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Anyone fielding Alpha Legion


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Lay and Deus Ex Ferrum are AL players too.

I did not have my own Alpha Legion skin for Space Marine. No way did I run around with emerald armor with a dragon helmet glassing lobbies with a Plasma Cannon



I didn't buy that one either.  Though more often than not, I ran around as that AWESOME AL Warband colorscheme, which is the basis for my obsession for the Nightblades.

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Ok, ok. So no one will openly admit to being Alpha Legion. So how about this proposal?


Treat this as a roll call to check with a few cells.


Rules are:


Now please, indulge a fellow hobbyist (and less talk of the Space Marine game) :tu:

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Welcome to Astartes Anonymous




Hello, I am Alpharius and I'm an Astartes...

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I am that which you cannot seek. A tree of scales, you cannot find. Boiling eyes and mulching minds thrice wrapped. An Eye close, but afar, a storm apart, yet empty. We wait, for the dead that dream are bubbling towards the heavens. Shining gold with shimering light, turned to red. While all else turns to black, the ash will fade while the azure coils remain.
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I was thinking of doing something similar to the Murderes Call. Just checking if there is any Alpha Legionaries out there.

I get the feeling that an Alpha Legion thread may be the most cryptic and confusing thread ever in the history of the B&C. Good luck (and I'll be happy to watch this grow).

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Day six.


The surveillance mission the Inquisitor sent me on is going well. The populace has a zeal unmatched by many planets and morale is high. I see no signs of rebellion anywhere and so I have decided to dig a little deeper. Tomorrow I have scheduled a visit to one of the four main temples of the area, the Temple of Hope...

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Getting this thread back on track:


To the OP - The Inquisitors Karamazov and Coteaz assure you that there are no Alpha Legion operatives .... at all .... like ever.



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  • 2 months later...

Actually, like someone mentionned, I'm not even sure Alpha Legion would operate on the battlefield in a 40k game based on their current fluff. They're more a secret society with a terrorist modus operandi.


I might actually see them as an allied detachment of a xenos or Imperial guard force rather than a full fledged force... Perhaps the Cypher formation.

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Actually, like someone mentionned, I'm not even sure Alpha Legion would operate on the battlefield in a 40k game based on their current fluff. They're more a secret society with a terrorist modus operandi.


I might actually see them as an allied detachment of a xenos or Imperial guard force rather than a full fledged force... Perhaps the Cypher formation.

Haha, I hardly use any marines in my lists anyway. Cultists, spawn, oblits, daemon engines and lord/sorcerer with a bike retinue... :)

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Never in my Space Marine career have I sat at capture point B with a stalker bolter and picked off lascannon snipers while wearing AL armour. Never. >_>

I will have revenge for that.

I forgive you with counter-sniper plasma cannon overcharge shots.

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