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Looking for Death Guard Paint Scheme

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I'm currently in the process of rebuilding my first army project - Death Guard and Nurgle Daemons as allies. I just finished stripping the old paint job and getting everything ready to be repainted, so I'm looking for a good Death Guard Plague Marine paint scheme. As I looked for inspiration I came across the DG Hellbrute in White Dwarf Issue 6 from 8 March 2014. This WD and the next one both have painting guides for the Hellbrute, but neither touch on the awesome Death Guard style paint job showcased on the cover of Issue 6!? Looking through the GW webstore I see the How to Paint Citadel Miniatures: Hellbrute and it shows this DG Hellbrute on the cover and probably details what I want to know, but it is only for iBooks and I do not own any apple products. I'm wondering if anyone here has this guide and wouldn't mind sharing with me the paints and a few of the steps used in painting this DG Hellbrute so I can use it on the rest of my DG army. I'm not so much concerned about the steps, but just the paints and washes used for the armor, the fleshy bits, and the necrotic looking head. Thanks in advance! - Jeremy


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