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Flesh Tearers wips and batreps, tank battle 4-6-15

Black Marshal

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after much deliberation I have decided that if I was to tailor a list against this I would be trying to leverage 2 big weaknesses that the necrons have. 1 they don't assault well. 2 they do not have access to many things that can take out 2+ armor. Since I know he doesn't have flyers I could drop mine off and I don't need to worry about killing TEQ so all melta all day.


Flesh tearers Detachment. (I know my is going to be better so I don't need the bonus)



Priest with Infernous pistol, power weapon, jumppack crown angelic



10 DC jumppacks 2 powerfist

10 sanquinary guard 2 powerfists


5 scouts


10 assault marines 2 meltas vet sgt powerfist combi melta

10 assault marines 2 meltas vet sgt powerfist combi melta

5 assault marines 2 melta combi melta drop pod

5 assault marines 2 melta combi melta drop pod

5 assault marines 2 melta combi melta drop pod


Meltas and powerfists to take out the av14 and dante stands in front of an assault squad and tanks, astorath stands in front of an death company and tanks and the sanguinary guard just tanks. drop pods to pressure turn one and everything else would steam roll across the table trying to wipe units in assault.

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Great stuff, you've got a lot of bases covered there.

I dont know why, but I would have immediatly gravitated towards using Terminators, but point of point, I think your use of assualt marines and Sanguinary Guard will do the job faster.


A friend of mine has just started colelcting Necrons, you've given me a lot to think about before I play him.

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Dante is an absolute beast. consistently I am breaking him off to go do is own assaults and he wins! And what astorath turns death company into makes him an absolute bargain at his price.


This whole list is really like the anti deathstar. I know deathstars are really popular and really easy. I have been finding that spreading all of those abilities throughout the army gives me many creditable threats across the battlefield for the entire length of the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to have a large space marine tank battle Flesh tearers VS Blue Iron Hands

Flesh Tearers Detachment

105 Librarian MLV2 gallian staff auspex

120 riflemen dread

165 frag cannon dread heavy flamer magna grapples and drop pod

140 Cassor the Damned

149 7 assault marines melta X2 combi melta drop pod

135 Baal pred

135 Baal Pred

125 fast auto las pred

Combined arms detachment

76 priest with the blood angels thinking cap, and bolt pistol

215 10 tacticals melta combi melta heavy flamer, drop pod

155 5 tacticals razorback lascannon tl plasma

155 5 tacticals razorback lascannon tl plasma

125 fast auto las pred

200 storm raven.

His list was something along these lines

Double CAD


Librarian -Level 2, Force Staff; attached to 5 man tac squad in Razorback

Librarian - Level 2, Force sword and bolt pistol; attached to 5 man tac squad in Razorback


Tactical Squad - 10 man - Sgt. w/ Storm Bolter, Plasma Gun and Plasma Cannon in a Rhino. (Combat Squaded)

Tactical Squad - 10 man - Sgt. w/ Storm Bolter, Plasma Gun and Plasma Cannon in a Rhino. (Combat Squaded)

Tactical Squad - 10 man - Sgt. w/ Combi-melta, Meltagun in a Rhino w/ Dozer Blade.

Tactical Squad - 10 man - Sgt. w/ Combi-plasma and Plasma Gun in Rhino

Tactical Squad - 5 man - Sgt. w/ Bolter in a Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Lascannon, Storm Bolter, and Dozer Blade

Tactical Squad - 5 man - Sgt. w/ Bolter in a Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Lascannon and Storm Bolter

Fast Attack:

Stormtalon Gunship - Twin-Linked Lascannon

Stormtalon Gunship - Twin-Linked Lascannon

Heavy Support:

Predator - Twin-Linked Lascannon and Lascannon Sponsons

Predator - Autocannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, and Storm Bolter

Predator - Autocannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, and Storm Bolter


Played maelstrom mission where you can steal objectives. deployment long table edges. I won and let him go first.

My traits I rolled were conqueror of cites (move through cover and stealth ruins) and -1 to his reserves. He got re roll reserves.


He deployed all across and I moved to cover and line of site blocking buildings.


He did a general advance and shot at my preds but with a 3+ cover save I was good to go.


