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Blood Angel List help in 7th ED


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Afternoon Guys,

I'm getting some help from one of the guys here but would like everyone's opinion as well.

I'm struggling in 7th ed with deamon princes and armour/tank armies, I enjoy playing to my armies fluff (fast and in your face) but I really need some help kicking ass again. I need help making a 1500, 1750, 1850 and 2000p list. I'm also keen to buy one or two more kits but would like some help on what to get next? I don't want to go too crazy as I'm hoping my codex gets updated soon - hopefully with new models.

I like the idea of a vanguard squad but they are so pricey points wise? I can't really get anything from Forgeworld as I am from South Africa and it's super pricey, but most GW kits I can get within a week or two.

Here is everything I currently have:

Full Blood Angels Force (2715pts)

0pt Blood Angels: Codex (2010), Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) Roster (Allied Detachment, Fortification Detachment)
Blood Angels: Codex (2010) (Allied Detachment) Selections:

HQ (520pts)

Astorath the Grim (220pts)

Captain Tycho (175pts)
Captain Tycho, Blood Angels Death Company

Librarian (125pts)
Epistolary - lvl 2 (25pts)
Power Armour
Bolt Pistol, Force stave

Elites (65pts)
Sanguinary Priest (65pts)
Power Armour (15pts)
Chainsword, Infernus Pistol (15pts)

Troops (1415pts)
Assault Squad (140pts)
4x Assault Marines (72pts), Infernus Pistol (15pts), Retain Jump Packs
Assault Sergeant (53pts)
Bolt Pistol, Power Fist (25pts)

Assault Squad (145pts)
4x Assault Marines (72pts), Infernus Pistol (15pts), Retain Jump Packs
Assault Sergeant (58pts)
Infernus Pistol (15pts), Power Weapon (15pts)

Death Company (335pts)
10x Bolt Pistol, 9x Chainsword, 12x Death Company Marine (240pts), 2x Infernus Pistol (30pts), 2x Power Fist (50pts), Power Weapon (15pts)

Death Company Dreadnought (125pts)
Blood Fists

Death Company Dreadnought (135pts)
Blood Talons, Replace Storm Bolter with Heavy Flamer (10pts)

Scout Squad (85pts)
Missile Launcher (10pts), 4x Scouts (52pts), 3x Sniper Rifle
Scout Sergeant (23pts)
Bolter, Sniper Rifle

Tactical Squad (180pts)
Missile Launcher, Plasmagun (10pts), 9x Tactical Marine (144pts)
Tactical Sergeant (26pts)
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

Tactical Squad (270pts)
Missile Launcher, Plasmagun (10pts), 9x Tactical Marine (144pts)

Razorback (90pts)
Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasma Gun (35pts)

Tactical Sergeant (26pts)
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

Fast Attack (190pts)
Land Speeder Squadron (190pts)

Land Speeder (90pts)
Assault Cannon (40pts), Heavy Bolter

Land Speeder (100pts)
Multimelta (10pts), Typhoon Missile Launcher (40pts)

Heavy Support (365pts)
Predator (135pts)
Autocannon, Lascannon (65pts)

Stormraven Gunship (230pts)
Hurricane Bolter Sponsons (30pts), Twin Linked Lascannon, Twin Linked Multi Melta

Fortification (160pts)
Vengeance Weapons Battery (160pts)

Battle Cannon (85pts), Quad Icarus lascannon (75pts)

Excuse me if I posted anything I shouldn't, will someone just let me know and i'll edit it.

Thanks for the help in advance...cool.png ph34r.png

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First of all, welcome to the forums!



Second, it might be helpful if you would describe your play-style or at least what you are looking to get out of that list of models you have :) What I mean is that if you get several list advices, that none of fits your desires, you might be very disappointed at the end. It’s always good to understand what sort of army someone is expecting to get out of the list at the end to help him properly.



Lastly, there might be few similar topics on what is "good/bad" in 7th ed even some nice list guides so if you struggle with the previous question, perhaps you might find inspiration there.



Hope it helps




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Okay, so, first things first.  


In 7th Ed, Mephy isnt as good as he once was, but that doesn't mean he's useless.  


He gets three rolls on whichever table you choose (ideally Biomancy).


Thats a GREAT start.  The next solid start is a Furioso Dread.  The "Fraggy" dread is just an amazing amazing boon.  In a pod he gets great placement which can cause havoc for Bretts doggies, or Matts Chimera's and other tanks in the back line. Not only does the frag cannon just POUR out the hits, but the av13 means only the DPs will really kill it in combat. 


The DPs are rough.  You really do need a good flyer for that.  The Raven is good. The Raptor is better. But, the Raven is fine. Mephy can go toe to toe with most of them, especially if he rolls well on Biomancy!


The DC are amazing- especially when led by a reclusiarch/chaplain.  


You have a lot of different options available to you, though so its hard to recommend one list without knowing or getting a feel for your playstyle! 


What you may want to do is take a look through the batreps on this board.  I do batreps of every major tourney there is, and you can maybe get a feel for how the BA play through that. There are also some very, very strong players on here that do the same! So, find their reports.


If i had to recommend a 1500....id say something like:

Libby (lvl2, JP) -150


Furioso - Frag, Magna, Melta  (140)

Pod (35)


10x ASM - 2MG, Fist (235)

5x ASM - MG.  (110)  (you want these guys in the razor for the discount!)

