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Anyone fielding Alpha Legion


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They are everywhere.

They are nowhere.


(Sorry, couldn't resist)


They are one of the least represented forces out there. Be nice to see that change.

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Maybe i'm alone on this but I can't help but be offended trying to play a fluffy list of AL with what we currently have to work with.

An Alpha Legion roll call would probably require everyone to start up a lot of different profiles and PM each other ph34r.png

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The main drawback (as usual) is that the 30k books make it more possible to work an AL list.


Still, I'm sure there's a few hiding in shadows and dressed in the liveries of others.

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Most people are offended playing with what we have. Many of us suck it up or hide it with pretty tricks, but if we get a new codex that is actually beneficial, forte is going to start banning people for dancing gifs and alcohol poisoning.


Don't misunderstand me, I know. Point being Alpha Legion have Huron or Cypher to 'counts as'

At least every other chaos legion has some way (no matter how unhappy people are of specifics) of representing an aspect of their warfare to make a warband of x,y,z


You get to Black Legion and Crimson Slaughter, well, their's even less to complain about

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Truthfully, Alpha legion is better represented by HH 30k rules, or by one of the marine dex(Codex space marine be the most popular/flexible). They are just not view as a force with a lot of chaos corruption/mutation similar to NL, and IW. CSM just does not do them well. Heck, Codex IG(AM dry.png ) would do better if your hq is an Alpha Legion count as(or cortez count as)

They are a legion never seen, but always their. A legion of mystery, but great fluff.

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I have a daemon prince painted up in Alpha Legion colors.  At the time though, my Tau were painted in blue/teal/green colors (switched to a ultra flat camo sand colored primer,washed in devlan mud, with Greatcoat Grey in areas...It's amazing-I don't even know how), so I couldn't justify having "two blue/green armies".


I do still kind of want a Black or Grey and Silver army...but I play grey knights...so yeah.


And how would I play them exactly?  If it's supposed to be rapid redeployment and counter attack-my Tau army's playstyle kind of makes better Alpha Legion than any other representation.


I've had this idea for a "Not Alpha Legion" chapter (in the vein of the Steel Bretheren being "not Iron Warriors" etc.) called the Nightblades.  I almost did my first chaos army up like them...but backed out and wanted to do Red Corsairs, because I loved the Badab Wars stuff.

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Truthfully, Alpha legion is better represented by HH 30k rules, or by one of the marine dex(Codex space marine be the most popular/flexible). They are just not view as a force with a lot of chaos corruption/mutation similar to NL, and IW. CSM just does not do them well. Heck, Codex IG(AM dry.png ) would do better if your hq is an Alpha Legion count as(or cortez count as)

They are a legion never seen, but always their. A legion of mystery, but great fluff.

Um, that's just ridiculous.


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There are rumours that the Alpha Legion have infiltrated the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition, but I am here to categorically deny that rumour. It's just heretical slander. What? That symbol? No, it's not a hydra, it's just a three snakes with their tails pressed together...

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They are one of the least represented forces out there. Be nice to see that change.

I will most likely have something up by tomorrow. I'm very enthusiastic, so hopefully some might get affected.

Most people are offended playing with what we have.

This made me laughlaugh.png

If I was Alpha Legion, I suppose I would say I wasn't. Of course, if I wasn't Alpha Legion, then I would say I wasn't. So, that being the case, I am not. tongue.png

So by saying your not, you really mean...hmm... wait a minute... now I'm confused.

An Alpha Legion roll call would probably require everyone to start up a lot of different profiles and PM each other ph34r.png

That is the fluffy waymsn-wink.gif

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