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Thousand Sons


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I am working on a 1k Sons list.  This is list is meant to be fluffy and fun but still competitive enough to be fun at my local game store without getting steam rolled.  I mostly want to use 1k Sons Space Marines as my primary force.  I also have two sets of the Dark Vengeance chaos forces.  So even if they are not the most effective I will be using them. 


I have never played CSM armies or anything Chaos in 40k.  Please help me kit out what I have and organize it into a fun army.  I do want to avoid using too much heavy armor at this point.  Until I can buy some Tomb Kings, and possibly Necron stuff to convert I don't want the standard Chaos Heavy options.



List of stuff:

20 1k Sons Models

4 1k Sons Sorcerers


2 Boxes of Dark Vengeance Stuff

     40 cultists

     16 Marines

     2 Hell Brutes


What are your thoughts?

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Tzeentch daemons compliment Thousand Sons quite well. I would consider them as some allies. Screamers, horrors, heralds, soul grinder and lord of change are all good choices. 


From the CSM book i would suggest getting some obliterators (they cover all the specialist weapon options TS lack), spawn and mauler fiends are also decent.


btw soul grinders are about 200% superior to defilers imo.

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Shugg has some good suggestions, my KSons cult usually runs something like this as basic at 2000 points:



Sorc, ML3, MoT, AoDG, Brand (I tend to pick 1 Tzeentch power, then 2 telepathy, swapping one for psychic shriek)


2x 9 Thousand Sons, sometimes with Rhinos

1x 17 cultists with autoguns (sorc tends to hide here)

1x 18 cultists with CC weapons (sacrificial bubble wrap)


Daemon Contingent:


Herald ML3 (Divination usually, as I don't have the models and am not mean enough to take demonology)

17x Horrors

Soul Grinder, MoT, Phlegm


Then I tend to pile on the heavy support and add anti tank and AP1/2 from somewhere. This obviously is a fairly fluffy list but it tends to do okay at my local gamestore against similar style lists. Thousand Sons are very expensive for what they do (and not having Brotherhood of Psykers means your Asp Sorcs tend to murder themselves) but they can really surprise you if you use them well. I don't tend to run helbrutes (don't fit my model aesthetic, will get a Sons Contemptor when they eventually arrive) but they give you some short range anti tank with their multi meltas and some assault threat as well.


If you want to expand your CSM and stay vehicle light:


Spawn are good, wouldn't bother with MoT on them though.

Oblits are pretty good and cover some of the anti-tank, especially if you want to run vehicle light

Maybe some Raptors? 2 specials per 5 is nice and they can make a good flanking unit.

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Thanks for the help.   I don't have any Daemons of Tzeench so they will have to be purchased later.  I do have a couple of spawn kicking around in my WHF stuff.  I will just magnetize the bases so I can swap them out. 


I know that Hellbrutes from DV aren't that great but I have them so might as well use them.  Plus they have the multimelta's for anti tank. I am hoping to come up with a fluffy back story to go along with them. 


I want to kitbash up some soul grinders that have a more Egyptian theme.


Again thanks for the advice.

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I am working on a 1k Sons list.  This is list is meant to be fluffy and fun but still competitive enough to be fun at my local game store without getting steam rolled.  I mostly want to use 1k Sons Space Marines as my primary force.  I also have two sets of the Dark Vengeance chaos forces.  So even if they are not the most effective I will be using them. 


I have never played CSM armies or anything Chaos in 40k.  Please help me kit out what I have and organize it into a fun army.  I do want to avoid using too much heavy armor at this point.  Until I can buy some Tomb Kings, and possibly Necron stuff to convert I don't want the standard Chaos Heavy options.



List of stuff:

20 1k Sons Models

4 1k Sons Sorcerers


2 Boxes of Dark Vengeance Stuff

     40 cultists

     16 Marines

     2 Hell Brutes


What are your thoughts?


2 Squads of 10 Thousand Sons for anti-infantry

2 Helcult packs - each with 1 Helbrute & 20 Cultists (latter for 3+ Cover) for anti-armor


Convert 1 model for a Sorceror HQ


Should be about 1K points for start.

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I don't have book yet so I am not sure what the Helcult Pack is.  How do they work? 


Also I don't know about the rest of you but I don't like the way the sorceror is holding a powersword so I clipped it off to give him a staff.

