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Flesh Tearers wips and batreps, tank battle 4-6-15

Black Marshal

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  • 2 weeks later...
Results of the Elvensword Ambassadorial Tournament.
Big thank you to The Game Matrix in Tacoma Washington for hosting. Anyone from Washington get a chance to go there awesome venue and awesome people.

WP 20141025 11 35 03 Pro


this is what I brought to the tourney got a lot of weird looks for my army build but I was ready to go forward
First up was this Salamanders player. Shout out to eric from forever knight gaming in capital mall Olympia Washington. Eric was my opponent today. He struggled with his dice for a turn or two and allowed me to really dominate the board. Came back in the end with a hail mary deepstrike of vulkan on my objective held with a stormraven but thanks to some tricky maneuvering and assaults from my boys we removed vulkan and he immobilized the stormraven. Blood Angels victory.

WP 20141025 14 06 25 Pro

WP 20141025 11 35 11 Pro

WP 20141025 11 49 39 Pro

WP 20141025 11 53 05 Pro

WP 20141025 12 10 27 Pro

WP 20141025 12 42 34 Pro

WP 20141025 13 12 02 Pro

WP 20141025 13 46 46 Pro

Next was a Grey Knight Player John. John brought 15 terminators landrader, 3 dreadnought and 2 dreadknights. 3 objectives in this game center one was worth 9 but could only be scored at end of game other two worth 3 but can score ever round you hold uncontested. dreadknights got in my face and did what they do and his librarian with vortex of doom was extremely efficient at taking out my armor. But playing to objective gave me the win when I took the center objective game end. Blood Angels Victory.

WP 20141025 14 27 37 Pro

WP 20141025 14 50 14 Pro

WP 20141025 15 08 22 Pro

WP 20141025 15 30 32 Pro

WP 20141025 15 30 42 Pro

WP 20141025 15 47 30 Pro

WP 20141025 16 08 13 Pro

WP 20141025 16 20 44 Pro

WP 20141025 16 20 54 Pro

Next was top 4 and a shot at the Championship round all I had to do was beat Tyranids. 3 flying monstrous creatures and a whole bunch more monstrous creatures I was nervous about this. It was a kill point game, 9 victory points for each entire slot of the force org chart you kill, and then secure the center of the board with scoring units 3 victory points a piece. I combat squaded everything with attempts of late game deepstriking to capitalize on the secure the center. If I did this and just didn't lose too many of my tanks I would win. Well unless he gets infiltrate 3 units and then seizes the initiative. I got man handled this game. after my tanks were busted my stormraven came in and got vector striked out of the sky and corbolu and four marines survived the explosion and went to go pick a fight with some bugs and hilarity ensured because corbolu will just not die.But to his credit Chancey was very fun to play against and went win the tournament. Blood angels Defeat.

WP 20141025 17 11 31 Pro

WP 20141025 17 48 18 Pro

WP 20141025 17 53 59 Pro

WP 20141025 18 12 46 Pro

WP 20141025 18 42 52 Pro

WP 20141025 18 57 31 Pro


Last was a consolidation fight for 5th place against Chaos Daemons. total war scenario, 9 vp for most kill points, 9 vp for his objective your objective, 9 vp for most secondary objectives. The big line of sight blocker is really going to hurt me this game. But I castled up and went for the hardest place for him to get to me. top of 2 he made 2 separate 12 inch charges, I immobilized my razor on the river he immobilized the other. wow. I needed to get my troops on the board before I get tabled. I went to the right flank to go for his objective and try to start getting some kill points. his one shot that could even pen stormraven snapfired and got through my jink and blew me out of the sky. corbolu and one marine and half a dreadnought is all that is left. both my assault marines squads get slaughters in assault. Blood Angels Defeat


WP 20141025 19 43 48 Pro

WP 20141025 19 56 32 Pro

WP 20141025 19 56 36 Pro

WP 20141025 20 03 14 Pro

WP 20141025 20 18 29 Pro

WP 20141025 20 53 42 Pro


Didn't take top five but landed somewhere in the middle of the 16 compedators. Also took the award for Best Sportsmanship with a prize of a front line gaming mat. That's one of the things I really like about his hobby we value winning as much as how you played the game.


