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Flesh Tearers wips and batreps, tank battle 4-6-15

Black Marshal

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Decided to finally share some of my flesh tearers painting logs, wips, and battle reports


to start here are some pics of the first 20 assault marines with a priest and a chaplain, well I wanted a chaplain and my lgs didn't have one so I just painted a skull on is face, cause that works right?







next some "finished" models. these are all years old now and I have since realized they were not finished but table top ready. I am in a coninutious process of finishing these models and I am constantly thinking of new ways to make them look more and more mean and battle worn.















next are some battle shots


I think there are some scouts in those bushes. I built these guys for a kill team game and didn't feel like actually painting them so green, black, and ghillle suits, 15 minutes later done. I stopped using them because they actually bended into the terrain too well and my opponents would consistently forget they were there and it felt too much like modeling for advantage plus flesh tearers don't just sit on objectives, we kill the enemies of the emperor...and some times the innocent when we get alittle excited.




yeah Im pretty sure I can kill that




for when that tank absolutely needs to go away











this last image was from my game on Tuesday


my list not my normal list but was still a fun list to play with


seth with DC

corbs with DC


DC Dread in stormraven

5 DC in stormraven

Lasplas razorback


5 RAS PW flamer

Lasplas Razorback


10 RAS axe SS melta

10 RAS axe SS metla


Baal assault cannons heavy bolters

Baal Assault cannons heavy bolters







his list


grukk face rippa


2 full squads of shootas with nob chopper boss pole

3 full squads choppas with nob chopper boss pole



2 dakka jets

2 full squads of lottas

1 unit grot cannons

2000 pts about 200 orks


I had no idea what I was going to play against when I showed up and realized my list was not ready for this but decided to bring in on. game his objective my objective and short table edges. my objective went out in the open so I could jump on in late game if I needed too his went in a back building. I won the roll of and elected to deploy first go first. Which after the game should have gone second.


I held my assault squads in reserve and put baal pred vindicator on left flank baal pred vindicator on right flank razorback to cover behind buildings in the center.


his deployment was crazy to watch he covered his whole third of the board. grukk centered his with a squad of chopps, shoota boys covered left and right flanks with choppa boys behind them lottas took cover in the buildings with excellent firing position, grott cannons right flank, grotts in reserve.


turn one

I moved baal and vindicator on right and left flank into firing range killing over twenty orks causing leadership on both units and both passed


he fired into the vindicators with the lottas shaking one and wrecking the other...I severely underestimated those and would pay the price for the rest of the game. other flank he caused a hull point everything moved up.


turn two

reserves all come on

assault squads move on in the center stormraven flys on the right flank to bring the death company pain and blunt their charge. all tanks move back and fire again. Cause more leadership checks and they were all passed.


one daka jet came on moved forward peppered red squad killed a marine, all squads moved forward lottas blew up the stormraven, seth, corbs, and 1 death company marine survive. DC dread took a hull point.


turn three

DC dread moves forward on right flank behind cover popped smoke corbs and seth move back to meet with 5 man RAS vindicator baal fire on shoota squad on the right, baal fires on shoota squad on the left flank. red squad moves forward to attempt a charge on grukks boys which are in the building in front of the objective. fail the charge lost two guys for our attempt


second dakka jet came on grotts came on. grotts moved and sat on his objective. lootas fired on the baal on the right flank and wrecked it, grott cannons fired on the lasplas and took a hull point dakka jet wrecked the lasplas, baal on the left flank took a hull point. DC dread took a penetrating hit but none shall stay my wrath! everything moved up grukk attempted a charge on red squad and failed they are down to 5 men.


Turn 4

black squad moves to support red squad in the center, corbs and seth meet 5 man ras behind cover and plan to take objective turn 5.

vindicator fires on shoota squad causes leadership check which they fail leaving my DC dread out in the open with nothing to kill. 9 inches to the choppa boys though so he might make it in the charge phase. Lasplas tank shocks shootas on left flank causes leadership they pass and stay there. baal pred and lasplas fire on shoota boys, causes additional leadership they pass it. Red squad and black squad assault grukks boys. red sgt dies in the overwatch. black sgt challenges grukk. at this point I am playing for a draw. I need to kill grukk and hold him so he cant get line breaker or my objective. grukk and sgt battle it out sarge cant hit anything but grukk cant get through that storm shield. We kill 8 boys and lose nobody they pass leadership


DC dread gets wrecked by dakka jet, vindicator gets wrecked by lootas, baal get immobilized my lootas, red squad and black squad gets assaulted by 30 boy choppa squad we kill some more and get down to 3 men in black squad 3 men in red squad sgt still cant hit anything but keep grukk of the squad with that storm shield of his.