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The Hel cult is in the Helbrute dataslate that you can get from Black Library, rather than being in the CSM book. Basically you take 2 squads of cultists and a helbrute in a seperate formation and they get some extra rules and restrictions.

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Sorcerer, MoT, ML3

Sorcerer, MoT, ML3



8 Rubrics TS, Sorcerer, Rhino

8 Rubrics TS, Sorcerer, Rhino



10 cultists, autopistols, flamer

10 cultists Autoguns, dakka




10 cultists, autopistols, flamer

10 cultists Autoguns, dakka



Should be around 1200 pts, leaving you 300pts of fun things to bring it up to 1500.


I'd suggest long range firepower. 3 obbies, maybe 2 obbies and a autolas pred?


This army gives you a hell of a lot of hard to shift, fearless troops, but is severly lacking in punch. You'll be trying to outmaneuver the enemy, as opposed to smashing them. Make them come and remove you from objectives. 

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I don't have book yet so I am not sure what the Helcult Pack is.  How do they work? 


Also I don't know about the rest of you but I don't like the way the sorceror is holding a powersword so I clipped it off to give him a staff.


Helcult is 1 Helbrute and 2 squads of Cultists. They cost the same as if you were to buy them from the regular Codex: Chaos Space Marine.


They also have the same rules as Codex: Chaos Space Marine with the addition of the following:


The Helbrute gets an additional 3+ Cover Save from the Cultists (but each time a save is made 1 Cultist is removed). Helbrute also gives Cultists Fearless and if the Helbrute dies - it gives Cultists Zealot instead. Any close combat attacks from the Helbrute that roll 1 - hit a Cultist instead.

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Personally I'd add more Thousand Sons squads. The more Aspiring Sorcerers you have, the more effective your powerhouses - the Sorcerers - will be.


Also, get something to use as Ahriman. He is murder on legs in a psi list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey sorry everyone, I haven't been able to log in for about a week due to computer issues.  Anyway,  I have been working on my sons models.  No paint yet just cleaning, and building.   Looking at paint schemes and wondering a few things. 


First, I always have a problem with painting anything exactly as the original legion but the blue and gold looks soooo good.  However, I was thinking what about colors on a war band that is mostly separate from the main body of 1k sons.  I don't want to do red like the pre heresy models because I am already doing a red army with my Red Wolves.   What do you think would look good? 


Also I love more boots on the ground so I will probably end up with at least 40 regular marines and all the sorcerers I can squeeze in there.  In my back story several marines are going to be recently fallen from grace Imperial marines.  I will be mixing imperial marine bodies with Egyptian/Tzeench themed shoulder armor and helmets.  Of course there will still be some rubric marines in there but since they only have 2 torso styles and a few helmets from GW I had to mix it up with other stuff added in.  So I purchased the Egyptian theme stuff from Kromlech to add flavor.   I have ordered bases from Scibor and am all set.  Just have to decide on colors.


HELP!!! Thanks for all of your comments so far.

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I am a horrible painter myself. But an idea would be to play up the ancient Egypt angle and include lots of clean whites like the linen they wore. Maybe add a beastman or skaven head here or there for their anthropomorphic gods or mutation.
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If you use Dark Angel Veterans, or just greenstuff robes, for your regular CSM, you can give them linen robes over their blue and gold armour?


You could also give them black or white armour and then keep the blue and gold to decorate their robes with, although that might look a bit like they're black legionnaires on loan.

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You could also use a dark turquoise as the main colour, more like the Khemri scheme. Still with cold decorations. That would go great with yellow for the headdresses and white for the linen. Some people around here do that. 

Like this fellow here, but a hint darker: 



I prefer a dark blue with normal bronze/gold and a very bright poping yellow for the stripes on the headdresses. 

like here:

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I like the idea of the white armor with blue, yellow, and turquoise as the highlight and fabric colors.  I will try to build a couple and do some test paints.  Thanks for all of the ideas.  I will post an update asap.

