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New Longfang box as Chosen/Havocs?

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So, I'm not sure if anyone else has seen what's in the new Longfang boxset, but it contains: 2 heavy bolters, 2 plasma cannons, a missile launcher, 2 las cannons, 2 power fists, 5 chainswords, 5 bolt guns, 4 bolt pistols, 4 plasma pistols, a plasma gun, a multi melta, a frost sword, thunder hammer and storm shield, a pair of wolf claws, a storm bolter and a frost axe.



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It has 0 autocannons and auto cannons are the only weapons you want on your havocks, so unless someone wants the bodies, the set doesn't realy work well for havocks.


as far as chosen goes. you need 5 plasmaguns. May as well buy normal dudes and clone plasma then buy 5 boxs of LF to get 1 box of 5 chosen.

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