Turn 5

seth seeing that the battle is lost orks are crawling in his deployment zone, he cant hold the objective, he cant take the objective decides to do what he does best and kill some stuff. seth corbs 5 ras join the assault in progress kill another 15+ orks sgt still holds. they pass leadership


30 boys with chopps finish of my baal predator, grukk finally kills my sgt and the rest of black squad and red squad fail in combat. set corbs and the last 5 marines still kill a pile of orks but it is far to late. the battle is lost


game did not continue to turn six


I actually really enjoyed this game its not often you get to play against this many orks. it is very intimidating to play against because you quickly realize you do not have enough bullets. there are a couple things that I could have done to better my odds but I don't know if it would have given me the win. Doesn't matter though the ork player was awesome to play against and it was a very fun game.

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Can't beat the sight of the green tide comin' at ya. Orks are my fave oppo cos they're the only army who as soon as they're deployed, I'm thinking...bloody hell, I'm up against it here!


Seems like your oppo had a good day with morale checks, or was it just their fearless rule? Not sure if it's the same in 7th ed but they were always fearless so long as there was 11 or more in the unit.

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You got some good models there and some pretty quick painting style that is really effective. I think it looks good and better than "just tabletop".


And orks are rough. Sometimes you need lots of melta and power fists for dreads and wagons, and sometimes you need 30-50 attacks per assault phase. You killed like 5 or6 per marine so you did well!

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Battle report Flesh tearers Vs. Dark Eldar 2000pts deployment Vangaurd Strike, Mission Emperor's Will
My List
Seth(in stormraven)
Corbulo (in stormraven)
Priest Jumppack
Furioso Dreadnought (in Stormraven)
10 RAS SS TH 2 flammers (in stormraven)
Las Plas Razorback
10 RAS SS Axe melta Jumppacks
10 RAS SS Axe Melta Jumppacks
Baal Pred Assault Cannon Heavy Bolters
Baal Pred Assault Cannon Heavy Bolters
Stormraven Assault Cannon TLMM
His List
razorwing jetfighter(night shield, 4 monosythe missles, 2 disintegrator cannons, splinter cannon)
5 wracks (liquefier)
raider(disintergrator cannon, enhanced aethersails)
5 wracks(liquefier)
raider(disintergrator cannon, enchanced aethersails)
venom(night shields, flicker field, assitional splinter cannon)
5 kabalite trueborn (3 blasters, 2 splinter cannons, haywire grenades
venom(night shields, flicker field, additional splinter cannon)
4 grotesques(liquefier gun, aberration has venom blade, master haemonculus upgrade)
raider disintegrator cannon enhances aethersails
archon(plasma grendaes, phantasm grenade launcher, huskblade+blaster pistol, ghost plate armor, shadow field, soul trap, combat drugs)
urine rakarth(casket of flensing, ichor gauntlet+close combat weapon, clone field)
court of the archon (3 sslyth, 4 ur-ghul, 2 medusa, 1 lhamaean)
raider(disintergrator cannon, enchances aethersails)
beast masters(5 beast masers with 1 power axe, 4 clawed fiends, 2 razorwing flocks)
yeah I had no idea what his list was but he explained not a lot of shooting mostly assaulting no outflank no deepstrike, good enough for me.
I won the roll of and elected to go deploy second go second because I needed some more intell. also I have my objective behind the building on the right and his objective is mephiston in the backfield
Dark Eldar deployed along the edge of their deployment zone. I reserved deepstriking both assault squad, roll on reserves for razorback, stormraven obviously in reserves.   

1 DE 1 deployment

Dark Eldar moved up across the board

2 DE 1 movement


DE Assault move it was I was not expecting I did expecting the sails to allow an extra move and what he did was brilliant. He completely boxed me in my deployment zone

3 DE 1 assault phase

Flesh tearers moved back to get into a decent firing position. Seeing that I was in a bad position and he could easily assault me at the top of his turn and if he tabled me I was going to be hurting.

4 BA 1 movement


Baals and vindicators opened fire stripping hull points and destroying a raider scoring me first blood.

5 BA 1 Shooting

Dark elder move closer and prepared for assault their fighter came in and fired at the baal predator

6 DE 2  Movement


Dark Eldar player got greedy and attempted to take out all my armor and declare long charges and disorganized charges. he failed all charges.

