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vs grey knights

Guest arbitor marduk

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Guest arbitor marduk

I have a plague marine based army yet want to venture into having a unit dedicated to khorne. Though i know zerks are poo now i am considering using a jugger lord with aobf. My main drawback is the risk of Halbirds causing instant death, what unit to put him in? And my main army i go against being tau so dont know if it would be viable against tau?


Any comments would be greatly appreciated :D

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Well, it's not so much as Zerkers being crap. They're actually quite good at killing in melee. The problem is their transports suck and they have the same armor value as other marines, while khornate marines/chosen will do more because they have bolters and specials, and the latter have more base attacks even though they're not fearless.


Juggerlords should exclusively ride with Spawn or Bikers. They're almost mandatory to have for Chaos right now.

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Guest arbitor marduk

Well, it's not so much as Zerkers being crap. They're actually quite good at killing in melee. Tge problem is their transports suck and they have the same armor balue as other marines, while khornate marines/chosen will do more because they have bolters and specials.


Juggerlords should exclusively ride with Spawn or Bikers. They're almost mandatory to have for Chaos right now.

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Guest arbitor marduk
Whoops sorry new to this forum :p, i guess i compare them to my plagues and find that they aren't half as good :p. How would you advise using them? He mainly fields 3+ saves and i have no trouble beating him with my nurgle stuff, but i dont want to lose haha
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Plagues just cost too much to be run outside of MSU, especially when grav and certain weapons destroy toughness and their poison melee got a nerf. Our MSU does not compare to Loyalists even with two plasmas or a Blast Master, and Chisen headhunting with plasma becomes very easy to remove.
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Guest arbitor marduk

I personally believe they are about right in their pricing for how well they survive, though our normal troop marines are another thing :p a point more gives you atsknf, which seems alittle stupid if you ask me. Though im lucky i dont go up against vanilla marines but as said i go against mainly tau in which the 3+ 5+ has saved my ass a lot of the time.


I dont see why as chaos we should compare our army to that of the loyalist, we're separate armies. Although they both share aspects ie power armour and bolters ect there has still been a 10000 year gap in which tech has changed within the imperium so they would have new toys as all our new stuff is either daemonic or stolen nowadays :p.

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We compare because most of our essence is a flipped, regular astartes with less tactical and more dark faith.


Ten thousand years and no one stealing, reverse engineering, and modifying things without safeties is bad writing and codex differentiation to make it seem Chaos Marines are that more different when we don't have demon engine unicorns, and Huron used to being able to take Loyalist equipment.


We're seperate armies in the sense we have Chaos in front of Space Marines. We still use the same equipment, we still look the same, and we should have as much variation than a slap of paint. Especially when there is artwork of a Khornate Black Legionaire holding a plasma cannon in the :cussing codex.

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Guest arbitor marduk
I get where you're coming from buddy, i agree we should have some better stuff, i personally hoped we could have taken flesh metal on our lords :/. Hopefully we shall get love from the dark gods in which make us as strong as say eldar or even some tau builds, yet i dont find imperials that difficult to kill :p throw spawn at them and volw and they die :p
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