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To power maul or to not power maul


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We are in fact the problem with power mauls, or at least part of it, when it comes to comparing to swords. Against 4+/5+/6+ saves, take the maul because you've got +2 strength and both maul/sword go through the armour. Against 2+ saves, neither goes through the armour so again, +2 strength is better. The problem comes against 3+ saves where, assuming S4 vs T4 12 power maul hits do 10 wounds, killing 3.something. 12 power sword hits do 6 wounds, killing 6. Against T5 or higher, the Maul starts to win... 12 hits, 8 wounds, 2 and a bit kills, sword gets 12 hits, 4 wounds, just edging ahead. Against T6, 12 power maul hits do 6 wounds, 2 unsaved; 12 power sword hits, 2 unsaved wounds (wounding on 6s).


Essentially, using the rudimentary maths above, assuming S4 (for us it would be that unless Furious Charge makes an appearance), power mauls are demonstrably better than power swords in all cases except against T4 and T5 3+ save models, and equivalent against T6 3+ save. The problem is that the MEQ statline is so prevalent in the game that there's an awful lot of T4 3+ save models around, and that's skewing the balance.

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Ignoring 4+/5+/6+ saves is (almost) irrelevant though. We already have tons of shooting that ignores it and units with those stats are rarely a problem once they get into combat with a marine. 4+ saves or worse is almost like not having a save at all in 40k. 


As for the high T targets the maul starts to look good, but remember how many hits you have to score to get those unsaved wounds and how many points you are spending on such a unit. Let's assume that you hit on 4+ with no rerolls. 12 hits means 24 attacks, or 6 veterans with mauls on the charge. That's 90 pts of power weapons on top of whatever you spent on the vets and their delivery system. 

When a marine player wants to go after high T targets the fist is what you want. 

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I should have clarified that I was comparing the maul purely to the sword. Obviously a fist is better against high Toughness targets, but then you've got to take into account the fist getting squished before he can swing. Mauls are better more of the time, but the question I'm trying to resolve is whether the sheer preponderance of 3+ saves makes the sword a better choice.


(Also, there's a LOT more power swords than power mauls floating around. I think there's one in one of the chaos boxes, and the DA veteran box, and that's it...any I've missed?)

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I should have clarified that I was comparing the maul purely to the sword. Obviously a fist is better against high Toughness targets, but then you've got to take into account the fist getting squished before he can swing. Mauls are better more of the time, but the question I'm trying to resolve is whether the sheer preponderance of 3+ saves makes the sword a better choice.


(Also, there's a LOT more power swords than power mauls floating around. I think there's one in one of the chaos boxes, and the DA veteran box, and that's it...any I've missed?)


Mauls tend to require some conversion, yup.  There's one in the DA box, and the Chaos Terminators, but I can't think of any others.


It all depends on your meta, basically.  If you face more 3+ than anything else, go with swords.  Otherwise, SMAAAAAAAASH!

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You can also do a fairly easy conversion by taking the mauls from the WHFB Chaos Forsaken and sticking the ends on trimmed off Thunder Hammers.  That's what I did for a couple of Sword Brethren I just finished, and it looks fine.


Someone did the same with Melta Bombs I think.  Or you could use those gubs people put on the backpacks of veterans to make little Crozius looking mauls.


While there may not be a lot of stock mauls (and the ones that do exist aren't all that good looking), they're a fairly easy thing to convert.

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