7 DE 2 assualt


Reserves, stormraven came on, razor back came on and black squad with priest deep struck. Black squad deep struck in back field far away from any thing but close enough to get to the objective. Razorback came on far left flank and moved flat up the board. Stormraven went straight at the jet fighter, all armor moved back.

8 BA 2 movement


Storm raven and baal predator took out the jet fighter. Vindicator took out a venom and second vindicator put some hurt on a squad, other baal fired on a raider and took a hull point or two

9 BA 2 Shooting

Dark elder moved closer for the assault and raider on the right flank boxed in my baal predators.

10 DE 3 movement


Dark Eldar assaulted my tanks destroying both vindicators and a baal predator.

11 DE 3 assault


Red assault squad came on and deep struck in the back field near black squad razorback moved up to cover and took some pot shots at a raider . Stormraven dropped to hover and didn't move disembarked the dread and seth's squad stormraven fired into a raider destroying it. baal predator fired into beast pack squad and assault squad fired into beast pack squad. At this point I was set for seths squad to assault the beast pack squad and my dread assault the warlords squad.

12 BA 3 Movment

13 BA 3 Movement


I changed my mind and moved the dread to assault the beast pack squad with seths squad. I over estimated the beast pack squad and totally wiped them out the dread did 14 wounds before and my assault squad had nothing to hit. This left the dread in the open facing a squad with lances and my assault squad completely surrounded.

14 BA 3 assault results


Dark elder moved to engage with my warlord and dreadnought, a raider out of camera range moved up towards his objective. Dark elder shooting wrecked my dreadnought. and corbs tanked so so so many wounds for the squad. and what he could not take like the double toughness stuff he los to the SS Sgt. who bossed it out.

15 DE 4 Movement Shooting


Dark elder assault was hard on my marines killing most of the squad and the sgt. I couldn't tank with corbs due to most of the attacks ignoring armor completely and having the instant death rule. but we are fearless with seth and just hung in there.

16 DE 4 Assault


Red squad and black squad moved to completely bubble wrap his ojective. Stormraven went back to zooming and put some hurting on a raider. baal pred took two hull points and stunned the venom.

17BA 4 Movement


Assault was again hard on seths squad and after was left with seth, corbs, and a marine

18 BA 4 Assault


Dark elder moved up to harass black squad and fire on the baal pred. Black squad took enough to cause a leadership but we passed. Baal predator survived the shooting

19 DE 5 Movement shooting

20 DE 5 movement shooting2

Dark elder took out the baal in the assault phase and I lost seth in the assault phase.

21 DE 5 Assault


we did not continue at this point as we both concluded there was no way either of us could take a victory.

Game ended tie

Flesh tearers: Objective secured 3vp, First blood 1vp, Line Breaker 1 Vp

Dark Eldar: Objective secured 3vp, Slay the Warlord 1vp. Line Breaker 1vp.


Over all it was a very fun and dynamic game it is not often that at the end of the game we have switched table sides completely. overall I think the flesh tearers did well especially considering the caliber of general we were facing.


hope you enjoyed my battle report


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Great Ork report!

Just wondering:

We kill 8 boys and lose nobody they pass leadership


Wouldnt Grukk need a double '1' to not run away there? Even with the reroll, it seems unlikely. What do  boss poles do this edition? I was under the impression that Orks were more likely to run away!

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the mob rule has changed to roll on a chart on a d6 a 1 is passed if in combat, 2-3 if there is a character in the unit they pass and take d6 s4 hits, 4-6 if 10 or more boys pass and take d6 s4 hits. boss pole allows rerolls. When I started I thought that they would be breaking easier as well but I found the orks were surprisingly dedicated.

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Did more work on the armored core this weekend. converted a flamestorm baal to a autocannon lascannon pred, also converted "steve the drunkerd of death" my AOBR dread to a riflemen dread  and picked up a auto cannon lascannon pred on the cheap, changed a rhino/razorback to a DC rhino and then did battle damage to all units. sorry about the quality of the pictures I still haven't gotten around to getting a decent backdrop to take my pictures yet.

