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New codex already?


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So, new GK Codex is coming.

And, I'm hearing that new Inquisition, Chaos, Blood Angels, Necrons codexes are coming ......it MUST BE ALL TRUE.

But who knows, GW has been pulling some surprising things out of the Warp recently.


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I'll be excited if I get free models, this is my curiosity.


As I said I don't expect anything from the rumor. They may very well just shift all the codexes with minor updates for more 7th compatibility, but I very much doubt GW is pulling the stops when the BL and CS supps already work for 6.5.

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with 8.1...its...tolerable... Still when I bought a laptop to replace my dead one and was stuck with it...boy did i spend some time gutting out all the useless crap...


WindowBlinds, Rainmeter and 8.1 make the OS what I want it to be (as much as possible) while hiding much of the ugly.

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New codex would be nice, but in the end would likely be no better than the lasy two. Regardless, its not happening before necrons, deldar, and bangles get theirs, at the very least. And the nurgle rumors are supposedly fantasy csm stuff, nothing 40k related, except maybe as conversion fodder. This rumor, especially from voice, and especially mentioning legion rules, and especially[/i] with design details so very long before release when gw's had such a tight lid on things lately, strikes me as just the same old usual csm trolling click bait.
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