All and All im calling in a victory. FOR THE EMPEROR!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
getting ready for an big game of apoc on Tuesday here is the scenario


Warmaster Matthew, the Warmaster of the Emperors Imperial Crusade, has forsaken his oath to the Imperium and the Emperor. This once pious and devout mas has become corrupted by his thirst for power. He sent a message to the High Lords of Terra denying their ability to govern. Stating that the Imperium of man is the rotting limb of the galaxy and it must be purged if he is to save it. He has taken his crusade through multiple sectors and has left nothing but burning worlds in his wake. Many worlds have flocked to his sides. Governors from hundreds of worlds have thrown off the yolk of the Emperor and have Allied with the Warmaster.


Sources tell us that the Warmaster is turning is Crusade on Terra itself. If the Imperium of Man is to survive the Warmaster must be stopped.


Seeing the looming threat and the opportunity to finally redeem his chapter. Gabriel Seth of the Flesh Tearers mobilizes his entire chapter to crush the Warmaster. But before he does Seth calls upon the aid of his old friends the Brother Wolf Lords of the 9th great company of spacewolve. The brother wolf lords share Gabriel Seth's lust and zeal for battle and have earned his respect and friendship during a campaign against the Eldar. Seth's offer of a join campaign against the Warmaster will bring great honor to the 9th company. The Brothers agree to Gabriel Seth's proposal and together they devise a plan to surprise the warmaster as his crusade against the imperium rumbles across the ice world of Valhalla.


Through his network of spies the Warmaster is aware of the approach of the Flesh Tearers and the Brother Wolf Lords. He has selected the Ice Worlds of Valhalla and has set a trap for the forces of the Imperium. He will feint ignorance of their intents to bring them to the planet with the intent of destroying them with the entire might of his crusade. What the Imperium does not know is that The Warmaster has been seduced by the chaos gods. He has Allied himself with the Ruinous Powers and is but a pawn in their game.


Will the zeal, tenacity and strength of two chapters of space marines be enough to turn back the tides of darkness desending on the Imperium of Man? Or will the Ruiunous Powers finally succeed through the Warmaster's corrupted crusade?


Here are some pictures of the board I made for the game.

WP 20141111 19 01 12 Pro

WP 20141111 19 01 54 Pro

WP 20141111 19 02 05 Pro

WP 20141111 19 02 08 Pro

WP 20141111 19 02 19 Pro


Total war scenario
Emperor's Will: Primary objective in each players deployment zone Player who controls the most primary objectives receives 6vp
Crusade: 3 secondary objectives. Secondary objectives are secure the crashed landspeeder, secure the landing pad, secure the bridge. each is worth 3 vp.
Purge the Alien: Most kill points receives 6 vp
Line breaker is worth 1 to Ba/SW and worth 3 to IG. To represent the crusade rolling on.
Slay the warlord is worth 1vp to IG and 3vp to BA/SW. to represent them Slaying the Warmaster and stopping the crusade.
No first blood
The Warmaster will be taking a tank heavy IG list with daemon allies and summoning daemons.
I will be bringing
Gabriel Seth
Recularch with PF Jumppack
ML2 Librarian
Librarian Dread
8 DC with Jumppacks
Razorback assault cannon
DC dread
Assault marines with Razorback Las/plas
Assault marines with Razorback Las/plas
2 baal predators assault cannons heavy bolters
2 10 man Veteran assault squads all with melta bombs
2 predators lascannons auto cannons
2 vindicators
Dreadnought with TLautocannon
2 wolf lords fully kitted out
4 ML2 rune priests
2 terminator lone wolves
2 squads of blood claws in drop pods
2 squads of ultragrit greyhunters outflanking
wolfscout snipers
iron priest
4 kitted out thunderwolf cab
3 squads of longfangs with flak missles
empty drop pod for corb and mephiston.


