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New codex already?


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Over on the other very popular website, that starts with a 'W", there are rumblings that we are getting a reset by way of a new codex already?  I hope this is true, and we get Chaos armor, demon weapons, and an army with testicles back.

Go over there and check it out.

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Though, with the equally salty rumor of Adam Troke being commissioned on how to represent the Legions, if any of this is True (who knows it may be) we might be in store for something actually...Good?!


We shall see...I'm trying really hard not to hope since the 2 most recent codices (soon to be 3 with GK) have, imo, been rather good though far from perfect.

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There are rumours going around of a supplement and also a Fantasy army book. Treat rumours with a ton (or two) of salt until you see something more official. Less disappointment that way ;)
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Over on the other very popular website, that starts with a 'W", there are rumblings that we are getting a reset by way of a new codex already?  I hope this is true, and we get Chaos armor, demon weapons, and an army with testicles back.


Go over there and check it out.

I haven't been to Warseer in a long time, but are these the rumours by Voice of the Chaos Gods?


If so, I would put very, very little stock in them. He has a terrible track record, so hoping for anything he says to come true will only lead to disappointment. Not saying it's impossible (he has gotten a few things right), but don't get your hopes up.


That all said, I don't think GW is at all finished with Chaos in 7th edition. With the super-flexible way armies can be constructed in this edition, I would not be surprised if GW starts rolling out Codex expansions that introduce bigger changes than supplements. After GK next week, there are only 3 softback codices left to go...

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My local GW has a poster in the window with 'The End Times are Coming' written in blood on it, and there wasn't anything to suggest which system it was referring to. Could be new things for us, could just be new Fantasy Chaos.



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My local GW has a poster in the window with 'The End Times are Coming' written in blood on it, and there wasn't anything to suggest which system it was referring to. Could be new things for us, could just be new Fantasy Chaos.




That poster probably refers to the Fantasy campaign and the return of Nagash. 


I wouldn't expect a codex this year but Q1/Q2 2015 doesn't seem unlikely with the release speed GW has picked up.

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As long as something comes. This codex is bad, it needs to get going, and quick.

If it's so bad, how come there are still so many people using it?


Until there is more information I can't see this topic going anywhere except a glorified 'our codex is terrible, GW hates us' direction which there are already places to discuss. Feel free to prove me wrong though.

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As long as something comes. This codex is bad, it needs to get going, and quick.

If it's so bad, how come there are still so many people using it?


I really don't think that many people are: most tournaments hardly see a bloom from recent memory. 

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That's a vacuum assessment. Don't forget the massive tide of counts as from the previous codex, as well as the allies change to supporting csm hasn't exactly recovered.


Unfortunately tournaments are the only reliable source of player saturation numbers. Context shows the same number of players who've been here for years, to Heresy players and the occasional experimental loyalist.

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My local GW has a poster in the window with 'The End Times are Coming' written in blood on it, and there wasn't anything to suggest which system it was referring to. Could be new things for us, could just be new Fantasy Chaos.



My local GW has updated their FB page with the same picture...

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Might be part of Fantasy rather than 40k. Though if its pure demons, with a few exceptions, they are easily interchangeable. Also that salty rumor didn't mention (afaik) if it was fantasy or 40k

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