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Word Bearers and their dedication to the chaos gods?


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hmm interesting Question. geek.gif I myself wouldn't give them a dedicated God symbol. They use all 4 "gifts". i think their Legion symbol fully depicts their zeal. Their original symbol was a book with a flame representing Imperial True. Their symbol now is that flame with a demon face in it representing True Gods/that demons are real.

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(I know I said this in many other threads but here goes...)


I simply think of my 'Marks' as blessings given by my Dark Apostle. My Host definitely has a Dark Apostle even if he is not present in most lists I make, but I think he should have enough arcane and malefic knowledge to allow him to 'buff' his fellow Word Bearers before the battle. These blessings can take many forms (or, four forms to be precise), but are transient.


I think of them a bit like Orks and humans being the same S. The Ork is obviously much stronger, but not strong enough to be S4. Same with these blessings and real Marks. The Marks are more powerful, but a blessing (or whatever you wanna call it) is not weak enough to warrant other rules than the mark.


It also neatly allows me to maintain the old-school WB look and feel without having to put God-specific icons and stuff like that all over. This so I can play my favourite faction without totally gimping myself.


I saw some people have symbols of the different gods flat on bases and just have them next to their squads as markers to make it clear what mark they have, which reduces possible confusion if you wanna try out different marks on the same squad (at different battles of course).

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The other evening I had an idea for a new unit for my Word Bearers, I'm planning to use some of the FW heresy Word Bearers figures and work them up into rubrics. Basic concept is a deviant acolyte harvested some of the dust from the fall of monarchia and has bound it along with some daemonic entities into some old suits of armour, I plan to paint them in the old grey of the legion and Marty the old legion symbol of the burning book with the chaotic flaming daemon head.


But in general I'm not averse to using marks on units, bit I'm less likely to use cult units. I think that a 'legion tactic' for word bearers should be as simple as being able to take any icon, provided the unit is without a mark.

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I see no reason why you couldn't use marks on any units you want - I personally shy away from 'cult' troops in the army though and only really stick marks on my characters and elite units such as the Dark Apostle and Terminators as I see them as most likely to receive the benefits of faith but there is no reason you couldn't do it to all units.


There are 2 units I would always give marks too in a WB army, Obliterators and Possessed. My reason for that is that in the newest versions of the codex's and fluff there is no such thing as undivided daemons (prince and soul grinder have to be dedicated for example). Thus, as all daemons have an allegiance, those that possess the Possessed Marines for example will be a daemon of one of the 4 gods who they would have beseeched to gain possession by their daemons. Therefore it would make sense for them to have both the mark and corresponding icon. Just a thought of course but it makes sense to me.


*One more completely unrelated point, but as I have all you WB players here it saves a new thread. Would any of you be interested in making/being part of a Word Bearers gathering like this (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/295527-the-secret-gathering-home-of-the-alpha-legion/?do=findComment&comment=3785319) the AL one that has recently been started and the long existing NL's and god specific ones?


Might be cool for us all to share our armies and ideas and might be a great place for discussions such as this too.

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Thanks for all the responses everyone. I like the idea of blessings, follows some of my own logic as well. With that in mind I look forward to fielding some bikers with MoK to claim some skulls of the hated Imperium dogs!

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