oppo passing 5 of his 5+ covers. I hold off from snap- firing the missiles at the hammerhead, and kill off the last drone with a quad HB. The sicarans try to whittle down the stealth suits some more, killing two of them. These, the broadside and the crisis suits all pass their LD check.


Well that was a bit better, though my left flank situation was still uncertain thanks to those cover saves. However he now had very little chance of taking down my fliers and the sicarans, though much would depend on how he used the farsight when it arrived.

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End of turn 2 / start of turn 3:




Primary mission: Tau 1 - BA 0

Secondary: Tau 1 - BA 1 (we both claimed 'assassinate' in turn 2)


Tau turn 3


The farsight squad arrives next to the left-most sicaran. The two suits on the left move in to the ruins, stalking the survivors of the wrecked RB. The hammerhead shifts to line up on the right-most sicaran, while the riptide charges its cannon and jumps in to the open, catching a glimpse of rhino metal in the ruins opposite and seeing a juicy opportunity.


In shooting the farsight squad saturates the sicaran with plasma and fusion, blowing it apart. The hammerhead shoots at the other sicaran but thankfully only glances it. The left-hand suits blaze away at the two surviving marines but kill only one. The riptide slaps its S9 AP2 big pie on a spot covering the two RBs in the corner ruin and almost catching the damocles...then rolls a 1 for gets hot. Phew!


BA turn 3


Well the farsight had landed with a bang, but now he was in the open. The terminators et al disembarked and eyed up the riptide, then the caestus turned and moved to bring the farsight unit in to full magna-melta range. The raptor also went into hover and stayed in the bottom left area.


In shooting, the caestus immolated the farsight squad, who failed all 4 5+ invuls. The raptor killed the last two suits on the left with the avenger cannon and pumped its missiles into the hammerhead, destroying both its weapons. The terminators charged the riptide and destroyed it without taking any wounds.


At this point the primary mission was 2-1 to BA and the secondary was 3-1 to BA, as I claimed the challenge VP and the one for killing an MC.


We played the Tau turn 4 - his last broadside got high dice and blew up the raptor and his remaining suit squad shot up the termies but they passed 4 invuls, so my oppo conceded here after making a comedy suicide charge with his suits on the terminators. At this point his only effective units were a single broadside and two stealth suits.


Overall I wasn't sure about how strong my opponent's list was, but it was a closer battle than the result suggests and by no means a certainty, all things considered.


Unit-by-unit summary


Reclusiarch, Corbulo and terminator assault squad: - with the luxury of a reliable assault transport, their reach is wide and powerful. A serious mid-game headache for the opponent. Very much the coup de grace tool of this force.


Razorback ASM: - unlucky with the immobilised result in turn 1 but otherwise they did nothing but hide and wait..hardly their fault though.


Sicarans: - It's been said before by people on here and people at my club: lascannons never seem to make their points back. Out of 18 sicaran shooting attacks in two games, only two or three times have both of the sponson lascannons hit! The standard result is for one to hit, then fail to wound or penetrate. Based on these two games, I'm thinking of scrapping the lascannons as they have been a pure waste of 80 points. Otherwise in this game the sicarans struggled to penetrate AV13 but their volume of fire served to weaken the stealth suits with their 2+ cover, making them ineffective.


Damocles: - no luck with the orbital this game, but still a solid place in the army at 75 points. Worth this for the reserve manipulation alone.


Caestus: - Came into its own this game. There can't be many other units out there which can annihilate a unit with 2+ armour that's sat in cover. Feels as though the caestus and the termies are almost an army of their own, such is their capability for destruction.


Fire raptor: - Again, lucky cover saves stopped it from being a slaughter machine, but even so it still got its firepower through and was hitting targets all over the board. Has made an impression on opponents so far.


Well that's my first batrep...a bit messy but I hope yoy enjoyed it and I hope it might help others with their schemes. As always any comments are most welcome. Thanks for reading!

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In the second post toolbar there's an icon that's a shrunken picture, it's to the left of this one <>. Click that and it'll ask you for the weblink, once you input that it'll embed the images for you. Or it should.

Onto other matters: Dead xenos is always a good result and Forgeworld should be paying your for advertising the Caestus so well. That thing seems seriously destructive!

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Thanks bro. I'm using my phone and not seeing that option, nor even the emoticon bar, even when in full mode. Must find a computer methinks.


The Battle of Keylek legacy of glory really makes a huge difference to what the Caestus can do. Twin-linked S8 AP1 large blast melta, plus the firefury missiles, all with ignores cover...just aint right is it.

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That last battle really made me want a Caestus for myself. Would very much enjoy using it as the death company party bus.


​Sicarians seem rather powerful but (purely because I'm unfamiliar with the rules) would Baal Preds be an effective/ cheaper alternative? Or are they actually rather different?


Daemocles command Rhino and Corbulo is a sneaky as hell tactic though, ensuring that 75pt Space Lance makes it's point back (if you are lucky!)


Nice Batrep!

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That last battle really made me want a Caestus for myself. Would very much enjoy using it as the death company party bus.


​Sicarians seem rather powerful but (purely because I'm unfamiliar with the rules) would Baal Preds be an effective/ cheaper alternative? Or are they actually rather different?


Daemocles command Rhino and Corbulo is a sneaky as hell tactic though, ensuring that 75pt Space Lance makes it's point back (if you are lucky!)


Nice Batrep!

Thanks :)


Jolemai's link is worth checking out. A sicaran with HB sponsons is 10 points more than a baal with same, so the sicaran is way, way better point-for-point.


It was a gamble using corbulo's reroll that early, if one of my fliers hadn't come in...waah! But it's pretty safe with the damocles making it 2+ for reserves to arrive.


Edit: forgot to say the only downside to taking a sicaran instead of a baal is losing the scout USR.

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Shaezus, the method I use (when on a desktop) is as follows:


Open the image in another window -> right click -> select "copy image location" -> then type in the following code:


]paste (i.e. ctrl+v)[/img (note you will need to remove the spaces in the code)


Click post. Alternatively, if you select "more reply options", there is an option to preview the images you're adding to make sure you've got the right ones, correct code, etc.

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