I decided to shift left. His warlord was out in the open and so was a pred without cover. I left my preds on the right flank in cover to shoot his armor and keep him coming forward. Melta assault squad drop podded in and nuked the predator, Dreadnought killed 4 marines leaving the warlord and one tactical. First blood to flesh tearers


Blue Iron hands are none to pleased.


I missed some pics here. but his talons came on and his preds shot up my predators and took out one of them. Two of his his tacticals all moved forward trying to score objectives. I kept drawing cards to destroy things in shooting. My furioso killed a 5 mine tactical, assault squad and librarian killed his warlod. baal preds and razorbacks killed 6 tactical marines in the center, storm raven destroyed the tri las pred.


one talon shot the storm and did a hull point and the other shot a baal and did nothing. Preds and razor backs kept huning my predator. his remaining tacticals assault my razor back wrecking it.



I again needed to shoot things to death 3 things to get D3 points and assault thigns. my storm dropped into hover and cassor ran out. Cassor ignored the tacticals and assaulted a rhino for the easy victory point. My furioso in the back who had previously assaulted a razorback now assaulted another tactical squad with the rest of my assault squad. rifle men dread finished off a rhino razorback should have flatted out to contest the center objective near cassor but I forgot about the fact I had objective secured so they shot at the tactical squad and so did the predator which made them fall back. I really wanted to finish the rhino on the left because I thought it had a full tact squad in it. so I doubled up with my Baals and my tactical squad...it was empty. he told me that but totally spaced it. but man did I kill that rhino. my tacticals and his tacticals are now in an assault down under the rifle men dreadnought. there is a objective down there that he has 2 cards for and I have one.


this is when I start feeling the weight off all his bodies. the full strength tactical squad comes down to help take thobective under the riflemen dread. his talons cut through my baals. the whirl whind backs up.


another shot of his whirlwind backing up and my tacticals advancing.


cassor moved up and destroyed the final predator cassor was wrecked by his tacticals in his turn. my stormraven shot up his librarians razorback. I had an objective to kill the witch. my tacticals in the center stayed put to score the objective, and go shot out and then shot up. my tacicals in assault killed a couple guys, rifle men dread finally killed a rhino. his tacticals moved to join the assault and moved up towards another objective. I actually don't know what he was thinking because that objective was worth 3 points I would have assaulted my last 4 guys but what ever.


I have no idea what my stormraven is doing in this picture. I think it blew up a talon my tacticals join an assault and my tacticals up top do two hull points to the whirlwind.


stormravena and riflemen finish off another talon. my tacticals finish off his tacticals on his turn scoring me 3 vp for that objective. my warlord then breaks off and assaults his last 3 tacticals to challenge and get another point. my 3 tacticals in the center are finally not pinned but just hold that objective. my tacticals up tope are killed and my furioso fails his 11 inch charge of glory.

Game ends Flesh tearers 18 Blue Iron hands 13.

My furioso was my MVP he destroyed so many units himself and was able to pressure a whole flank. Very uncommon for him to survive one round of shooting let alone 6 turns of it. I was disappointed with the riflemen dread but I love my conversion so he stays. I was also disappointed with the Iron hands performance. I thought it will not die and their FNP would come in more often but it never came up. Never made a single FNP roll and I destroyed tanks outright so he never got to recover hull points.

Our fast rule is ridicules. I covered so much ground and was able to dis out so much fire power that he was never able to keep up.

Hope you enjoyed the battle report and the larger pictures. Cheers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys had a game this week vs an inquisitorial list with grey knight allies and imperial knight

My list was my DOA List


Priest w Infernous pistol, Wings, Power Weapon


10 Death Company Thunder Hammer, Power fist Jump packs

10 tacticals melta heavy flamer combi melta Drop Pod

10 tacticals melta heavy flamer combi melta Drop Pod

10 assault marines 2 meltas vet sgt power weapon infernous pistol

10 assault marines 2 meltas vet sgt power weapon infernous pistol

5 assault marines 2 meltas combi melta drop pod


His list was


ML3 Grey knight librarian

2 5 man strike squads

2 Hench men squads in razorbacks with TL assault cannons

1 large hench men squad with crusaders death cults in a land raider crusader with psybolt ammo and the grenades that pretty much destroy any assault I can make

1 Dreadknight

1 Imperial Knight

We were doing a maelstrom deadlock.


