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Giant Chaos Spawns

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So I've heard of people using the Slaughterbrute model for the Giant Chaos Spawn, and I'm thinking of getting two of them. 4+D6 S6 AP2 attacks on the charge? Yes please! Yeah they're slow (if they didn't have Fleet I probably wouldn't bother, however they are only 80pts each), but combine that with a squad or two of regular Spawn and that could be a nice combination!

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The Slaughter / Muta being the size of Rhinos (and slightly taller), they are quite handy in blocking LOS.


And, its much less discomforting paiting the 'rear' of the above than that of the actual FW model. :P


Mutation 1 & 2 are ho hum.... but man, 3 is godly.

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I think I'd like to run three in an 1500 or maybe even 1850 list. I mean, for a 4+ save (though not by any means spectacular, but good enough for a save in CC and small arms fire) T6 4W and D6+4 S6 AP2 attacks on the charge, that is a lot for 80pts!

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So I've heard of people using the Slaughterbrute model for the Giant Chaos Spawn, and I'm thinking of getting two of them. 4+D6 S6 AP2 attacks on the charge? Yes please! Yeah they're slow (if they didn't have Fleet I probably wouldn't bother, however they are only 80pts each), but combine that with a squad or two of regular Spawn and that could be a nice combination!

Which book are they in? Im very interested in making one myself :D

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So I've heard of people using the Slaughterbrute model for the Giant Chaos Spawn, and I'm thinking of getting two of them. 4+D6 S6 AP2 attacks on the charge? Yes please! Yeah they're slow (if they didn't have Fleet I probably wouldn't bother, however they are only 80pts each), but combine that with a squad or two of regular Spawn and that could be a nice combination!

Which book are they in? Im very interested in making one myself :D

Imperial Armor Apocalypse =]

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I wish they'd roll them into the main codex, I still get dual riptide players deny me a storm eagle, for thrones sake.

You know you can just deny him the use of more than one riptide right? I mean, if he want to play using arbitrarily decided criteria for what legal units are ok or not, you can do the same and hopefully both of you can find some middle ground where both enjoy the game. GW will probably never port over FW units into their main books again, because all that does it take away sales from themselves. FW are now however fully endorsed by GW (they even allow Stompas in normal w40k games for crying out loud), so there is no need to roll any FW unit into their respective codex anymore anyway.

The baseline should however be that you can include stuff that is w40k legal in your games of w40k. tongue.png

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I fully agree with you, but the argument will always just be "no FW units, even 40k approved". Unfortunately as a stay at home dad I have to play whoever I can at the time I'm available. This is not GW's fault at all.


Personally I'll play against any legal unit and be happy for the game.


Edit- i should add that I had no problem before the last tourney, when an IH player took 2 contemptors in Lucius pods, a fellblade, Scorpius whirlwind and relic pres. He went on to kerbstomp everybody, though I feel it was his tactics rather then just unit selection that helped him win. Incidently it was my CSM fast list that almost beat him, fire raptor, 2 giant spawns, 3x3 spawn units and 3 maulers plus the support.

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This topic got me thinking, and I wonder, what base size is appropriate for the Giant Chaos Spawn?


It seems like the Spined Chaos Beast takes up a full oval base, but the Giant Chaos Spawn looks quite a bit smaller? Does it fit on a 60 mm base?


I'm considering buying a Jabberslythe (I love the model and wanted one in my army ever since I saw it, but as I don't play fantasy anymore it sort of slipped my mind until yesterday), but it seems to need the full 100 mm length of the fantasy base. However, it's a really narrow model and only just fills out the 50 mm width of the fantasy monster base.


I also play Zone Mortalis from time to time, and base width makes or breaks if a model can move around in that environment.


So, for anyone who knows, does the Giant Chaos Spawn fit on a 60 mm base? If it does I could make my own 60x100mm oval base for a Jabberslythe conversion and it will sort of fit both with the model it is suppose to represent and with the physical dimensions of the model I'm using.

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shame they take a whole elite slot each, but at 80pts.. i find them amazing. I like to run two and pray for infiltrate on the strategic warlord table.


