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I've been brainstorming some idea's on what i want my force to be. ive always liked the alpha legion and their fluff especially the whole supposed loyalist's angle


I've read some tidbits of a schism between omegon and alpharius, and i thought id capitalise on this idea


basically a force of legionaires that have decided to follow omegon against their own legion during the heresy.


My idea is that they arent neccesarily loyal to the imperium but detest chaos and fight disrupt their own bretheren who have fallen sway to chaos over the centuries.


Im still articulating this in my mind so if anyone has some good fluff i can read or ideas id like to hear them guys

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Perhaps, as opposed to making them an out-and-out Chapter, maybe you could make them some sort of 'behind-the-scenes' group? They're careful to avoid contact with anything Imperial (that includes prior to killing said Imperials) and rather operate in the wilds of the galaxy, between sectors and off of popular warp routes. They'd be a little like Black Shields except they don't answer to the Imperium, or that's how my line of thought goes. I am leery of an Alpha Legion Second Founding Chapter, so steering this away from 'official' legislature might be what I'm advocating. 

My line of thinking is they'd still be regular alpha legion, and not a chapter but the name sons of omegon more an unnofficial title in hommage to omegon


I wanna steer them in the direction of the possibilty of omegon going against the alpha legion. to me it seems like the current alpha legion has somewhat fallen to chaos and the secret loyalty to the emperor has been lost


Im thinking these guys would be the ones who stoob by omegon against the legions fall to chaos. And these guys make up maybe a few thousand operatives, id like to say 70 odd percent original legion and the rest recently recruited with what resources that these operatives can put together.


I wanna put there homebase on an abandoned planet close to the eye which dissorts time, so logically 10,000 years later there will still be orignal heresy guy's there.


My vision for there purpose is to disrupt what their wayward brothers are doing and to generally fight off chaos taint, and avoid dircerly aiding the imperium at all, because regardless of their actions their seen as traitors and will be treated as such. but still carrying out somewhat the original aims of the great crusade, so purging xenos filth when they can


still in early stages so i wanna come up with some characters and whatnot to flesh the idea out, but yeah its not a chapter as sich just remenants of omegon loyalists he unnoficially call themselves sons of omegom. sort of like the unforgiven and the hunt for the fallen in a way

To further expand on my fluff i figured id write this speech to Omegons sons just before the end of the heresy.



My sons we have been decieved

We have followed a path in which we can never turn back

what i asked of you, only a handfull of years ago, the hardest thing you's have ever done, the unspeakeable


I ask you now to do the unthinkable

We walk a third path, the hardest but we are alpha legion,

the begining and the end

what others cannot do, we can

My brother, your father walks into the abyss, the pawn of the most despicble power the universe has ever known

The arch enemy

We have fallen from the light, cast out as traitors until the end of time

our names will be spat upon, our memory defiled, every victory now nothing in the eyes of the empire

in the centuries to come Alpharius and his legionaires will do everything they can to tear it down

We have always been the best, the most dangerous

we are now the most lethal weapon the arch enemy can wield

i ask of you know my brothers to destroy that weapon

Only we are capable of destroying ourselves

so we must do that

Brothers i ask you to destroy the alpha legion

In the centuries to come you's will be tested beyond anything that even us immortals can comprehend

it will be a long and treacherous road, but we are alpha legion we fight the long war

Trust only yourselves and your training, to trust anything other than that is these trying times will only lead to your doom

I will not ask yous to do anything that i would not do myself

Alpharius cannot be allowed to achieve the path set before him

I leave you's now to your mission and your duty

For the emperor brothers

You know what, as an Alpha Legion nut, I totally loved this. The tone is almost there, I'm sorry but I had to comb through and make spelling corrections, change a little wording and pacing to give this the gravitas it deserves.



My sons, we have been deceived.
We have followed a path in which we can never turn back.
What I asked of you only a handful of years ago. The hardest thing you's have ever done. The un-speakeable:
I ask you now to do the unthinkable.
We walk a third path, the hardest, but we are Alpha Legion, the beginning and the end.
What others cannot do, we can.
My brother, your father, walks into the abyss, the pawn of the most despicable power the universe has ever known.
The arch enemy.
We have fallen from the light, cast out as traitors until the end of time.
Our names will be spat upon, our memory defiled, every victory for naught in the eyes of the Imperium.
In the centuries to come Alpharius and his legionnaires will do everything they can to tear it down.
We have always been the best, the most dangerous.
We are now the most lethal weapon the arch enemy can wield.
I ask of you now my brothers to destroy that weapon.
Only we are capable of destroying ourselves.
So we must. Brothers, I ask you to destroy the Alpha Legion.
In the centuries to come you will be tested beyond anything that even we can comprehend.
It will be a long and treacherous road, but we are Alpha Legion.
We fight the Long War.
Trust only yourselves and your training, to trust anything other than that in these trying times will only lead to your doom.
I will not ask you to do anything that I would not do myself.
Alpharius cannot be allowed to achieve the path set before him.
I leave you now to your mission and your duty.
For the Emperor.

Woah, thanks alot man that's great!. I hope to write up some more story stuff over the next couple of weeks just got to get some uni stuff knocked over. 


My vision is omegon and his legionaires are the counter-insurgents to alpharius's insurgence, but ive decided to put some info together here, forgive me i do not have microsoft word on my lappy, so im gonna have to use my topic to write the info




The son's of omegon are still alpha legion, therefore it is impractical to base themselves on one world as this would leave them succeptible to attacks from alpharius's followers and most importantly the imperium itself


The operators have a variety of bases on desolated worlds, asteroid outposts, abandoned space hulks, etc. These range in size from small cells of 5 to 10 operators, to large training and supply bases. Each location is known by the highest commanders within the legion. each base and operation centre is on a striclty need to know basis, in keeping with tradition of restriction of information and also to prevent infiltration by from their wayward brothers


these bases are spread throughout the galaxy to allow the legion a certain amound of freedom of movement without being too far from logistics or information.


The legion still however does recruit and needs places to train them from induction to full battle brother, there is one planet on the farthest flung reaches of the galaxy were this training takes place. The location however is unknown. recruits are mindwiped and placed in statis before being collected and transported to the planet, they also have their mind wiped after completing their training, to ensure that the location can never be known, especially if an operator is captured


Transportation to this planet is only known by a handfull of the inner circle of the legion, only the most trusted members are allowed to travel to and from the planet for purposes of instructing and collecting fresh recruits. trust is not based on rank but on merit, so anyone from a lowly operarot to the highest echelon commander can be picked for this task. 



Geeneseed and recruitment


the legion has access on it's main training planet to a large storage of pure genseede, the majority of the genessed was captured and stolen from a large alpha legion recruitment planet just prior to the end of the heresy.

Omegon with his inner circle of most trusted men mascaraded as a dark angel strike team to infiltrate a large heavily guarded alpha legion fortress. The attack sabotaged the plasma reactor's of the fortress and destroyed it completely, however unkown to anyone but omegon and his men a large swathe of geneseed was stolen. At the time it was a major loss to the legion

Alpharius infuriated at such a blow personally lead many raids on loyalists with his best men, he inflicted a large amount of damage however suffered heavy losses, the enemy seemed to know they were coming. It is not known whether omegon was leaking information to loyalists





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