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Assassin Dataslate

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I couldn't help but notice something in the White Dwarf I just received... they mention imagining your Space Marine or Imperial Guard army with an assassin.


I realize that doesn't mean it won't include other armies, but they fact they chose two imperial armies to mention this makes me wonder if the assassins will be restricted.

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Well the Dataslate is out and there is nothing that states "Armies of the Imperium only". So go for it. And if that does ever happen, go unbound ;)
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Well the Dataslate is out and there is nothing that states "Armies of the Imperium only". So go for it. And if that does ever happen, go unbound msn-wink.gif

Indeed, just looked through my dataslate there is nothing there to say that only the Armies of the Imperium can take them. However, it does state that "They are part of the Armies of the Imperium and ally as such, as described in the Allies Section..." therefore they will be Come the Apocolypse allying with Chaos, but they have Infiltrate so why would they be anywhere near your troops anyway?

Just to clarify Officio Assassinorum Detachment has a mandatory FOC of a single Elite choice i.e. the Assassin.

Cullexus looks disgusting - Pyschic Abomination huh.png

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There is also the formation with one of each type of assassins which is pretty cruel.


But like has been said before. Come the Apocalypse shouldn't really have much effect with infiltration being in use. That and using them as a threat can put some people off going near their location.

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Just bought the Dataslate and I'm gonna have to build a Culexus for my World Eaters. It's a perfect fit. I'm gutted they haven't expanded Venenum or Vanus temples yet. I would have liked to see them get some attention.
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I may have finally figured out what to do with this old project from before 6th edition that I had to drop because of the new allies rules:


Maybe go back and scrape off the skull and wings with a rotary tool and add an appropriately non-Imperial chest piece instead. May not be worth the effort, though.

He's all like, "Pretty good..." *Ocelot Gesture*

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