Razor - las/plas  (55)

5x ASM - FlmrMG.  (105) 

Razor - las/plas  (55) 

8 DC - Fist, 2 Axes,1 Fist  (try get an axe or two, on the charge thats 10x S6 attacks at ap2!!)

DC Dread  - Snippy Claws   (Id go for bashy claws usually- depends how much 2+ you're up against, but the snippy claws are sick too).



Quad Icarus Battery.



I dont think its ideal! But it uses what you have a little more.  Id really want to get another Raven in there. 

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I'm currently leading my DC with Astorath and a DC Dread (snippy Claws, probably best to change to bashy claws) in a raven. Is Astorath worth taking at his current points cost?

Also I see your list replaces the Assault marines Jump packs with a razorback? would that be better than deep striking them?

How would you play your libby?


No chaplain for the DC in your above list? (kinda the reason I take Astorath with my DC)


Your ASM, does the entire squad have CC weapons still with a MG?


Currently looks like I'll need another Razorback and a ASM squad


Thanks for the help everyone!

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Thats a GREAT start.  The next solid start is a Furioso Dread.  The "Fraggy" dread is just an amazing amazing boon.  In a pod he gets great placement which can cause havoc for Bretts doggies, or Matts Chimera's and other tanks in the back line. Not only does the frag cannon just POUR out the hits, but the av13 means only the DPs will really kill it in combat. 



I really like the idea of the Dread...

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The fact that you can 3 of them in an army is amazing too.  With 5 pods, that means 3 come in turn one.  But thats much, much later. 

For now....


Astorath is cool, but not worth his points. Where he does become good is when you're doing 1 of two things; Playing multiple DC squads, or maxing out the number of models and units than can benefit from fearless/FC (eg: assault squads, attack bikers and small 5man ASM squads- possibly with a PW upgrade (since we get veteran status built in).  


Rather shave 90 points and get a Reccy.  


The libby would likely roll on Divination table opening up some amazing options for your assault marines (including rerolls).  In your list., though,  you can easily switch out the Libby for the Reccy!  He's just as hardy.


As for the ASM in razors- the idea behind them is twofold.  1:  You get a scoring fast vehicle that is objective secured.  2:  You get a decent squad inside that can claim or derp about if need be, or stay back if need be.  Most importantly theyre discounted (35 points off if you remove JP and buy a vehicle!)


The 5man squad has the assault weapons, and 1 duder has a MG

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Thats a GREAT start.  The next solid start is a Furioso Dread.  The "Fraggy" dread is just an amazing amazing boon.  In a pod he gets great placement which can cause havoc for Bretts doggies, or Matts Chimera's and other tanks in the back line. Not only does the frag cannon just POUR out the hits, but the av13 means only the DPs will really kill it in combat. 


I'll just echo what Morticon said and suggest Fragnoughts. They are great units and they can operate pretty independently from the rest of your army so they work well with most lists. Great buy when you are still finding a direction for your army IMO.


Check out Brother Corbulo as well. With a 3+ save and 2+ feel no pain he can absorb a lot of fire. You could squeeze him in the list Morticon gave if dropped a few special weapons and a model from the DC unit. He's probably better in larger point games though.

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Thats a GREAT start. The next solid start is a Furioso Dread. The "Fraggy" dread is just an amazing amazing boon. In a pod he gets great placement which can cause havoc for Bretts doggies, or Matts Chimera's and other tanks in the back line. Not only does the frag cannon just POUR out the hits, but the av13 means only the DPs will really kill it in combat.

I'll just echo what Morticon said and suggest Fragnoughts. They are great units and they can operate pretty independently from the rest of you army so they work well with most lists. Great buy when you are still finding a direction for your army IMO.


Check out Brother Corbulo as well. With a 3+ save and 2+ feel no pain he can absorb a lot of fire. You could squeeze him in the list Morticon gave if dropped a few special weapons and a model from the DC unit. He's probably better in larger point games though.

About corbulo - easy to understand why his price puts people off around the 1500 (and often lower) points mark but IMHO that's ironic, as in lower point games his impact is even more disproportionately insane.


The amount of wounds he can soak up, at 1500 points he will drive your oppo crazy once he realises he has nothing more to shoot with yet hasn't even put a wound on corbulo's unit.

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About corbulo - easy to understand why his price puts people off around the 1500 (and often lower) points mark but IMHO that's ironic, as in lower point games his impact is even more disproportionately insane.

The amount of wounds he can soak up, at 1500 points he will drive your oppo crazy once he realises he has nothing more to shoot with yet hasn't even put a wound on corbulo's unit.

Shaezuz, that's a good point. You don't want to be too thin in numbers, but you're right. Taking Corbs generally isn't a mistake laugh.png.

I had another thought for you, Supremacy. I would go for a captain or a reclusiarch over a librarian if I was you. If you play daemons pretty frequently your opponent will have so many more dice to throw out during the psychic phase that I doubt one librarian is worth it. I'd opt for the reclusiarch, especially if you bring some death company.

Just my two cents!

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I had another thought for you, Supremacy. I would go for a captain or a reclusiarch over a librarian if I was you. If you play daemons pretty frequently your opponent will have so many more dice to throw out during the psychic phase that I doubt one librarian is worth it. I'd opt for the reclusiarch, especially if you bring some death company.

Yeah, especially when I play choas against a certain player he has a million dice to roll every psychic phase...

So on my next buys are:

Razorback las/plas

5 man assualt squad

BA Dread to build a frag dread

Drop pod

I'll keep this post alive posting results and how the tweaks fared ...

Thanks everyone for your help.ph34r.png

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