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Converted armies you'd love to see on the table top

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Word Bearers as codex SM with guard allies. Redeemer as a fiery mobile shrine, autogun cultists as guard platoons (with eviscerator-wielding preachers), cult sorcerer as primaris psyker, LRBT hulls covered in script, chosen as sternguard kitted out with FW weapons, ironclad helbrute, counts-as Grimaldus for a truly zealous Apostle with a creepy retinue of familiars (Firepower do not read this post)


I'd like to see a Knights of Blood army as well, a BA successor with a fallen-from-splendour theme would be very interesting. Being excommunicated, they'd be forced to rely on replaced, scavenged and hastily repaired wargear.

I'd also like to see a grounded in reality rag-tag militia rebel army who are oppsed to Imperial rule during the great crusade. Basically guerrilla fighters made up of civilian men & women of all ages, using scavenged weapons/equipment/vehicles etc that have no religious motivation, just simply they like things the way they are and dont want anything to do with the imperium. Possibly nomadic in nature, their numbers fuelled by refugees.


Due to scarce resources they are limited to small, and often suicidal raids and sabotage. Modelling-wise it would be interesting to show the scale of simple civilian humans and contrast against the Imperial Guard, Space Marines or even against Dark Eldar raiding parties, etc.


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