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To Walk the Path of Glory


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Right, I've been a hobby slump at the moment but want to get back on the saddle so to speak. I've got some Blood Angels in the works but my true love is chaos.


Having seen all the excellent work my fellow heretics have out in is drawing me back but what to do? I want to dedicate myself to one of the Gods but I can't really decide which one.


As an added bonus. The rules don't matter for this project only what is cool.

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@incinerator that is cool but I'm not too keen on the drake.

@forte I want to be seduced by one of the gods so inspirational stuff followed by a general "you should follow x!" There are quite a few khorne players and I want to draw the slaanesh, nurgle and tzeentch lot out to show off what they've got. I need focus and something to work towards.

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First of all, good decision! There may be endless lamenting over the supposedly lacklustre rules of Chaos armies, but at the very least, a chaos force is a brilliant chance to really go crazy from a modeling, converting and painting standpoint.


As for which approach to take, a number of mono-god (or mono-legion) threads have recently started to form, so I suggest you start there in your search for inspiration:


- First up, of course, the glorious XIIth, the World Eaters

- The hedonistic Slaaneshi dogs seem to have amassed quite a few followers as well

- Then there's the rotting Hordes of Grandfather Nurgle

- and let's not forget the very active community of Night Lords, represented both by their community thread as well as this particularly inspiring gallery.


While I will always lobby for a Khornate force, I have been a follower of chaos long enough to realise that each of the powers does have its appealing aspects. In the end, it will probably come down to finding out which models you like most. And, of course, you can always mix and match different cult units and legions.


Taking a look at the links above should give you a pretty good introduction to the overall look and feel of several chaotic factions. The Forge section of the board would be another excellent resource, because chaos players seem to be very active over there. And you are very welcome to check out my own WIP thread, if I may be so bold ;)


Anyway, you've come to the right place! ;)

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I'm wondering whether to run tzeentch just to give them a bit of a show then. I usually leave the gods out of my armies because I haven't had the drive to run a mono list. Khorne has been the closest so far but with the HH and the dedicated threads popping up here I wanted to start something visually appealing.
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I've got the liber chaotica and almost all the chaos codices. Pretty on top of fluff and stuff. The problem is that no one god leaps out and goes "pick me!" Probably why the XVIIth are one of my go to legions.
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you could just try mixing all your bits in a box and have a lucky dip at what bits yo pull out and see where that takes you, or just start building minis and just enjoy the ride and try and make it into a force when you have some dudes built.

I wouldn't opt for tzeentch just because he is feeling unloved at the moment, think about what models you love and what fluff floats your boat, even if its a missmatch of units from different gods, mono build lists only became a 'thing' really in the 3.5 era, 1st and 2nd ed was still a chaotic mess of everything.

Also I wouldnt really take much notice to 'take x unit with y mark' just because it works for others doesnt mean it will work for you, none of my 5 chaos armies have the 'auto include to stand a chance' units and I ain't too shabby on the battlefield. Unless your one of them tourny 'must have uber killy list to kill local meta' types, then just ignore what I say, as I speak from having a love of chaos, not a love of WAAC.

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Either way, a mono force personally looks so much better (and makes more sense to my old brain).

Dito. When I fist started playing Fantasy Daemonic animosity was a big deal and I still twitch from seeing Khorne and Slaanesh mixed.

In my mind multi god armies are better suited to apocalypse and bigger battles in general where it makes sense that the different worshippers unite for a common cause.

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I think mixed forces usually look terrible when you stick to the classic legions' paint schemes for the various cult and troop types. If however, you settle on an overall look for your warband first, and then adapt it to the various cults, that can work like a charm. Dan the Daemon's NL army is a perfect example of this: They look great together, because he spent quite a bit of thought figuring out how to build and paint suitable representations for the various cults in his army. NL players in general seem to be pretty good at this, come to think of it...

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Either way, a mono force personally looks so much better (and makes more sense to my old brain).

Dito. When I fist started playing Fantasy Daemonic animosity was a big deal and I still twitch from seeing Khorne and Slaanesh mixed.

In my mind multi god armies are better suited to apocalypse and bigger battles in general where it makes sense that the different worshippers unite for a common cause.


Don't. I was having fits reading the Fantasy Armybook. Khorne Champ with stuff from other gods...no, just no. But that's another topic altogether.

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@Uprising. That's part of the problem. I want to build plague marines, bezerkers; I have an idea for a tzeentchian daemon prince and a slaaneshi one as well. To try and tame the wild beast of my imagination I sat and retread my old 3.5 codex (actually it was the replacement one since the first was so well thumbed) but it just made it worse. There are definitely things that I miss these days but the Rule of Cool must come first.


@slave. I hate tournaments with a fiery passion and I hate the kind of thinking that it spawns. I decent player will win without min/maxing against like minded individuals. I've been fortunate in my hobby life to have only met one person liked that and I crushed him with Crimson Fists (it was 4th ed and he was running an, until then, undefeated daemon army)

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@Uprising. That's part of the problem. I want to build plague marines, bezerkers; I have an idea for a tzeentchian daemon prince and a slaaneshi one as well. To try and tame the wild beast of my imagination I sat and retread my old 3.5 codex (actually it was the replacement one since the first was so well thumbed) but it just made it worse. There are definitely things that I miss these days but the Rule of Cool must come first.


You sound like me.  What I do is break chaos into six parts.  Part one is the largest and are WB, This contains my undivided(most csm, traitor guard/cultist, war machines, terminators, etc).  Then I have one for each god led by a few marines.  Khorne is led by a former WE and lead his bezerkers beside Daemons.  Nurgle is led by epid count as and have my plague zombies.  Slaanesh is all bikes.  Tzeentch followers are Cthulhu influenced.  Finally My DV DA are fallen that follow malice(he still a god imo). 


This way you can have a big central army, but still retain bits of everything chaos offers. 

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I actually like making the force of everyone painted differently (although Eyestabbing I feel fits chaos, so I'm not necessarily saying that it looks good. It feels very Chaos to me.

I would love to see Tzeentch get some love though, and I feel Tzeentch has some great room for rule of cool.

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