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Ahriman. You need to build you list around him to get the most out of him, but good, sweet Tzeentch! The recent update to his rules has made him an uter monster; far more fitting than he was before. I'd suggest something like the following:



Primary Detachment: Chaos Space Marines (CS base):






Sorcerer (MoT, Spell Familiar, Star of Mannon, Mastery level 3)





8 Thousand Sons


8 Thousand Sons


10 cultists (Helcult pack)


10 cultists (Helcult pack)





Helbrute (Helcult pack)



Allied detachment: Chaos Daemons: 




Herald of Tzeentch (Mastery level 3, Exalted Reward)




10 Pink Horrors


10 Pink Horrors



Comes to approximately 1500 points, upgrades etc allowing. I'd advise spending any spare points on something that has a little long range punch; a Tzeentchian Soul Grinder or Burning Chariot from the Daemons detachment, a Heldrake and/or a couple of Maulerfiends from the CSM codex. The Herald acts as a dedicated summoner, summoning more pink horrors, Heralds etc that act as Warp Charge batteries for Ahriman and his Sorcerer. I'd advise making at least one roll on Sanctic Daemonology with both Ahriman and the Sorcerer, as there is enormous synergy with that lore and Thousand Sons. In particular, if you happen to roll Gate of Infinity with Ahriman, you are laughing: he can hop around the batttlefield with his Thousand Sons unit laying utter waste to everything.

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I am trying to find some nice stand in stuff for the pink horrors since I don't like the GW models for those.  Do you have any suggestions?  I like to use other companies minis for things other than the actual marines.  I saw a guy do a large green housefly toy for his Nurgle helldrake.  It was very well done and in my mind represented his army theme better than the original. 

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Okay I am checking for bitz buys on ebay for the spirit hosts.  I am also building a defiler/soul grinder/warsphinx thing.  Trying to buy the bitz to get it done. 


My biggest problem is always that I get all excited about something buy all the stuff build half a unit then get bored and buy something else for another new shiny project.  Never actually completing anything. 


I have been working on my Red Wolves for 2 years.  Since then have picked up 3 additional Space Marine Chapters, an IG army, Ork army, and Now 1k Sons....... I have 40k ADHD. 


The Red Wolves did get me into casting my own shoulder armor since I couldn't find enough bitz buys to give everyone a sculpted wolf head shoulder guard.  So that is cool and made it way easier for me to customize my other chapters.  A friend of mine sculpted up some Carcharodon Shoulder Armor and I have been casting the reprints to make an army of them.  Doing something similar for Iron Hands, Raven Guard, Imperial Fists....... and a chapter my friend made up himself.  Oh and a small detachment of old style beastman guard.


I am like the dog on the cartoon UP that sees a squirrel accept with 40k.  I am hoping to stay interested long enough to actually paint something and post it up. 

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Following the HtP: Warriors of Chaos guide:




- Stegadon Green

- Drakenhoff Nightshade

- Temple Guard Blue

- Lothern Blue




- Rakarth Flesh

- Carroburg Crimson

- Rakarth Flesh

- Pallid Wytch Flesh



- Leadbelcher

- Nuln Oil

- Guilleman Blue

- Runefang Steel




- Gehenna's Gold

- Seraphim Sepia

- Auric Armour Gold




- Stirland Mud

- Tyrant Skull

- Middenland Turf

- Steel Legion Drab


Detail Brush, Fine Detail Brush, all is done on top of a Chaos Black (spray) basecoat. 

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First off thanks for the color choice help. 


They are a chaos war band that primarily focuses on bringing the enlightened truth of Tzeench to the unwashed masses of the galaxy and recruiting new LIVING chaos marines into the ranks.  They will be wearing a mixture of traditional Chaos armor-Tzeench style, and looted imperial armor from space hulks and convert marines.   I decided that I will go with White armor, blue robes and fabric, gold, red, and black accents. This is to represent the light of knowledge (white) and still pay homage to the primary force of 1k Sons under Magnus (blue & gold) and a rememberance of Prospero lost (red and black).  Their High Sorcerer (Ariman Stand in) was commissioned by Magnus to grow the ranks and spread the glory of Tzeench.


I am planning to actually play these both in 40k and if I can find some people to play with 30k as well.  Since I want to make many more marines than a 40k force would allow for.


Penny for your thoughts?

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Uhm, Magnus' Thousand Sons are red and gold. ^^; The blue is Ahriman's splinter warband colour.

If I remember "Battle of the Fang" correctly, Magnus' Thousand Sons are blue and gold as well. There is some artwork of Heresy era TS in blue armour before the Rubric, but after the Burning of Prospero.

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