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New arrival from the north.

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Hello chaps.


My name is Kenneth, I'm 28 and from Copenhagen, Denmark and currently working as a smith's apprentice, almost halfway through my education.

Thought I'd introduce myself a bit.


I've been in the hobby for many years now, starting with Heroquest, then Necromunda and finally got into 40k in 2nd edd with Dark Angels back when they shared a book with blood angels (ah, the memories!)

I didn't get seriously into the game till 3rd edd though where I found the green wonderfullness that is Orks and have been a fanatical collector since.

Lately I've been getting into Space Marines again though and thought this would be the perfect site to join.


I'm mainly a painter, converter and fluff player only having done a small amount of tournies (2-3 I think) and have just returned to 40k after a long break trying other games.


Other than miniature games I spend alot of time on Airsoft, roleplaying (both PnP and LARP) and PC gaming.

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