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Brother against Brother, an alpha legiod idea/oddesey

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I have been musing on what to do with my unpainted marine force. The alpha legion have always interested me, and frankly i dont enjoy the portrayal that the alpha legion has in 40k times.


So i had an idea for a force, built upon an idea of mine of a schism between alpharius and omegon. basically omegon seeing past the wretched cabal and the path of walking down chaos.


Im still articulating the fluff and fleshing out my idea, but the rough sketch for now is that omegon never truly agreed with the cabal, and decides to choose a third path. no doubt that omegon had his own followers and loyalists in the legion, my contignet would basically be those who have sided with omegon and now fight to disrupt the plans of their wayward brothers. but these somewhat loyalistish group of guys arent neccesarily pro-imperium. more or less saving their own legion from the power of chaos.


ive decided to put this in the chaos marine section as i figure this is where a lot of alpha legion fans hang and to get some help on scoping out this idea. anyway heres a tibit on my thoughts






My sons we have been decieved



We have followed a path in which we can never turn back

what i asked of you, only a handfull of years ago the hardest thing you's have ever done, the unspeakeable


I ask you now to do the unthinkable

We walk a third path, the hardest but we are alpha legion

the begining and the end

what others cannot do, we can

My brother's your father walks into the abyss, the pawn of the most despicable power the universe has ever known

The arch enemy

We have fallen from the light, cast out as traitors until the end of time

our names will be spat upon, our memory defiled, every victory now nothing in the eyes of the imperium

in the centuries to come Alpharius and his legionaires will do everything they can to tear it down

We have always been the best, the most dangerous

we are now the most lethal weapon the arch enemy can wield

i ask of you know my brothers to destroy that weapon

Only we are capable of destroying ourselves

so we must do that

Brothers i ask you to destroy the alpha legion

In the centuries to come you's will be tested beyond anything that even us immortals can comprehend

it will be a long and treacherous road, but we are alpha legion we fight the long war

Trust only yourselves and your training, to trust anything other than that is these trying times will only lead to your doom

I will not ask yous to do anything that i would not do myself

Alpharius cannot be allowed to achieve the path set before him

I leave you's now to your mission and your duty

There will be no forgiveness or redemption

Kill your brothers





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