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Strategic Planning with BAngels

Zynk Kaladin

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Let me preface this by saying Mephiston with Iron Arm, Endurance, Warp Speed, and IWND all in 1 turn is just STUPID powerful.  Wow.  What did I just witness?


Had my first game of 7th today and I feel like I did well despite losing by 1 VP against a huge mega armored nob force.  I've never played a force like this before so had no idea what I was up against.  He had about 5 squads in looted wagons, 2 10 man or boyz, 2 gretchen artillery squads, and 1 gretchen anti-air squad.  My list was as such:


+1 Mephiston

+1 Fragioso(Melta, Magna Grapple, Pod, Deathwind)
+1 Fragioso(Melta,                           Pod, Deathwind)
+1 Corbulo

+10 ASM(x2 Flamer, Pod)
+10 ASM(x2 Melta,   JP)
+10 ASM(x2 Melta,   JP)


+1 Raven(TLMM, TLAssC)
+1 Raven(TLMM, TLAssC)




Of course, hindsight is 20/20 and there were many mistakes I made(my unceasing ignorance of rules.......), but what really stood out during the game was my lack of a concrete end-game strategy and achieving my goals by using tactics like distraction, baiting, etc.  I blanked out on ideas many times and just defaulted to reactionary play rather than being proactive.


I remember CAG's OODA Loop writeup from so long ago.  What do you use to keep yourself focused?  What strategies do you employ when you have no idea what to do?

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Had my first game of 7th today  


So a new rule set, new powers, new opponent and probably a slightly new force?

It's almost impossible to keep everything in mind at first, experience means a lot. ;)


But to answer the second part of your question, most of it is done before deployment. The more thought you put into this part of the game the less you have to do on the fly during the battle. And when you do have to improvise something it's the only thing you need to think about, the rest is already decided. 



1. Compare your list to his and decide what your target priority is.


How do you most effectively kill/bog down/ignore the various units? What's dangerous to you and what can be ignored?

(Don't look at the points, this isn't fantasy, concentrate on good (for you) matchups vs units.)



2. Look at the playing field.


Which table half do you want to start in, where don't you want your opponent to start? What good lines of fire and movement are there? Do you want to deploy/go first or second? What's your contingency plan if you don't get your preferred table half or deployment/starting order?



3. Placing objectives.


Where can you realistically control as many as possible during the game? Where is a bad place for your opponents units to be? 

(Most people tend to place their 'own' objectives first, I like to block these spots for my opponent as first priority)



4. Planning movement. 


Where can I deep strike or move safely and effectively? Where do I want my units to end up on turn 5? How can I deny potential cover and get as much as possible out of my shooting?

(Always assume bad rolls for difficult terrain and such, don't take unnecessary chances with vehicles that lack dozer blades)





Do all of the above before the game begins. Now you already have a general plan and can focus on the details during the game. Unlike reality 40k is a game of almost total information. If your plan falls to pieces it's either because of extremely cold dice or because you made your plan too detailed and dependent on a few key events. 


Don't be afraid of taking a few extra minutes during deployment to think things over. Your opponent might look at the clock but you'll save tons of time during your turns once the game has begun. 

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Not a lot to add to what K&F said, just to emphasise really don't be afraid to have a good think at the start. The best players always plan with the final turn in mind, so by turn three you want to be getting things in place to control the objectives you want.


But yeah it's your first game of 7th!


Here, enjoy this: see his squads in trucks / wagons? There's a new rule on template weapons, called 'hellish trap' or something. When you target an open-topped transport with a template weapon, the unit inside takes D6 hits. So with a frag cannon, that's 2D6 hits.


I played an ork list almost identical to that a few weeks ago. He conceded after my first turn, as 3 of my dreadnoughts took out 3 transports and about 40+ orks, plus what the rest of my army did.


Watch out for power klaws, but other than that you will run amok with dreads and mech with AV12+ so long as you protect rear arcs.

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Thanks for the advice!  K&F, I need to write that down so I remind myself to take my time before the game starts.  Because my army has a lot of reserves, I get sweaty when I see my opponent's full force on the board and Meph in reserves because he lost Wings. 


I definitely felt more confident as the game went on and got familiar with the new changes.  My opponent was very helpful reminding me of rules, especially the new template rule against open topped vehicles like you mentioned Shaezus.  Had I known that before turn 1, things might have been different.


I'm gearing up for my first tournament ever sometime next month or in early October.  I'm going to make a few list changes, namely swapping the JP assault marines with Mech and perhaps fitting a few MM attack bikes in there.


Any general hints for the tournament scene?

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When you go to a tournament, make sure things like logistics of being there aren't making you frazzled before you play. Take a tray for your army. Stay hydrated. Wear a watch. Wear comfy shoes. Dress comfortably if it's going to be hot/cold. Make sure your transport for your models isn't in the way. Plan your lunch or know who you're going with ahead of time. Make a checklist that includes templates and dice to pack before you go.


This way your not playing while uncomfortable, under a time crunch, or anything like that and can just have fun and focus on the game.

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Try to get some games in using the missions and rules for the tournament in case they differ from what you normally play. Also try to think a little on how to deal with types of lists or armies you don't normally see at your local group of players.

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These are all good examples of advice. 


In my case I tend to write a summary of notes for my use in the game. For example, Unit 1 will have a primary and secondary objective listed. It will also indicate the unit's primary targets and primary avoid-at-all-costs units.


I also need a reminder checklist for everything that happens "at the beginning of the turn" as I have forgotten psychic checks in the correct phase an embarrassing amount of times.


There was a nice article on deployment on BOLS. I kept that printed out and handy for awhile. That could come in handy. Haven't played maelstrom missions, so don't know.

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Sound advice above. I'd add if you can help it watch what you eat during breaks. Stuffing your face before a game makes it harder to concentrate for a while after, so something like a good sub or sarnie just to keep you going. I like to have a bottle of lucozade by my side, sure it helps keep you thinking towards the end of the day - sometimes by the last game my legs feel like they've run a half-marathon :D Oh yeah...if you like your coffee, don't be afraid to sneak your own flask in!


Read through the BRB whenever you get time. It pays off when you catch your oppo - innocently enough - making a small but significant mistake with some rule or other.

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I'm finding the number of rules bewildering. Started in 6th ed already.

I'm forever reading batreps where people say they forgot something.

I'm planning to write/print notes on speech cards for each of my units.

Will probably put photo and some fluff/background on the reverse.

With BA it always helps to have tokens/flags whatever to help remember who's thirsty.

Oh, and remember to repeat to yourself the WWK&FD mantra.

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The interactive codex and BRB are great for having supplemental info at hand. For example, the unit entry will have the special rules, weapon stats etc a click away. It helps alleviate the symptoms of too many rules and rules exceptions. I got the Eldar codex hardcopy on sale and I still regret it. I still need a hard copy of the turn sequence!


Experience is the best advice. Nothing like acknowledging mistakes to trying to fix them.

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Thanks for the forwarning and valuable advice.  I don't know the point limit of the tourny or the mission/objectives just yet, but I plan to compile a list of "must haves" and get familiar with how they work in 7th.  I'll fill you in with the details as they come.


I like the idea of notes for each unit.  I'll have to start that as soon as I can.

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I also have a question about the Corbulo flamer assault squad in the drop pod.  I had trouble figuring out where to deploy them, so I plopped them on an objective deep in my opponent's side of the map.  This was a mistake because they got mauled by a mega armored nob squad.  In the future, how should I deploy a squad like this?  I feel like I shouldn't have been so aggressive with them.

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