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Strike Force Sunray - The Siege of Eboracum Campaign


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I vote the Casestus, nothing better than a flying land raider to blow a hole in the enemy and deliver your frothing marines into the tasty folds of the opposition.


But for real it'll draw so much fire the Sicarian should have a little less heat!

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The Caestus really is awesome, although I have only ran it with the battle of keylek legs and never without.

Buuuut....with another pod unit, I have 2 coming down in turn 1 so the tacs can come in and screen the SG if that's necessary, or otherwise find something to commit severe arson against. So at the moment I'm really leaning towards dropping the chappy / libby, the scouts and one MMAB, and adding:

10 x tacs. Heavy flamer. Plasma gun. Sergeant has combiplasma, meltabombs and veteran. Drop pod.

Corbulo - replaces one marine from the first squad. First squad sgt. drops veteran upgrade.

This means not only can the tacs screen the SG in turn 1, Corbulo can sit near the back or to one side and give the + 1 init bonus to the SG, besides the boost to his own squad and the reroll. So I effectively have the same effect - but better - as when I ran with BSF, but the tacs are obsec and I'm getting two rerollable rolls on warlord traits, one command and one strategic or two strategic. Anyway..just thinking aloud here. ph34r.png

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My club is running a 1500pt campaign which leads up nicely to the war of the roses 1850 next month. I missed the first two weeks of the campaign but got a game in tonight and will get some more in over the next few weeks.


Rulespack https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwyCIXJZj4c3bzU3WUFzUVJxOUE/view


Just wanted to mention tonight's game, vs eldar / harlequins purely because of what they did to the sanguinary guard: two quin psykers combined to give -4 to the SG leadership, then proceeded to kill 8 SG, the priest and put Dante on 2 wounds, with 2 psychic shrieks. Didn't help that my opponent, by his own admission, rolled extremely well across the board and particularly with psychic shriek but in any case that is one sure way to kill SG. Meantime I had a smattering of 1s and 2s to penetrate with melta, and failed 8 of 11 saves on my tacs in one turn of shooting then failed 2 of 4 saves with the last SG and Dante..one of those games? Again!? Bah.

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The Caestus really is awesome, although I have only ran it with the battle of keylek legs and never without.

Buuuut....with another pod unit, I have 2 coming down in turn 1 so the tacs can come in and screen the SG if that's necessary, or otherwise find something to commit severe arson against. So at the moment I'm really leaning towards dropping the chappy / libby, the scouts and one MMAB, and adding:

10 x tacs. Heavy flamer. Plasma gun. Sergeant has combiplasma, meltabombs and veteran. Drop pod.

Corbulo - replaces one marine from the first squad. First squad sgt. drops veteran upgrade.

This means not only can the tacs screen the SG in turn 1, Corbulo can sit near the back or to one side and give the + 1 init bonus to the SG, besides the boost to his own squad and the reroll. So I effectively have the same effect - but better - as when I ran with BSF, but the tacs are obsec and I'm getting two rerollable rolls on warlord traits, one command and one strategic or two strategic. Anyway..just thinking aloud here. ph34r.png

Maybe I'm mis-reading this, but if Corbulo makes that Tactical Squad drop to nine-man, then you need to lose the heavy flamer or the plasma gun :(

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The little fella goes with the first squad, who lose their flamer. What do you make of Corbulo? Am thinking that init boost won't exactly be used every game.

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It's far from being an optimal list, for sure. If I had the £ to spare it would be 3 sicarans, but I would probably include 2 full tac squads anyway, as they add some much-needed bulk and enhance the 'slow game', which is often easy to forget when that red mist descends.

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Reporting in a victory for the Blood Angels, 1500 points v nids.  13 - 1 to BA.


His army:


Tyrant and 2 guard


Shooty monster with S9 AP2 blast thing


Poopy monster that spawns gaunts (Tervigon?)


3 x 20 shooty gaunts


Lictor and 3 warriors


We rolled for 'last man standing' which meant that as the defender I deployed anywhere more than 12" from any board edge, in a defensive square area. The one objective was in the centre of the table, on the roof of a ruin. Dante, the SG and priest occupied this, giving a commanding and dominating position ideal as a base for jump counter-attack. Everything else scattered around the building. The attacker deployed his HT and 2 guard, plus a unit of 20 shooty gaunts, his veteran troops for the campaign. The remainder had to start in reserve but could arrive from turn 1 onwards on a 2+. I then redployed the bikes away from his gaunts.


My warlord traits were 'vanguard of the assault' and 'divide to conquer', both of which made a difference on several occasions. The veritas vitae is proving its worth.


MVP was the SG unit, leaping about and using hit and run to claim about 40+ gaunts, the poopy monster, lictor and warriors. Some 700+ points for the loss of 4 SG and 2 wounds on Dante. Helped by passing all 4 of their 4+ covers in turn 1, and above average armour rolls. The tacticals were very effective, toasting and dakkaing a unit of 20 shooty gaunts in one round, then shooting up a handful more before standing up to a charge by two units of spawned gaunts about 13 strong each. The gaunts failed their charge and were shot up by the tacticals and finished off by the SG, which ended the game on turn 4. Everything else was effective against the hive tyrant and guards, and the big shooty monster.


The campaign bonuses were cool; my warlord gets to roll the dice before deciding which table to choose from for warlord traits. This combined with veritas vitae is just awesome. The tacticals got a 6+ invul. 

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The nids have lost all their games so far, I think 8 games between 3 nid players. Didn't help that one of their warlord monsters blew its own head off (...sorry...lol...) ...yes, and did it again in the next game, both on turn one.

Aaaannd, that's why we play 40k. Right? biggrin.png

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