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Of Marks and the Dedicated to Chaos


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I'm currently working on a fandex for chaos space marines in the tiny amount of free time that I have at the moment and I thoughtbo might pluck more thoughts from this esteemed subforum.


I'm trying to find the right balance between marked units and those who have become dedicated to the Gods since I have always seen the two as being very different. The problem is that we have such iconic cult units but one of them doesn't fit the pattern of a mark and a dedicated unit: Tzeeentch. I love the rubric marines but they don't strike me as the tipical dedicated of tzeentch since they are more victims of a spell designed to help them of the influence and warping nature of chaos.


Back in the old days of yore there was an option for chosen to upgrade a member of the unit to a sorcerer unless you took the mark of tzeentch in which case the entire unit could be. With the advent of brotherhood of pyskers/ sorcerers I felt there was a missed opportunity to represent those who had dedicated themselves to tzeentch and rewarded with greater psykic potential or even granting it through forced mutation.


With that in mind I have thought up a new unit and new type of dedication to help shape warbands not purely from the thousand sons. A lord that has the same potential as a grey knight grandmaster but with obvious differences. The dedication would grant the unit BoP/S and access to daemonolgy and tzeentch and maybe some other domains.


Thoughts and ideas appreciated



PS I haven't had a chance to look at the new Grey Knights codex yet so going off the old 5th ed impression of grandmasters.

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IMO marked should be cult. The only difference between cult and legion cult would be gear. A slanesh marked marine would be i5, to make him a NM you would buy him a sonic. A khorn csm would different from a WE, by gear by giving them actualy usable melee options[like you lose bolter but gain a chain ax, and can buy two handed glaives in special weapon slots]. Nurgle marines would be cheap t5 dudes. PMs would eb the FnP, blight grenades, poison knife etc.


Tzeench would [imo] require a change of mark[like X re-roll per squad per turn], and we may actualy see tzeench marines being used.


Veteran/chosen should be basic dudes with marks and some sort of vet skils.etc

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