10603708 10204096225222605 5259201474172932966 N


10620741 10204096225302607 6086673804040328302 N


10603315 10204096225142603 6053038647593168075 N


10616392 10204096226582639 749808540527919978 N


1458590 10204096228462686 6013151631334540745 N


10675698 10204096228862696 1527477825410046816 N


10636015 10204096231222755 3878175136172749140 N


10672373 10204096231262756 2795598950763431770 N


10689960 10204096229702717 2398969944997170411 N


10580211 10204096231702767 6175800461726517709 N





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Battle Report Flesh Tearers Vs. Blood Angels 2000pts

Game Type: Relic (Located on bridge over river)

Deployment: Hammer and Anvil


My Warlord Trait: Legendary Fighter +1 VP for enemy character killed in challenge

His Warlord Trait: Strategic Genius -1 to my reserve rolls


He won the roll off and would be going first


My List




Priest Jumppack

Furioso Blender Claws


10 RAS 2 flammers SS Hammer (banner just for looks), in stormraven with seth and corbs

Razor Back Las Plas

10 RAS 2 flammers SS axe deep striking

10 RAS 2 Flammers SS axe Deep Striking

2 Baal Preds Assault heavy Bolters

2 Preds Auto cannons Lascannons





His List


Librarian Lv2

2 priests 1 mace 1 sword

furioso dread with blenderclaws hiding behind landraiders

10 RAS X2 melta powerfist

Dedicated transport landraider crusader With MM

10 RAS X2 melta powerfist

Dedicated transport landraider crusader with MM

5 ras with jumppacks and melta

2 StormRavens 1 with Hurrican Bolters

Baal Pred assault cannon heavy bolters




His turn moved landraiders forward towards relic
My turn fired into landraider taking a hull point off




His baal arrived via outflank and put two hull points into my baal and immobilized it did a wreck my other baal scoring him first blood with stormraven and did 2 glancing hits to the razorback. Good placement saved me here I was far enough away that he couldn't get double penetration with all his melta


Non of my reserves arrived which was fine with me since I needed another round of shooting. I focused on the landraiders and was able to wreck the one on the bridge and shook the second landraider.  his squad comes out on the relic.



second baal dies to glancing hits took some glancing hits to the preds but do to poor rolling could not get wreck them. second landraider hides behind first,
Red squad arrived and deepstrikes to put pressure on squad with relic preds put some fire into squad holding relic



Stormravens fly off, land raider moves to get cover, baal moves to get shots on the red assault squad. red squad loses 2 men  and fails leadership falling back. Predator gets shaken? move and only snap firing from melta squad in the back. 


Black squad arrives and deep strikes to get rid of assault squad in the backfield, red assault squad moves up to get at the relic squad. Stormraven comes on zooming because I didn't want to blow up from his two stormravens I would rather just wreck and not kill my whole squad and dreadnought. predator turns around and snap fires at the assault squad and kills one marine.  Razor back fires into relic squad and coversaves saves him. Second Predator fired into Baal predator taking a hull point. Red squad flams and then assaults the relic squad. Doesn't kill assault squad but holds him down. Lost sgt to challenge.


His stormravens arrive, one fires at black squad everything else fires at stormraven. Stormraven jinks all but a glancing hit. Second squad disembarks from land raider Melta squad in the back blow up the pred but then kill one from the blast fail leadership and run. lols Red squad continues to hold relic squad
Seth and his squad gets out and moves to join assault. Dread moves out to take out other dread, Black squad moves up to destroy melta squad. Pred and dread fire at his dread and blow it up. Stormraven snap fires and POTMS at the landraider and does 2 more hull points. Seth and his boys assault relic .Black squad takes out melta squad and consolidates towards river



More shot at the stormraven and didn't kill it. Black stormraven immoblished its self when it dropped to hover mode to shoot at black squad. it shot and killed most of black squad they passed leadership. his baal and assault squad immobilized my dread.
My stormraven zoomed for linebreaker, Black squad moved for line breaker.  pred shot at the baal and did nothing. Seth and his boys finished the assault and moved towards the second squad and red squad jumped on the relic.



He had a lot of work to do at this point to try and tie. He had to kill stormraven and black squad and assault through seth to get the relic squad. he failed on all three and ended up assaulting seths squad. Seth took out his warlord in a challenge.



Final Score

Flesh tearers: 3 vp Relic, 1 VP linebreaker, 1 VP Slay the Warlord, 2 VP Legendary Fighter

Blood Angels: 1 VP first Blood










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You got some good models there and some pretty quick painting style that is really effective. I think it looks good and better than "just tabletop".


And orks are rough. Sometimes you need lots of melta and power fists for dreads and wagons, and sometimes you need 30-50 attacks per assault phase. You killed like 5 or6 per marine so you did well!