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After an epic battle the results are in. The corrupted Warmaster brought much to battle with over 30 tanks and 150 guardsmen and was even summoning deamons to the battle. The warmaster secured the landing pad for 3vp. He was also able to take the flesh tearers objective while holding his own scoring him another 6vp. Finally he received his bonus of linebreaker scoring another 3vp. He was unable to slay my warlord. Total for the Warmaster 12vp


The fleshtearers were able to secure the landspeeder as well as the bridge for 6 vp. We were also able to score linebreaker for 1vp. So it came down to kill points the warmaster had destroyed 30 fleshtearer units, But we had destroyed 32. Total for the flesh tearers 13 vp.


Gabriel Seth was able to claim a victory today but was unable to slay the warmaster. His body gaurds were too numerous and too deadly and were able to kill both of the Brother Wolf Lords during the slaughter.


VIP for the game was the Mephiston and Corbs deathstar. Mephiston got iron arm and warpspeed and with corbs tanking for him their were able to chew through the entire left flank completely unsupported.


I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures.


*edited to correct VPs

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Two battle reports for you guys today.


First was my Mech Flesh Tearers Vs. Spearhead formation+ BSF 2000pts. Maelstrom mission

WP 20150106 12 46 47 Pro


This was the first time I played against this formation and decided to play very defensively. I castled up and bubble wrapped my tanks and waited for the pain


WP 20150106 12 47 10 Pro


here you can see his scouts that were ignored the entire game 


WP 20150106 12 53 43 Pro

The stormravens came in and then went flat out to get right on top of me turn two


WP 20150106 13 08 43 Pro


My stormraven came on and then everything I had focus fired on the center raven to try and break his formation. It crashed and burned and killed all but 2 marines and took a arm off the furioso


WP 20150106 13 08 46 Pro

Mephiston and company multi assaulted my pred and destroyed all three. DC deepstruck danger close to the other pred in the back and was able to blow that up too.



WP 20150106 13 10 34 Pro


WP 20150106 13 10 40 Pro



WP 20150106 13 32 20 Pro

his storm raven blew up my storm raven and stunned a pred. Mephiston, a priest and 10 tacticals drop in on the left.


WP 20150106 13 43 57 Pro


one tactical finished the furioso, and the second finished off the 2 man squad, I positioned to shoot the hovering storm with the pred in the back and everthing else was to pour into the tactical squad. But I got tunnel vision and instead put everthing into the stormraven and ignored the tactical squad. My five man tactical squad


WP 20150106 13 56 08 Pro


WP 20150106 14 13 40 Pro


5 tacticals moved down to shield my Librarian dread, DC moved up to assault mephiston and company, both tacticals surrounded mephiston and company and everything fired into them. Had to try and get through mephistons 2+ and the Feel no Pain and managed to kill enough to force a leadership, which he failed and made a charge for the DC very hard. I really needed to kill this unit almost all of my objectives were to take this objective in the right were he was, and to kill his warlord which was right there. I assaulted with my Death Company who would have made the charge but lost 2 from over watch, and failed. a tactical squad assaulted in to try and hold them but were killed by mephiston.


WP 20150106 14 24 46 Pro


Terminators ate my 5 tacticals, DC killed my librarian dreadnought, mephiston killed himself, and he assaulted my last tacticals



WP 20150106 14 27 58 Pro


My DC assaulted his DC and we didn't really do much. My razorback was able to down 2 terminators and cassor assaulted the last one. neither of us did anything


WP 20150106 14 40 08 Pro

game ended with my tacticals still locked in melee, cassor trying to make a break of an objective and DC finally winning combat.



WP 20150106 14 46 04 Pro


I was soundly beaten in this game. My trouble was actually I could not break out and score while his scouts and stormravens kept scoring the whole game. Ended with Flesh tearers 3 BA 12. Didn't like the librarians in this list, didn't do much of anything and really slowed me down. need to get something better.




Second game I took a whole new list and wanted to try out my Flesh Tearers Dante. Another Maelstrom Flesh Tearers DOA Vs Triple Stormraven, Landraider list.