He went deployed like this


knowing how important the first few rounds are in this maelstrom I choose to deploy mostly on the board.





He did a general advance and was able to kill a marine. but he did score 5 of his 6 maelstrom cards...might be an uphill battle


My objectives were destroy something and take the objective in the woods. I shifted up and dropped around the razorback and scored first blood and three objective cards.


My oppo realized he had forgotten to move his dreadknight. if you are struggling seeing it that is because he hasent built it yet and just the base is out. he moved it up behind the landraider. His knight moved up and fired at dante and caused a wound. the knight failed to take the objective on the landing pad which is worth 2 vp. his large henchmen squad came out to play. and killed the heavy flamer combat squad. One strike squad assaulted my 5 tacticals.



None of my reserves came in and the only objective I could score was kill something in assault which my death company easily killed the strike squad


Everyone consolidated back


he moved up some more and put some fire on dante and death company. some red squad marines died dante took a wound and so did astorath. Astorath bossed a lot of wounds for death company.


Stormraven came on and scored an objective. and did a hull point to the knight.


Death company assaulted the dreadknight and killed it before it could swing back, dante assaulted the strike squad and wiped it out. Dante then consolidated back.


this is what the battle field looked like after my turn


you may have noticed the knight has flowers on him. my daughter was picking flowers all game and my oppo decided the knight would carry them into battle...


The henchmen squad assaulted deathcompany after shooting it with the landraider. the Knight shot and tried to charge dante but failed. His last razorback went flat out and scored an objective on a bridge.


Death company almost wiped out from assault but held in there.


you may notice the is no longer a knight there. my stormraven came behind him and the drop pod and dante took two other sides combied fire brought down the mighty knight. I did loose 4 marines as the knights engines went critical vaporized them. the priests assault squad destroyed the razorback and the heavy flamer combat squad roasted the henchmen inside. The stormraven with noting else to fire at shot at the landraider and immobilized it.


the large henchmen squad assaulted dante and finished him off.


my squads moved out and covered the objectives preparing for the game to go on. I am covering 5 of the 6 objectives and he has one squad left. but it is a squad that I cant kill.

And the game ends.

finally tally inquisitorial 13vp Blood angels 14vp

great game with a fun oppo. This was only his 3rd time out with this list and it still needs some work but I see it being very potent when he is done. I continue to enjoy my armies speed and table control. I have some tweeks I could do. such as moving the sgts to combi melta powerfist combo. I have also contemplated moving to a flesh tearers detachment to drop the tactical for more assault marines.

Astorath is my biggest concern. yes he turns death company into a complete machine but mostly I use him for a tank and wouldn't his points be better served by putting another unit on the board.

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Love the batreps.

Alfresco wargaming. It doesn't get any more grimdark, does it?


Love your armies.

You know that if you leave Astorath off the table, that will be the game the DC don't get it done.

More seriously, though, I think the first 4 units in your list: Dante, Sang. Priest, Astorath and the DC need to be considered en masse.

How many deathstars do you want - one huge, or a couple of minis?

You could field just two HQs and two from Vanguard/Sanguinary Guard/Honour Guard/Death Company.

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the idea is to actually not create death star. Death stars are easy to create but also easy to handle...walk away from the deathstar. What is harder to play and harder to defend against are multiple units that all are high threat and all synergize together. I do agree that the game I leave astorath at home DC wont do anything but maybe a melta honor guard squad or a grav bike squad could help with monstrous creature/ terminator control
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  • 3 months later...

had three games in the tournament. First up was a Tyranid player. He was playing a Monster List and after Dante and company ate it the game was a loss. Next up was a chaos player. The game was good a bloody but he failed to play to the objectives. I was able to receive a perfect score which landed me on the champions table. Last up was a Eldar player 2 big squads of jet bikes, two serpents one with fire dragons one with wraiths with their d flammers. a large squad of striking scorpions and then a close combat wraith knight. This was a rough game for me with the wraith knight quite literally killing my whole army. But it was not all for not i did walk away with best painted.


How might Blood Angels deal with a wraith knight? I learned the hard way that even 24 meltas in one round will not take it down, and powerfists wont finish it the second. With out bringing a centurion deathstar the only thing i can think to do is run and feed it 5 man tacticals. 

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  • 3 months later...


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