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Chapter Tactics and Army Types


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So certain CT's work work the best in specific army types duh right.


Speaking of CT's purely no additional rules from special characters what are the army types that go with those CT's? I will put my take here but there are a couple that didn't really fit into any specific army type.


The painfully obvious-

White Scars - Biker Army's

Ultramarines - Drop Pod Army's

Ironhands - MSU Mechanized


The straight forward

Imperial Fist - Gun Line

Raven Guard - Aggressive Scouting/Outflanking and assault.


No Clue on these

Salamanders - they seem to have no specific army type that would benefit there CT's. Maybe drop pod to get flamers in range...not sure.

Black Templar - Really not sure with them. Maybe some sort of blob army type with just masses of bodies...a complete opposite of MSU?


What's your take do you have any differences? Interested to see what army types folks think Sallies and BT fit best into. Also if you run a Forgeworld CT throw it out here.

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ravenguard: getting rolled by any serious army tongue.png

but salamanders rock the podded flame and melta (vulkan) game, but there the obvious weakness with that.

And as a iron hands player I would say white scars make more use of a msu mech list then we can since they get socuts and hit and run while our units survive a bit more and the vehicles cna try and fix em selves up... tbh I find that iron hands excel at spamming heavy vehicles like sicarins and land raider achillies or burly beatsticks like chapter masters who eat entire armies worth of shooting

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ravenguard: getting rolled by any serious army :P


but salamanders rock the podded flame and melta (vulkan) game, but there the obvious weakness with that.


And as a iron hands player I would say white scars make more use of a msu mech list then we can since they get socuts and hit and run while our units survive a bit more and the vehicles cna try and fix em selves up... tbh I find that iron hands excel at spamming heavy vehicles like sicarins and land raider achillies or burly beatsticks like chapter masters who eat entire armies worth of shooting

Actually WS CT's don't give the army scout. RG are the only ones that get that from CT's. Khan has a USR that gives a WS CT army scout but purely from CT they don't get that. They get skilled rider, hit and run, better jinks, and HoW.

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I don't see how Ultramarines CT is only good for podding. They are incredibly flexible, especially when combined with FW characters.


As an Iron Hand player, I let my vehicles do the heavy lifting. Troops are mainly there to capture objectives and fill FOC slots while my flyers, speeders, drop prodded units, and tanks all manouvre to gain maximum fire. I also sprinkle in some assault /vanguard squads for variety :)


Honestly, the IH CT benefits a wide variety of units, so you can play whatever style you want and still benefit. Unlike BTs or IFs, who's tactics only benefit cc and shooting, respectively.


Salamanders would benefit from pod or mechanized armies as their best weapons require them to get close.

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I would agree UM CT's work for a variety of lists but I think they make the best pure drop pod army's. Hard to beat the devastating affect of 30 tactical marines rthat are TL'ed along with 5-6 sternguard that can reroll ones the turn they drop in. Once in close if its an opponent marines can beat back with CC like tau then assault helps to ensure you get in. If its an opponent that is likely to charge devastator makes your snap firing more effective.


Really the only downside to podding and UM CT's is that last sentence on the Dev doctrine that prevents them from running pure pod armies.


I thought about pods for sallies as well but since they really only benefit from TL flamers if its anything generally with a 4+ save or better or meq the effect is marginal. That's what got me to thinking about what army type could work the best.

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