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Assassin Dataslate

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I must say, I find it hilarious that as chaos, the Come the Apoc disadvantage is not considered an issue, seeing as most of our units are arbitrarily smacked with similar drawbacks for "Balance"

You do know talking about this equates to saying the Chaos Forum is being positive don't you? And that's like having a Barbecue in the UK and saying "I don't think it will rain", you're just asking for trouble msn-wink.gif

Come and take a look for yourself. You'll find the Chaos Forum to be quite positive. Likely because we have the best modelling opportunities ;)

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I derailed the thread slightly, sorry. Anyone got any other ideas for "counts as" Assassins? 


The Culuxus one I put ideas about earlier was essentially some sort of Daemon-bound horrific experiment is surrounded by the souls of the recently deceased.


I think a Vindicare would be perfect as an Alpha Legion Operative, I guess a Callidus would do as well, especially with the reserves disruption.


Anyone got other ideas? I'm struggling with the Eversor (I was trying avoid cliche'd Khorne Champion but coming up blank)

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Anyone got other ideas? I'm struggling with the Eversor (I was trying avoid cliche'd Khorne Champion but coming up blank)

Slaanesh close combat specialist addicted to stimulants.

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I derailed the thread slightly, sorry. Anyone got any other ideas for "counts as" Assassins? 


The Culuxus one I put ideas about earlier was essentially some sort of Daemon-bound horrific experiment is surrounded by the souls of the recently deceased.


I think a Vindicare would be perfect as an Alpha Legion Operative, I guess a Callidus would do as well, especially with the reserves disruption.


Anyone got other ideas? I'm struggling with the Eversor (I was trying avoid cliche'd Khorne Champion but coming up blank)

chrono gladiator/combat chaos servitor[think dog/man size maulerfiend], spawn/beast of some kind, merc dude from a predatorlike race etc etc

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They have frenzon dispenser built in to the chest cavity. At least the ones used in Necromunda.


OMG I just had an idea.



Chrono gladiators. some cultists , Knights , some "marines". Played like a battle tech army. The gladiators+cultists would be techies+trainer/noble who had bad luck had to flee [and think why he would have to flee to the eye. is he mad. what Big Boys can make you think hiding in the eye a good thing to do etc].


The knights are classic merc. Marines are the elementals. A misch masch of renegades, a crazy dude cult guy no one takes seriouse, but who somehow helps the "warband" gear/fuel/transport/option to not be killed on sight.

Obligatory Crazy[aka half nakid] DE sorc chick . Some oblits represented by movable weapon platforms[thing mini tanks from old ufo enemy unknown].


Could be done bound or unbound .

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I'm with the idea of making them out of cultists, there are some pretty unique kitbach potentials in there! I'm thinking the guy with the autopistol, shirtless, and plug sockets in his back.


Now, shirtless, or Syn-Skinned?

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I got some model ideas from Warzone (the Vindicare is a bit bulky):


Callidus (mysterious Tzeentch death-cult assassin perfected in the art of shape-shifting): http://shop.princeaugust.ie/warzone-mutant-chronicles-wargame/brotherhood-church/tg9846pb-warzone-brotherhood-assassin-figures/


Vindicare (possessed mutant demonically enhanced to be a long-ranged predator): http://shop.princeaugust.ie/warzone-mutant-chronicles-wargame/dark-legion-armies/tg9605pb-warzone-dark-legion-pretorian-stalker-figures/


Eversor (possessed mutant demonically enhanced to be a ruthless hand-to-hand combatant): http://shop.princeaugust.ie/warzone-mutant-chronicles-wargame/dark-legion-armies/tg9649pb-warzone-dark-legion-golem-of-darkness-figures/


Can't think of one for the Culexus...


I think the Callidus count-as works really well, the Vindicare might be a bit big or not "elite sniper" enough, but I'm trying to go for possessed human or mutant/machine for at least the Eversor and Culexus. I think the Eversor count-as could work, but would need a demonic sword or the like cause that spear isn't cutting it for me.


Anyone think these could work? Or should I look elsewhere?

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I've just built an Eversor counts as I was planning on using with a planned traitor guard force before I'd even heard about the Dataslate but I may have to chaos it up a little more to use it with my WorldEaters as well. I'd like to stick close to the Imperial models although the head on mine was more inspired by the 54mm Eversor.



I reckon I have enough bits to knock up a Vindicare as well.

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Honestly, they should make multiple kinds of Assassins per factions instead of rehashing the Imperial ones to milk more rules sales. Mutant Lictors, Tau Shadow Blades, Elite Rangers or performers and the obvious Department of Assassins.



Exactly what I was thinking. I don't know why every race doesn't have access to their own assassins. GW could have really went big with this and did a good 5- 10 assassin 'types' which could be blank slates for different races.


As far as being restricted, I think GW wants to sell as many of these as possible and Chaos does have Blood Pact / Renegades which I think would mirror the loyalist choices.


At the same time I confess I wouldn't mind if they were unique to certain factions just because if they are good, you're going to see them in a lot of armies at your next tournie.

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Nice one, Icarsun, I'm sold on that. I'll steal that idea off you if you don't mind.


I'll also be building an Eversor from the WHFB Cairn Wraith, and using that Cultist Champion's hand that Biohazard put to great use above for the neuro-gauntlet. It won't be the most special conversion on the block, but the Cairn Wraith usually gets a creepy dark-ad-mech feel across fairly easily. Ah, exciting times.

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Honestly, they should make multiple kinds of Assassins per factions instead of rehashing the Imperial ones to milk more rules sales. Mutant Lictors, Tau Shadow Blades, Elite Rangers or performers and the obvious Department of Assassins.


Exactly what I was thinking. I don't know why every race doesn't have access to their own assassins. GW could have really went big with this and did a good 5- 10 assassin 'types' which could be blank slates for different races.


As far as being restricted, I think GW wants to sell as many of these as possible and Chaos does have Blood Pact / Renegades which I think would mirror the loyalist choices.


At the same time I confess I wouldn't mind if they were unique to certain factions just because if they are good, you're going to see them in a lot of armies at your next tournie.

I opt out of using CtA allies, and hopefully CA or FW picks up and eventually makes Chaos variants or suitable counterparts.

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Man, the Culexus is nuts!


And having an anti-psyker in my Khorne army certainly sounds in-character to me!


As aforementioned, it's seen as being this edition's Coteaz. And, if we can take it...

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I'm building my Culexus from a DE Ur-Ghul with one of the larger Chaos Skull decorations with a spike through the mouth but replacing the spike with a gun barrel. Pics shortly.


Btw - the Dark Eldar HQ models provide some neat Chaos Assassin conversion opportunities.



I don't think that's released yet is it?

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