If they're amazing, they're well set in our Elites slot, yeah? I mean, it's not like there's a whole lot going on there, right? I've been sitting out a while due to financial reasons, but when I'm trying to make a list I always seem to glaze over Elites to make choices from Fast Attack and Heavy Support (FASTA FASTA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA).


Seems a fun list to play this edition might include Maulers and Spawn great and small. Fun, I say. Not that I'm trying to beat my Chaos through the brick wall of 7th, thanks for the favors GW.


I fully agree with you, but the argument will always just be "no FW units, even 40k approved". Unfortunately as a stay at home dad I have to play whoever I can at the time I'm available. This is not GW's fault at all.


Personally I'll play against any legal unit and be happy for the game.


Edit- i should add that I had no problem before the last tourney, when an IH player took 2 contemptors in Lucius pods, a fellblade, Scorpius whirlwind and relic pres. He went on to kerbstomp everybody, though I feel it was his tactics rather then just unit selection that helped him win. Incidently it was my CSM fast list that almost beat him, fire raptor, 2 giant spawns, 3x3 spawn units and 3 maulers plus the support.


That's a damn shame. Can you and your fellow gamers work on him, subtle-like, maybe? Seems unsporting, taking blatantly powerful stuff like dual-'tide and claiming Forge World is too powerful for regular games.

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Idea for a funny Unbound list: Hq lord riding a steed of some sort, a bodyguard unit, and then giant and regular spawn in large numbers to fill out all the rest of the points value. Then, just call out all of your play in your best David Attenborough voice, and show your enemy the Chaos Wild Kingdom on Spawn Week :)

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Idea for a funny Unbound list: Hq lord riding a steed of some sort, a bodyguard unit, and then giant and regular spawn in large numbers to fill out all the rest of the points value. Then, just call out all of your play in your best David Attenborough voice, and show your enemy the Chaos Wild Kingdom on Spawn Week smile.png

Welcome to Spawn Park!!!

I really want to do this now :/

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I've run 2 Giant Spawn with a screen of 4 MoN Spawn each, just close to each other... not as a joined unit.  2 nice packs of hurt and all T6... my regular gaming buddy hates them already after only 2 games. 


I also put them on reg oval bases...



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Idea for a funny Unbound list: Hq lord riding a steed of some sort, a bodyguard unit, and then giant and regular spawn in large numbers to fill out all the rest of the points value. Then, just call out all of your play in your best David Attenborough voice, and show your enemy the Chaos Wild Kingdom on Spawn Week :)

You wouldn't have modelling tips for lords on steeds?

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Depends on the steed...


I've used the Skullcrushers box for Lord on a Juggernaut, its really easy to get a marine torso on those knight legs.  That was a good box to purchase as the bits have been feeding my conversions for a while.  I always thought a Ravaner tail would be good for Slaanesh, with some modification of course.  I've used the circular inserts of the Burning Chariot for a smaller Disk, and added some plasticard blades around it.  Im in the process now of trying to get a Palanquin figured out... and it's been the hardest since I'm trying to make sure that I can set a 25mm base into it.  That way I always have the option of on foot or a steed.  Which is an option that can be used for any of these really with a few well placed magnets.

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Ravener tails from 'Nids... it should be big enough to accommodate a marine torso, and they're already a bit spiky.  The 'Nid fins could be clipped and replaced with blades from the Talos kit.  I never thought Seeker steeds would be strong enough to carry a marine given their normal riders of 'Nettes.


The legs of the Hellstrider should be able to support a marine torso, you could dry fit it or blue tac it to see how it would look before gluing.

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Eh, everytime I see the rider bits, the rider body is what urks me. My problem being the legs seperate above the knees and the lower body is connected to a rider model I dislike.


I'll have to see the current Ravenor models, getting tired of looking at this gangly thing.

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My problem being the legs seperate above the knees and the lower body is connected to a rider model I dislike.



Ah, that's right, I remember that now.  


Cut the 'strider torso off?  Not ideal I know, but it could give a cleaner join to a Seeker.


I've been mixing some of the Fantasy Chaos armor with power armor for some unique suits, you might like it.  Although I can see the appeal of pure kit bash with little to no modification, I have passed beyond that stage and just about every model in my charge is modified to some extant.

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