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Thousand Sons


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My interpretation of the Thousand Sons colour scheme based on the events in Ahriman: Exile, was that...

the Thousand Sons were coloured BBlue and Gold by the storm. Amon, who wanted to return things to the way before the Rubric, painted his dudes in red and gold.

When Ahriman took charge, he returned the TS to their new colours.


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Or a personal view. It might simply be that Ahriman believes only he and those who were exiled with him wear the blue even though we have other sources such as The Masters, Bidding that show pretty much most of them wear blue.


Although, I'm confused. Which interpretation is correct? The one present only Ahriman wears blue, or the one that says only Amon an his followers wear red?

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But is it really that important the colour for some sorcerers who can change it at whim and for whom their patron god usually does the same constantly? It is almost of no consequence if one Thousand Sons are red and some other blue, that are most probably just the colours in which they wish to appear at the moment to appease the onlookers. We speak of Thousand Sons people, lies, deceit, intrigue all are perfectly viable tools in their arsenal and the colours of their plate are perhaps their first tool to fool their enemies. It is Tzeentch people, not some honour bound servants of Khorne are you. You breath lies and seek truths, in others not in yourselves...

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Uhm, Magnus' Thousand Sons are red and gold. ^^; The blue is Ahriman's splinter warband colour.

The Great Crusade-era Thousand Sons are red and gold. Following the Heresy, they trade in the red for cobalt blue.



I've not yet decided how best to paint mine actually - the former is very tempting...

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I think it would be fun to do an army for the 30k rules once they come out for them.  I would Make some with the Red and Gold using Forge World models that are sure to come out for them, Blue and Gold for the existing models that are out, and White and Gold for the ones that I am making my own war band out of.   I don't know if you have looked at the 30k rules but it requires lots more boots on the ground.

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I don't think it's ever been stated specifically when the Thousands Sons changed colour scheme - just hinted or implied in artwork - so there's bound to be some literary discrepancies, so I would do whichever you want. Obviously a force representing the Sons before the burning of Prospero should probably be some variation of red and gold (although all the FW HH books have variations on the traditional schemes in their pictures). Personally I much prefer blue and gold, so that's how I paint mine with the general idea that they represent the legion post-Prospero, having daemon allies and all.

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I love the discussion of the colors.  This would make it so that you could really do either blue or red and even before the HH wars are over you would still be correct.  Makes me wonder what marks of armor FW will put out when they get their 30k stuff... I hope they do the same helmets that are on the Novel covers of the art work for the red painted armor. 

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I love the discussion of the colors.  This would make it so that you could really do either blue or red and even before the HH wars are over you would still be correct.  Makes me wonder what marks of armor FW will put out when they get their 30k stuff... I hope they do the same helmets that are on the Novel covers of the art work for the red painted armor. 


I think that is generally what BL/FW/GW strive for, you being able to paint and play your chapter/legion however you want. Even during the Great Crusade there's no particular reason a specific crusade fleet wouldn't have adopted a different colour scheme in memory of some great victory or event (think about the advent of the Deathwing for example). It's your choice to do something like that if you want to represent an aspect or part of the legion/chapter/whatever that isn't the 'mainstream'.


The last FW openday pic had some concept art of the Thousand Sons helmets and armour that looked very cool, I think there are pics in the thread for it on this board.

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But as mentioned earlier, we don't know when they change colors exactly. At the moment, we're three years into the Heresy and the last we heard of the XV was a long distance phone call from Magnus back in year one. Who know what is happening in the Eye?
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But as mentioned earlier, we don't know when they change colors exactly. At the moment, we're three years into the Heresy and the last we heard of the XV was a long distance phone call from Magnus back in year one. Who know what is happening in the Eye?


 I for one, am optimistic, I'm sure Magnus has sat down with his remaining sons and had a big talk about not over-reacting or starting some wild plan to 'solve all the legions proble....' Oh Bugger....

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For my Thousand Sons i have :




Sorcerer (Sayl the faithless)


5 chosen sorcerer of thousand sons


9 terminators


1 hellbrute of thousand son of fw


3x9 thousand sons


22 cultist


3 chaos land raider with thousand sons sprue


1 predator


1 helldrake


3 spawn


2 daemon prince of tzeench


49 pink horrors


9 screamers


6 heralds of tzeench


2 Lord of Change




Aetaos Rau Keres


6 flamers

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My 1000 pt lists tend to revolve around


Sorceror, MoT, ML3, AoDG


9x Thousand Sons in Rhino


17x Cultists with autoguns


18x Cultists with autoguns


3x Spawn with MoN (My Sons prefer their Nurgle enemies to make themselves useful to the Changer of Ways before they are disposed off)


Pred with TLLC and LCS


Pred with AC, HBS, Havoc Launcher and Warpflame Gargoyles.

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Most of my games tend to be team games, 2v2, 1000 points per person. Sometimes we combine the force org (especially for more expensive armies where HQ and 2 troops is pricey) but I also field my list like this for small 1000 point games. I find it tends to work well, we usually play maelstrom these days so I use the cultist squads as my slowly advancing backfield, spreading them out in cover to claim objectives, the spawn and the Ksons rhino go upfield to claim objectives and kill stuff. The spawn are excellent for this, super quick, tough to kill and pretty easy to hide. The Sons in their rhino tend to be a bit of a target though, they tend to get deboxed quickly as I don't have the vehicle saturation to protect them (it's not a competitve list by any means). The las pred always does okay, it's a good unit in such a low points list I feel as it can put the hurt on just about any vehicle. The dakka pred has been disappointing recently, even as cheap as it is for so many shots. I may well replace it but 112 points just isn't that much so I may just learn to use it a little better :)

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