WP 20150106 15 19 31 Pro


I got first turn and deployed first. I put Astorath and DC right in the center right on the edge. His landraider went right in the center and scouts deployed in cover


WP 20150106 15 28 09 Pro

DC moved to the right to score an objective, Assault squad and tactical squad arrived VIA deepstrike. Tactical squad combat squaded one heavy flammered the scouts scoring first blood and the other tacticals were able to explode the landraider. The assault marines were able to kill 2 terminators



WP 20150106 15 45 22 Pro


Mephiston killed the assault squad and the terminators killed all but one of the tactical marines the one tactical marine runs for his life.


WP 20150106 15 52 30 Pro

Captain and his assault squad deep strike next to the scouts, dante and his assault squad deepstrike center field. Stormraven come in and shoots up terminators and mephiston. tacticals fall back to score objective 2 and get out of assault range. DC move to score objective 6


Storm ravens and death company come on. 2 storm ravens and death company focus on mephiston and his squad I take 3 wounds on mephiston and lose 7 marines. stormraven shoots my stormraven and immobilizes it he decided not to move his terminators because they are 18 inches away and will destroy my stormraven next turn

WP 20150106 16 12 08 Pro


 last tactical squad arrives and lands next to death company, everything moves and surrounds death company. captain moves and kills the scouts and scores that objective everything fires into deathcompany and then dante and assault squad finish it off

WP 20150106 16 45 51 Pro


 cant see it in this picture but his last 3 terminators and priest move to center field, mephiston killed himself from perils and some wounds he took from the stormraven earlier. tacticals and DC rapid fire and then DC and astorath assault killing the squad.. all of his flyers are now hovering my assault squad in the back fires meltas and assaults the stormraven nd does a hull point.


WP 20150106 16 55 27 Pro




WP 20150106 17 01 19 Pro


WP 20150106 17 06 00 Pro

game went on to turn seven with me scoring objectives and him shooting me. I had no real answer for the stormravens at this point, all of my meltas and power fists were dead. I was able to krak grenade one to death , and almost got another before the game ended.


Game ended Flesh Tearers 15  to blood angels 7.


Final thoughts this list was extremely fun and extremely effective. I think I need more of an answer for assaulting high toughness or high AV things more powerfists might be in order


hope you enjoyed my battle report

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  • 2 weeks later...

been having fun playing a DOA list lately. Not running the most optimal list i am sure but it seems to be working really well.




Priest Angels Wings Valor's Edge Infernous pistol


10 DC  Bolters Jump packs Powerfist

10 tactical marines 1 melta, heavy flammer, vet sgt infernous pistol power weapon drop pod

10 tactical marines 1 melta, heavy flammer, vet sgt infernous pistol power weapon drop pod

10 assault marines 2 meltas vet sgt pw

10 assault marines 2 meltas vet sgt pw

5 assault marines 2 meltas sgt combi melta drop pod



you will notice this is only 1970, i did a change from the captain to the priest last minute and forgot to account for the change. next time ill put a thunderhammer in with death company.


my opponent was also playing blood angels, he took



ML2 librarian terminator armor SS

priest jump pack


10 death company bolters powerfist 4? infernous pistols

5 scouts sniper rifles

5 tacticals sgt combi plas plasma

5 tacticals heavy bolter

5 tacticals sgt combi melta, 


1 MM attack bike


5 thss terminators landraider crusader MM

stormraven hurricane bolters


game type was emperors will? 2 objectives and hammer and anvil deployment.


WP 20150117 13 58 32 Pro

i won and let him go first and declines to steal, he castles behind the main building and bubble wraps his landraider with the tacticals,  scouts go up in the building, the MM attack bike takes a flank and death company and priest are in reserve., i only deployed deathcompany and astorath deployed them right on the edge of my deployment zone everything else is in reseves. 

WP 20150117 14 01 24 Pro (1)

he takes the bait and breaks his formation. tacticals move back and dont do anything, landraider moves fast and fires at death company, scouts shoot at death company, no wounds.

WP 20150117 14 08 09 Pro


tacticals squad and melta squad arrive and deepstrike next to the landraider. tactical squad combat squads. death company moves forward with thoughts of assaulting terminators. 4 melta shots get 1 hit and cause a hull point and take a weapon. death company assault the landraider and cause another hull point. 