You got some good models there and some pretty quick painting style that is really effective. I think it looks good and better than "just tabletop".


And orks are rough. Sometimes you need lots of melta and power fists for dreads and wagons, and sometimes you need 30-50 attacks per assault phase. You killed like 5 or6 per marine so you did well!

oops again

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Battle report Flesh tearers Vs. Dark Eldar 2000pts deployment Vangaurd Strike, Mission Emperor's Will
My List
Seth(in stormraven)
Corbulo (in stormraven)
Priest Jumppack
Furioso Dreadnought (in Stormraven)
10 RAS SS TH 2 flammers (in stormraven)
Las Plas Razorback
10 RAS SS Axe melta Jumppacks
10 RAS SS Axe Melta Jumppacks
Baal Pred Assault Cannon Heavy Bolters
Baal Pred Assault Cannon Heavy Bolters
Stormraven Assault Cannon TLMM
His List
razorwing jetfighter(night shield, 4 monosythe missles, 2 disintegrator cannons, splinter cannon)
5 wracks (liquefier)
raider(disintergrator cannon, enhanced aethersails)
5 wracks(liquefier)
raider(disintergrator cannon, enchanced aethersails)
venom(night shields, flicker field, assitional splinter cannon)
5 kabalite trueborn (3 blasters, 2 splinter cannons, haywire grenades
venom(night shields, flicker field, additional splinter cannon)
4 grotesques(liquefier gun, aberration has venom blade, master haemonculus upgrade)
raider disintegrator cannon enhances aethersails
archon(plasma grendaes, phantasm grenade launcher, huskblade+blaster pistol, ghost plate armor, shadow field, soul trap, combat drugs)
urine rakarth(casket of flensing, ichor gauntlet+close combat weapon, clone field)
court of the archon (3 sslyth, 4 ur-ghul, 2 medusa, 1 lhamaean)
raider(disintergrator cannon, enchances aethersails)
beast masters(5 beast masers with 1 power axe, 4 clawed fiends, 2 razorwing flocks)



Thanks for doing the Battle Report.  it was useful for illustrating how my army works to another guy.  He thinks I have no anti-tank in my army.  What are your thoughts on that?  Lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Battle reports incoming. Was asked by a couple of the Generals at the store asked me to bring a really hard list so they could have some tune up games for a local tourney. Opponents were IG  thorax spam with deep striking paratroopers 1750 points and there other was a serpent spam with warwalkers 1850 points.


Hard list is tough enough to do with BA but facing these list was extra tough. serpent spam was especially frustrating. There is just no outshooting that list. From all my shooting I caused 2 hull points.

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battle report Flesh Tearers Vs. Astra Militarum 1750 points deployment vanguard strike mission Emperor's will  went 7 rounds


My list

125 ML2 Librarian

105 Corbs

275 8 Death Company bolters 1 powerfist Razorback Assault Cannon

180 5 RAS 1 flamer 1 Power Weapon Razorback LasPlas Dozer blades 

180 5 RAS 1 flamer 1 Power Weapon Razorback Lasplas Dozer Blades

145 Baal Pred Assault cannon Heavy Bolters

145 Baal Pred Assault Cannon Heavy Bolters

135 Predator Autocanon Lascannon sponsons

135 Predator Autocannon Lascannon sponsons

200 Stormraven



His list

HQ Lord Commander Commissar

3 units paratroopers with 2 meltas

1 unit paratroopers with plasma

4 tauroxs 1 is a command squad, 2 troop squads with hot shot lasrifles, 1 troop squad with flammers

1 big squad with a heavy weapons team with a missile launcher

4 sanctioned psykers 1 in each taurox


I won the roll off and went second


my detachment





I deployed around my objective on the right flank presenting as much AV 13 as possible while putting my razorbacks in cover and using my DC razorback as bait to




he did some interesting maneuvering and took as cover behind the center building. I responded my moving my preds to take some shots at them  getting a couple hull points and then moved my razorback flat out and baals flat out trying to hook wide and spread him thin while getting some shots on his units next turn.




3 paratroopers with meltas came in and deepstriked around my baals. the tanks did some more interesting maneuvering and one dropped low to take shots at my  DC razorback high and took out the DC razorback and harassed the Baal. The other Baal was lost to the Melta Paratroopers.













