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I have an extra Scout Sniper Rifle and I know that I may have read somewhere that a certain legion used certain underhanded tactics and favoured a sniper specialist in their ranks. So yeah a Vindicare will be staple in my lists. I have seen him kill his fair share of models when I fought against the Grey Knights, he accounts for three of my lords dead, now I will deliver the same medicine to my adversary ...


< insert evil laugh here >.

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Ok, the Assassins look awesome. I think in time we will have to open a new topic... Today my Vindicare aka Exodus killed...


But really, the Vindicare would help every CSM army a lot. It brings some cheap AT weaponry and if fortune favours us he can be used to kill specific characters which have R 4-5. He is a great way to damage some Wave Serpents, or even kill the leaders of the Space Wolves who lack Eternal Warrior. In short, since we usually will park the Vindicare in some far away ruin (72'' range means that wherever he is he hits across the entire board) we can play it smart and not force checks due to Come the Apocalypse allies rules. 

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If he still has all the rules whereby HE can pick a specific target and not just hit the closest guy in a unit then yes indeed; great way of taking out specific weapons before they get to you.


Powerfist - Bang.

Multi-melta - Bang.

Sergeant / Character - Bang.

Psyker - Bang.


Plus I hope he still has his nifty rounds for specialised targets.

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If he still has all the rules whereby HE can pick a specific target and not just hit the closest guy in a unit then yes indeed; great way of taking out specific weapons before they get to you. Powerfist - Bang. Multi-melta - Bang. Sergeant / Character - Bang. Psyker - Bang. Plus I hope he still has his nifty rounds for specialised targets.


He can't just pick any more - he just has Precision Strike USR.


But he now has Ignores Cover for any shot. And Look Out Sir's against any Assassin are at -2 (50% fail).

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Guest arbitor marduk


Are they only for imperial armies or xan xenos and chaos take them?

Can be used with the "Come The Apocalypse" rule as an ally.


Ahh so probably not worth taking then?

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Are they only for imperial armies or xan xenos and chaos take them?

Can be used with the "Come The Apocalypse" rule as an ally.


Ahh so probably not worth taking then?



Still worth taking because Come the Apocalypse just means can't deploy within 12" can't close within 6" of your main force.


With the Cul's Infiltrate and the Cal's special deploy to 1" of enemy - they are going to be nowhere close to my main force.


Even if Battle Brother's they can't join any other units anyway so not much lost.

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Looking at it you could do an all Assassin Battleforged army (I think, they are formations so legitimate options for battleforged) and have it count as Alpha Legion Eefrit elite operatives force sent in.
I personally will be digging out my Callidus and Vindicare Assassins, I've got the better versions of these models (the aiming Vindicare and charging Callidus) and leaving them as Imperial ones. The reason is in the Aleph Sector Campaign in which I primarily play the Imperials are in serious trouble against Eldar and Tau on the planet Zadoc and I want to play out an assassin taking the opportunity of Chaos Tau/Eldar battles to take out their command. Forging a narrative etc. being Chaos are less on the up in the campaign and the Eldar and Tau are nigh on unstoppable.
Edit over double post: I just thought: The new WFB ghost models converted along with this guy would make a cool Chaos Culuxes.

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So we all know some Chaos players will use them and some won't. Personally, I would. More from the distraction they can cause. No one likes to have a sniper dug in that could potentially earn his points back in one shot. Or the sight of a drugged up combat whirlwind with feel no pain, 4++, and a large amount of attacks charging through their deployment zone.


Assassins have much more going for them than they seem to on paper. And now you don't have to take an Inquisitor & co. to have access.


My question though (with this being the Chaos Forum);


How will you be representing your Chaos Assassin?

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So we all know some Chaos players will use them and some won't. Personally, I would. More from the distraction they can cause. No one likes to have a sniper dug in that could potentially earn his points back in one shot. Or the sight of a drugged up combat whirlwind with feel no pain, 4++, and a large amount of attacks charging through their deployment zone.


Assassins have much more going for them than they seem to on paper. And now you don't have to take an Inquisitor & co. to have access.


My question though (with this being the Chaos Forum);



How will you be representing your Chaos Assassin?

Depending on which one you use and whobyou go against, i think thw assassin that apears in an enemy unit(dont remember which one that is :p) would look cool as a possessed soldier from the army, kinda like the inquisitor from the space marine game :p

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My first thought is to convert some Dark Eldar Wyches to be Chaos Assassins. Simply(?) Chaos elite warriors rather than Imperial ones gone rogue.

Enough bodies and bits in there for a few of each assassin.

As for the Exitus rifle I'm sure I can kitbash something :) I have a nice bulky stub pistol left over from some Necromunda minis to make the Exitus pistol.

Perhaps base the Eversor's pistol on a SM Scout one (I love their bolt pistols). And lots of Slaanesh drugs. Lots.


I'd love to model a Callidus part-way through a polymorphine change. If you could model them drawing a weapon from a flesh pouch, now that would be cool.


There is the idea of possessed/mutated ones...I hesitate to mention the HH book Nemesis as I know it is not so popular, but there is the daemonic assassin in there.

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I must say, I find it hilarious that as chaos, the Come the Apoc disadvantage is not considered an issue, seeing as most of our units are arbitrarily smacked with similar drawbacks for "Balance"

You do know talking about this equates to saying the Chaos Forum is being positive don't you? And that's like having a Barbecue in the UK and saying "I don't think it will rain", you're just asking for trouble ;)

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