WP 20150117 14 33 35 Pro


he realizes he cant disembark because i am too close he also cant move because i have the landraider surrounded. he tank shocks through the deathcompany but then cant assault me. he shoots with his tacticals but causes no wounds
i then deepstrike down with the other tactical squad and the priest assault squad, dante misshaped and went back to reserves, stormraven stays off.  tactical squad takes the landraider, death company moves up and takes out a tactical squad, tacticals and assault marines move up the building to take the scouts.

WP 20150117 14 48 00 Pro

his death company comes in and was able to melta and bolter my tactical squad to death. mm attack bike destroyed a drop pod for some reason, terminators and mephiston killed my tactical squad next to my objective.

WP 20150117 15 00 07 Pro

dante comes in, assault squad and death company finishes of the tactical marines, stormraven puts some hurt on the death company and kills 3 or 4, assault squad in the building failes a 2 inch charge through cover and take take out the scouts, and the 5 tactical marines shoot and assault the attack bike causing no wounds. this assault will go on until the game ends no wounds caused no received, it was the longest tickle match ever.

WP 20150117 15 00 11 Pro

WP 20150117 15 00 17 Pro

WP 20150117 15 26 07 Pro

WP 20150117 15 25 59 Pro


I forgot to take some pictures here. his terminator deathstar started walking up the field. his stormraven came in and everything at dante. his deathcompany came in and killed my 5 man assault squad. and the tickle fight continued.
Dante went up top and too out the scouts, deathcompany went up the middle and killed the deathcompany and priest, black squad started making for my objective. he dropped a furioso dread and assaulted deathcompany. the powerfist was able to cause an explodes result in his turn. the consolidate back towards the THSS deathstar. and the stormravens shoot at each other

WP 20150117 15 43 20 Pro

WP 20150117 15 43 23 Pro

WP 20150117 15 53 01 Pro

game ended round 5 with me willing with secondaries, we agreed to go to turn 6 i was not able to kill the stormraven and the terminators finished my last 2 death company, game ended and i won with owning my objective and secondaries. we then went to turn 7, i wanted to kill the stormraven, and he wanted to assault dante, he killed dantes squad game ended with me owning my objective, and secondaries. 
What i really like about this is the power and speed i can bring to the board. i can chase a landraider i can cross the board and the go back in a game.i know it will struggle against cheese lists but who doesnt? not really sure how else i could improve this list but ill keep playing with it and see what happens.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Had some unfinished business with unorthodoxy the local tau general. and as his name may suggest his tactics are rather unorthodox.
he was taking a highlander list which was some variant of
Crisis suit Commander
3 man Crisis Suits with plasma rifles and fusion blasters
5 stealth suits
10 kroots with hound
3 broadsides with missles
SunShark Bomber
Razorshark Strike Fighter
I again took my DOA list

WP 20150127 18 34 57 Pro

My kitbashed Fleshtearers Dante
I forgot to take a picture but I held everything but death company and astorath in reserve. he deployed the crisis commander, the riptide, and the broadsies on the board everything else in reserve

WP 20150127 18 44 52 Pro

After Deployment I seized the initiative.

WP 20150127 19 00 29 Pro

Both tactical squads drop podded in and combat squaded. I lost one combat squad to interceptor fire giving him first blood. My death company move up into the ruins, My tacticals were able to put a wound on the rip tide. he didn't have much shooting this turn because everything intercepted last turn so he huddled back as far as possible

WP 20150127 19 22 44 Pro

stormraven, dante, priest, and assault squad deepstriked in. death company moved up further through the ruins, heavy flamer squad moved up towards the battlesuits, tactical squads in mid field move through terrain towards the objective. he decided not to intercept at dantes squad hoping to survive this round and kill the priest squad next round.

