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Assassins in your TAC lists? What and how many?


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It's a fortunate character that I think despite any wording issues, just about nobody will prevent you playing RAI so I think it's safe to suggest stuff tactically.


...And if they are 'that guy', they're asking for a precision shot from my palm the back of their big stupid head!


I have a 1.85k tourney coming up and while I was originally going to take a pure Space Wolves list I might just bolster it with a Vindicare to give me some long-ranged fire support. Would also be a great opportunity to see how the assassin functions against a variety of races/opponents in 7th edition.  I'll be sure to share my findings :)

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While I admit there's some merit in this line of thinking, I could say "don't bother shooting Plasma at Terminators, a few good Invuln saves and your Plasma has done nothing all game".




If you can only make a single Plasma shot each turn.


If the Vindicare had a higher RoF, LoS wouldn't be as much of an issue. ;)

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I'm going to use the formation with all the assassins, because of this picture:






But realistically the best Assassin is the Culexus against any army that contains psykers, nearly an auto-take against those armies and still decent as long as you have your own psykers to boost him and he has that pseudo-Invisibility.


Barring that, the Vindicare looks a lot better despite the few nerfs he received and 7E's overall explosion nerf. He got a lot of buffs to compensate, mainly the 72" range.


If I were inclined to always auto-take an assassin, it'd be Vindicare for TAC and Culexus against psykers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really dont see psychic as being huge in 40K anymore, even before the Culexus turned up. With psychic powers now you seem to have only 2 choices either go all out or hardly bother.  Marines, Eldar, Tau, Necrons can all run strong armies without any psychic footprint.  Nova was won by an eldar army with a Autarch!

The Culexus is going to be good against Grey Knights, some Demon/Chaos lists, and the odd marine list with Tiggy/Loth.  Otherwise the Culexus will have limited use whereas the Vindicare will always have a use.

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Ditto, the Culexus is still exceptionally good against TEQ, MEQ and reasonably good against MC's, given the instant death and ignores armour. Even if the enemy has no psykers she's still pretty beastly against a wide variety of opponents.
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So far I am trying the following:


A Callidus in my Death Company list. Her job is to tie up something important until the Death Company arrive.

A Vindicare in my light mech list. His job is to simply be a nuisance and take out priority targets.

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I was able to play a couple of games this weekend with a vindicare on the table. Once as an ally with my partner and once against me.


When it was an ally I know he killed one sergeant but I don't remember if it did anything else. When it was against me, it killed a melta girl one turn one, failed to wound my canoness with the turbo round in turn two and then wounded the canoness with the hellfire round in turn three but she saved with the rosarius. By that time my remaining exorcist had no other targets and fire on the assassin. One missile got through the saves but that was enough to ID him.


Maybe other people have been having better luck but so far I'm not seeing much. Too few shots and there is always a good chance to avoid it

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It's so not. That's the same logic people use to say the Burning Blade is too dangerous to use because it's got a 1/6 chance of a S4 hit AP2.


It's not a big deal.


Once in a while it might annoy you but it doesn't make the Vindicare poor on it's own.

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The Lo,S is nothing. Two of his ammo types only wound on a 4+ and the third one is canceled at the same ratio by an iron halo.


Subtlety is going to be his key. He will never have the character killing impact the other assassins can cause but he will be able to pop synergies at range.

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The vindi's primary job for me will be skimmer hunting and manning a quadgun. Str 10 ignores cover should pop any transport, and has a decent chan I e against even a landraider. And a bs8 ignores cover quad will get junk done.
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It's not a big deal.


Difference in price between an Upgrade and a Vindicare. ;)


You sink 140 odd points into a Mini, you want that mini to do it's job.  Not be *unable* to snipe out the dangerous IC because a mook takes the shot 50% of the time.




The Lo,S is nothing. Two of his ammo types only wound on a 4+ and the third one is canceled at the same ratio by an iron halo.


And the Lo,S! 50% negation is on top of that.  It's an extra reduction to his single shot high payoff role that frankly was not needed.

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The vindi's primary job for me will be skimmer hunting and manning a quadgun. Str 10 ignores cover should pop any transport, and has a decent chan I e against even a landraider. And a bs8 ignores cover quad will get junk done.


It's like a stationary and expensive Sicaran :D

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It's logical the power levels between the Assassins is different compared to the Vindicare. He can affect the game from turn one whilst the others simply can't without an opponent being very brash.


Exception being the Callidus which is hideous at disrupting gun lines but then is pretty average in combat when you consider she's only S4.


Marines will despise her as will gun lines but that's the meta changes I guess.

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The Eversor is again a waste.

Turning this around, how would you best use an Eversor if you had to take one?


Oddly enough, I see it being very useful in a counter assault role for a gun line army. It should be able to kill or at least tarpit most fast moving assault threats.

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