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HELP Heresy army


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Ok just got back from GenCon got a but load of stuff. 


Vulkan YES WOOHOOO!!!!!

1 squad of Fire Drakes these guys are amazing! 

1 squad pyro class Salamanders

3 Heresy Rhinos

30 Iron Armor MKIII

30 Salamander MKIII shoulder pads

30 Heresy Bolters Foxx Type?

5 Heresy Multi Meltas

1 Storm Eagle

3 sets of Salamander Rhino bits


Question is since it is a heresy army I was thinking that it should have the Heresy Rhino bits the cool round doors and the Rhino front with bulky windows what do you think? 

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Ok ok here is a teaser picture....





I forgot I did pick up the Heresy books too. My second favorite items next to Vulkan

Promising stuff there. Now the important thing is not to get intimidated by the sheer size of your stash... Next thing you know procrastination settles in.


So what is going to be the first squad then? How about the Pyroclasts? :yes:

Ok Price Break down in US Dollars

Vulkan $90

5 Fire Drakes $75

5 Pyroclass $55

30 Legion Iron Armor MK III $230

30 Salamander Legion MKIII Shoulders $45

30 Umbra Ferrox X10 Bolters $55

5 Legion Multi Melta set $21

1 Storm Eagle $160

3 Heresy Deimos Pattern Rhinos $175

3x Salamander Rhino Door Upgrades wont be used $60

30 Salamander Iron MK III Torsos $110

30 Salamander Heads  $55

Heresy Books 1-3 $350

$1481 Total at gencon for myself. Now my friends is another story. 


What I still need to get....

1 Salamander Contemptor Dread 

2x Multimelta arms

1x Heavy Flamer CC arm. Magnets for this guy

10 Flamers 


What I already have and painted for them

Bray'Arth Ashmantle with both CC Flammer/Melta Arms as he is in the Badab war / Heresy

Caestus Assault Ram

Predator Infernus

I think you need to go in with some washes and darker colors and pick out some of the detailing on things like the banner pole salamander head, and the heads on the sides of the sarcophagus-- they look a little "flat" to me.  Similarly, the metal looks a little too clean-- the dread is modelled on a volcanic base, at the very least there should be some ashy soot on the engine block and near the flamer barrels.  Just my 2 cents though. 



All that being said, it is a fantastic model; the basing in particular is quite eye catching. 


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