WP 20150127 19 37 04 Pro

 I after 8 melta shots, 4 missles and bolt pistol shots and storm bolter shots I brought the riptide down to one wound. tactical squad assaulted the battle suits and lost 4 to overwatch but the last man killed a drone and held them up in combat

WP 20150127 19 47 25 Pro

his kroot outflanked and went back to the objective

WP 20150127 19 47 34 Pro

both flyers came on and stunned the stormraven, crisis suits and stealth suits deepstruck in the backfield and started harassing my tacticals. Lost a moral check and fell back.

WP 20150127 19 49 10 Pro

Riptide fired on the priests assault squad passed 10 look out sirs and lost the squad but the priest survived.

WP 20150127 20 09 15 Pro

he jumped backwards and finished my last marine in the tactical squad to the battle suits.

WP 20150127 20 28 28 Pro

deathcompany assaulted and killed the crisis commander, assault squad meltad and finished off the riptide, dante priest and assault squad finished off the battle suits

WP 20150127 20 45 58 Pro

I lost the stormraven to his flyers, and lost more tacticals from the stealth suits and crisis suits. I realize at this point I am playing for a tie I cant reach my objective and must reach and take his I all out run towards his objective

WP 20150127 21 00 18 Pro

he harrases my tacticals some more and moves his objective secured transport 15 inches from the objective and prepares to tank shock

WP 20150127 21 07 20 Pro

I bubble wrap and prepare to death and glory the tank shock with the priest. priest fails the death and glory and was crushed for his efforts. game continues. side not the drop pods put enough wounds on the crisis team to cause a moral check they fail and fall back. on his turn they fail again and almost run off the board.

WP 20150127 21 32 38 Pro

assault squad fires at the devilfish but cant crack it, last lone tactical moves up, red assault squad assaults the crisis team. death company destroys the devil fish. and fire warriors fail moral check and run. Dante broke and attempted the hail mary charge of 11 inches to attempt to slay the warlord and bring this to a flesh tearers victory he failed his charge

WP 20150127 21 43 06 Pro

fire warrior squad regrouped and scored his objective, kroot scored my objective,
Tau victory 7 to 1

Quote from unorthodoxy-
"The game was tightly contested because although the Blood Angels got drawn into the opposite corner by the Riptide, Broadsides and Marker Drones, they always had the speed needed to eventually get to the objective by games end. So the question became would they be able to do it and still stop my other reserves from contesting it, with my outflanked Kroot sitting lazily way over yonder on yon objective?

The battle was furious at the end of turn 5. The devilfish had backed away from it in turn four to exactly 15 inches, to give Dante and his men a wide birth as they finally took the Objective on turn 5. The hapless Crisis team and the Stealthteams rallied near the devilfish to dissuade pursuit. Then on bottom of turn 5, the Devilfish tank shocked the interposing Priest who I would just like to say was ABSOLUTELY the hero of the peoples. That not less than 15 Space Marines laid down their LIVES to protect him and keep him safe for this, his moment of true Death or Glory. Stopping that Devilfish dead in its tracks would be huge. He swung hi fist back, but misjudged the speed of the craft and was ground into hamburger in its motivators. Dante was spattered with his gore. At this stage the game was now 7-1. COULD Dante rally his men?

Another turn! Oh dear. As one they moved to attack the Crisis Team and tied it up despite losing all but one soldier on the charge. It was enough. Then the Death Company that hadn't been blasted by the Razorshark Fighter broke the Devilfish in half with their bear hands spilling the Firewarriors out and forcing them to run for their lves from the burning wreckage and their detractors.

It looked as if the Blood Angels had reasserted control and the score was now 4-4. But the Tau were invested and wanted Dante's Geneseed off the planet so while the Crisis team fumbled around with the lone Marine Frank, the Fire Warriors regrouped, reasserting control of the objective. Meanwhile the Stealthsuits attempted to assassinate Dante who bravely rushed away from the objective to pursue Shadowsun. Nearly dead, you wouldnt know it by the sneer on Dant'es face. the only thing troubling him right now was a long charge to get to Shadowsun and empliment the Emperors Will upon her xeno ass and end this. It was a long shot but maybe he could do it. He revved up his Jump pack but with all the work he'd been doing, it simply didn;'t have the feuel left. Armadas that could span galaxies but yet no way to span a hundred yards in time, he mused bitterly.