I moved the remaining Baal back and started firing on melta paratroopers. Stormraven came in and took cover behind a building not wanting to draw too much TL S7 fire. didn't do much besides maneuver and take a hull point off one of his tanks






he kept his tanks in mostly the same position tank on the bottom moved lower to try and take side arc shots at my preds, the silver one with the command squad moved forward to support his paratroopers who all moved up through cover



I dropped on pred low to fire on his tank that has been harassing me, and then moved my razorbacks and pred to take shots on the command tank, baal was immobilized last turn and is just going to sit there shooting paratroopers. stormraven dropped into hover moved around the building and unloaded everything. preds and razorbacks wrecked the command tank, stormraven destroyed the other two. the tank on the bottom survived because of good cover saves.





His plasma paratroopers reserves came on near his objective, and everything else moved to take out the stormraven, paratroopers continued to push forward, I lost the stormraven because I forgot to jink before shots are made not after lesson learned. but he forced out my DC and DC dread and then Flammed my DC with his flamer squad. he also moved the tank on the bottom into cover and fired through the window into my razorback immobilizing it.







I moved DC dread to eat the plasma squad and take the objective, DC went after his heavy weapons squad which also had his commander Pred moved to get to rear of his tank and bust it open, DC killed the plasma paratroopers and DC killed his warlord and heavy weapons squad.















He moved his troop squad towards my objective to try and get to contest charged me pred in the process and did a hull point, the rest of his squads moved towards his objective and started firing on the DC or the DC dread.




I moved my pred to block his troop movement, I went to move my razorback as well but we could not remember if it was immobilized or not, and then my second pred immoblised itself trying to turn to get shots off at his troops. one of the guys in his unit had an 4++ and was able to tank a bunch of wounds and the survived all my shooting with 3 guys left. My DC dread moved back to further take his objective, and DC went to charge through his wall of death from the flammers. lost 3 DC from overwatch and failed the charge.






he move all his squads towards his objective and fired on DC dread. his psyker was able to cast something that gave his unit a 4++ so the flamer unit charged my DC dread to try and tank wounds and krak grenade my dread.  his last 3 troops near my objective assaulted my razorback to slingshot one of the guys into contesting distance of my objective.


 I killed the last 3 near my objective and in the process killed the psyker that knew the 4++ power or something because he was not able to cast it during the for the up coming assault phase and my DC dread ate the rest of his squad.







final score

Flesh Tearers: Line Breaker 1 VP, Slay the Warlord 1 VP, My Objective 3 VP, His Objective 3 VP: total 8 VP

Astra Militarum: First Blood 1 VP







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  • 3 weeks later...

Tournament coming up 4th annual 40k Elvensword Ambassadorial Tournament. I have been asked and have humbly agreed to represent our proud blood angels lineage. There is one representative from each codex in the tournament.


List I am bringing.


Reclusiarch with Powerfist


Priest Jumppack Power Weapon

Brother Corbulo

Furioso Dreadnought


10 RAS 2 flammers SGT THSS

10 RAS 2 Flammer SGT SS Axe

10 RAS 2 Flammers SGT SS Axe

las plas Razorback


Baal Pred Assault cannon Heavy Bolter

Baal Pred Assault cannon Heavy Bolter


Pred Auto Cannon Lascannon

Pred Auto Cannon lascannon



I don't like leaving my chapter master at home but I know he doesn't really do anything so I traded for the reclusiarch. I chose the reclusiarch because I like a fearless squad that is extremely resilient with corbs that I can throw at something and is just going to hold it.


Missions can be found on www.40kambassadors.com/missions.php


missions are interesting but leaving me scratching my head trying to think of a game plan with posrmy. How am I going to bring my speed and resilienty to the table during each mission. My most generic tactic is deploy preds reserve the rest deepstrike assault squads. Preds wreck havoc for a while and play a range game. stormraven come in and turn 3 drops the hammer on something exposed or vital. assault squads move to contest, score, assist, and the razorback is a 55 point obectsecure tank that someone gets to waste their time shooting at while I move to contest.


My the generals please review the missions and give me your thought on how best to play these missions.




edited to finish my post

Edited to fix typo

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If you want to have two special weapons on the sergeants take a thunder hammer and a lightning claw, not TH and axe. The axe basically is a weaker but just as unwieldy version of the thunder hammer. I bet you meant storm shield and axe.
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If you want to have two special weapons on the sergeants take a thunder hammer and a lightning claw, not TH and axe. The axe basically is a weaker but just as unwieldy version of the thunder hammer. I bet you meant storm shield and axe.

Yep your right I take storm shield and Axe. That was a typo I'll fix.

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