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Thousand Sons


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I'd swap the dakka pred for a tri las cone, the auto cannon just can't really threaten anything bar landspeeders.
My Thousand sons list or 1000pts in 6th was this:
10 strong thousand son squad

10 Strong Thousand son squad
2 Las preds
Maybe swap Ahriman for a level three sorcerer with MOT, spell familiar and AODG and use the points to buy either rhinos/raptors or an Obliterator, I need to try it out and see how it does in 7th.
What sort of lists do you face at that level?

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I do, in bigger games and if I dropped Ahriman I do have rhinos, it's just between getting good sized rubric squads for troops, a hq and enough fire power to have some ranged potential it just eats up your points.
But yeah, a sorcerer launched various witchfires out of a Rhino is fun.

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The ranged firepower extra TS bodies gives you is, I find, generally cancelled out by the turn they have to march across the board. By the time they get within 12" of the enemy, they have usually taken a casualty or two. The rhino gets them within 12" sooner, to be more effective.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So had 1000pts against raven gaurd, I rolled master fo deception and 2 units, whilst my opponent  got to infiltrate 3 units, 2 5 man assault squads and vanguard squad, whilst his iron clad, librarian and chapter master  held back.
In many ways I think unbound armies are helping us as people will go fot he MSU approach rather then larger squads, which means generally a 10 trong rubric squad can gun them down in one turn after disembarking and then getting back inot if they need to next turn.

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Tbf it allowed him a first turn charge against one of my preds, destroying it which if we hadn't been playing on the store's new city board or he had more armour then a single ironclad I would have been in trouble as I had somehow managed to roll boon on each and every sorcerer, as it was my anti armour capability was not hindered (melta bombs and a staff sorcerer with iron arm countered it.
I'm not sure on Ahriman though, as the points you pay for him is a lot, I will try and use him next game and see what happens.

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Soo glad it has finally cooled off to below 100 degrees F.  I don't paint much over the summer because it is just too hot to focus.  Most of my bitz purchases are finished with just two batches left to come in the mail.  After that it is back to building and painting for the next couple of months.

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