The Tau Air planees roared above, spitting death down on the clustered Marines in that ruin which carried the all important prize. but in the end the Fire Warriors were the difference, as they had Secured The Tau objective marker while the Kroot lounged and did little or nothing while sitting upon the Blood angel objective. Final core was 7-1. If it had gone on another turn I think it would have ended as a 5-4 win because he could kill the Fire Warriors easily on his turn and that would leave a Crisis team to desperately attempt to get free and jump the objective to nullify those threee points. Noe of it mattered anyways since the Stealth suits were set to get their Line Breaker, which would put a tie out of reach unless the Bloog Ange;s could kill Shadowsun.

So the ending was very eventful and urgent. Good ending I thought"


I feel my undoing was my red thirst. I was so single mindedly focused on destroying his fire base and then going for his objective I did not split my forces when it was time. I could have easily sent death company and astorath to take my objective and dante priest and assault squad to take his. I had the speed and the bodies and the punch to get the job done but I didn't. I could not explain to you why I did not but I guess at the time I felt that I did not have enough time to get to my objective. these are the mistakes we can make during a battle.

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  • 3 weeks later...
This was an interesting game for me i brought my DOA list again against a tau highlander list. I have played this guy a few times and was trying to play defensively against him. It was one of those games where the dice gods are just not with you. And that was true for both players. Everything that went wrong could go wrong, units were falling back off the field no body could hit anything. His riptide did 3 wounds to itself. Both of us just wanted the game to end but it went on to turn 7. Dante though is a complete beast. He was able to kill 3 battle suits, 10 kroot, a riptide and 3 battlesuits almost single handed.

WP 20150217 12 46 50 Pro

I won the roll off and chose to go second. He deployed a riptide on one flank, battlesuits in the center and a commander with marker drones on the other flank. On the left side there are 3 objectives. I deployed astorath and death company on the left side of the board out of range of any guns. His turn he shifted away from death company.

WP 20150217 13 04 21 Pro

Both tactical squads came down I combat squaded and moved to cover. Both drop pods landed on objectives. one combat squad lost 4 marines to interceptor fire. I was only able to kill a drone.


WP 20150217 13 21 20 Pro

none of his reserves came in. or he completely forgot to roll for them. and in his turn killed a lone marine scoring him first blood. Stormraven didn't come in, drop pod didn't come in, dante and priest did not come in. Dante and priest put 8 melta shots on the wrait knight and hit once wounded once which he saved.


WP 20150217 13 43 58 Pro

crisis suits came in, fighter, and bomber came in. His riptide rolled gets hot for his large blast and did a wound to himself. I then lost all but one marine from black squad and dante and his squad failed leadership and ran.


WP 20150217 13 44 31 Pro

kroot outflanked


WP 20150217 13 44 40 Pro

Dante and half of red squad running


WP 20150217 13 44 51 Pro

tacticals and death company hold objectives and wait for the rest of the tau forces


WP 20150217 14 07 19 Pro

storm came on and took a penetrating hit and could only fire snap shots. didn't hit anything, assault squad came in and landed on an objective, was lost two from interceptor fire, failed leadership and ran off the board. dante and red assault squad killed the crisis team


WP 20150217 14 36 05 Pro

dante and red assault squad took out the kroot and moved back to take the other objective


WP 20150217 14 36 09 Pro

tacticals moved back to secure objectives
things started getting crazy and I forgot to finish the pictures. he had so much fire power left he started ripping marines off the board. Game ended Bottom of seven with a BA victory. I had 1 marine holding an objective, Astorath had one wound and was in combat contesting another objective. my Drop pod held another objective. And Dante after finishing the kroot, took out the riptide and the battle suit team scoring another objective.
Blood Angels 11 VP Tau  6VP



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I actually think the advantages that the doa brings are extremely powerful. Deciding where and when the battle is going to happen and reliably bring 60 marines to that area is huge. The board control and flexibility thisbrings to the table top makes for a very responsive army. It is more difficult to play but I think when I master it I will be able to hang with ever the most op armies.
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Brought my Mech BA this week. Havent played them in a while and wanted to bring the armored might of the flesh tearers to the battle field again my list was...
Flesh Tearers Detachment
105 Librarian MLV2 gallian staff auspex
120 riflemen dread
165 frag cannon dread heavy flamer magna grapples and drop pod
140 Cassor the Damned
149 7 assault marines melta X2 combi melta drop pod
135 Baal pred
135 Baal Pred
125 fast auto las pred

Combined arms detachment
76 priest with the blood angels thinking cap, and bolt pistol
215 10 tacticals melta combi melta heavy flamer, drop pod
155 5 tacticals razorback lascannon tl plasma
155 5 tacticals razorback lascannon tl plasma
125 fast auto las pred
200 storm raven.

I was feeling pretty good about this list it has all my bases covered and only struggles with a couple things Massed infantry and mass av14 which neither are very common.

And then my opponent pulls out this list.

Mephrit Dynasty Resurgence Formation (Monoliths heal D6 Warriors or D3 Immortals)
200 1 Monolith
200 1 Monolith
130pts 10 Necron Warriors
130pts 10 Necron Warriors
85pts 5 Immortals
85pts 5 Immortals

Combined Arms Detachment
65pts 1 Cryptek
65pts 1 Cryptek
130pts 10 Necron Warriors
130pts 10 Necron Warriors

Combined Arms Detachment
115pts 1 Cryptek (Veil, Blinding Staff)
130pts 10 Necron Warriors
130pts 10Necron Warriors
104pts 8 Flayed ones

Living Tomb Formation
300 1 Obelisk

1999 Points

oh no 3 av 14 and 80 robots all with tank killing guns...this is going to be an uphill battle. My only advantage was going to be range and speed. if I can spread the objectives and jump on them late game I can do this...

Then we roll the relic. dang

WP 20150224 15 22 05 Pro

Here is a shot of my armored core (ignore the librarian dread he forgot his frag cannon at home)

WP 20150224 15 43 20 Pro

He won first. my warlord traits where conqueror of cities awesome and -1 to his reserves rolls. so he didn't reserve anything. I then steal the initative

WP 20150224 15 59 41 Pro

and boom first blood for the flesh tearers! I blow up the monolith and kill 8 warriors form one unit but they hold leadership. I was to aggressive with my baal preds and moved them up too close

WP 20150224 16 20 03 Pro

he destroyed my dread and killed most of my assault squad. my reserves did not come on so I moved my razors up towards the objective. I took 3 hull points off the obelisk. I failed my charge with the rest of my assault squad

WP 20150224 16 31 05 Pro


WP 20150224 16 44 13 Pro

 I lost a baal pred to shooting from the obelisk and took a hull point on the other baal

WP 20150224 16 44 19 Pro

 Just a reminder there are still all of these crons back there.

WP 20150224 16 50 01 Pro

 my reserves still do not come on and I was forced to push forward with my razorbacks to pressure that objective. I wanted to move the baal out range of the warriors but I needed the fire power to try and remove those warriors off the objective. combined fire from the razorbacks and baal killed 5 crons and they held leadership. preds took off a hull point on the obelisk

WP 20150224 17 09 15 Pro

 his flayed ones came on and deepstruck near my pred for linebreaker

WP 20150224 17 09 19 Pro

 I lost both razorbacks and the baal fand then my tacticals couldn't make a save failed leadership and fell back

WP 20150224 17 22 11 Pro

 reserves came on and I went for the gusto.  put the melta combi melta and all the guns from the storm into the obelisk and couldn't hit it to save my life. I wanted to take it out and have it blow up real big and take out the warriors. heavy flamer couldn't kill any crons

WP 20150224 17 22 15 Pro


WP 20150224 17 39 37 Pro

 flayed ones destroyed my pred and lost all by two of my tacticals. he moved the relic away from me.

WP 20150224 17 50 36 Pro

was finally able to kill the obelisk and but it was to little to late cassor attacked the warrior squad and wounded with all his attacks and he saved all of them. there was no way to come back from this and it was a clear defeat.


Necron victory.

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