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Is it worth looking at mutilators again?


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So with the Changes to 7th making every unit scoring, and maelstorm games meaning that pts can be gained for scoring objectives mid game (and the decrease in the effectiveness of gunlines meaning backfields are less cluttered), I have to ask, do we think that mutilators may have gained a place?


Namely as solo Nurgle marked objective grabbers?


I raise this question due to that fact that as a nid player I have seen 3x Ripper swarm deepstriking objective grabbers be taken again in lists.


What do we think? Solo Nurgle Mutilators to drop on the opponent and steal their backfield objectives/Threaten their support?

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In terms of the models: No your retinas will detach from the horror of such half arsed sculpts.


In terms of gameplay: They will never fulfill their intended role (heavy elite CC unit) so alternatives like these are interesting. the only reason they have any viability in this context is that they take up an elites slot rather than a heavy support choice. In that way they could have some viability.


However in 2K games you could just take a double FOC and use obliterators to the same effect: DS them near a more distant objective, sit on it but still have the option of firing at people.


I guess one role a mutilator could do in this function though is reinforce an objective that would come into contention. I tended to do this with my spawn in 6th ed, you hide them in range of an objective but out of sight (if you can be out of sight on the objective great), and you essentially bait the enemy. Mutilator could do this as it would be easier to hide as one model but it would have to be closer to the objective. Generally works best if its a one they want and then they have to walk into a trap to get it. It's essentially a black knight gambit, they go for the objective, your mutilators jump on them. It would work best in Maelstrom I think but they are still not very good as they lacking.


I still think the best tactic for them is the distraction unit tactic (termicide). Drop it in a threatening position and force the opponent to make the choice, take out the mutilator that could rampage through the backline or go for the planned objective. Combine with a mayhem pack and it throws an opponents plans.


All in all though, I still think they're a weak choice compared to others

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right, fair enough.


I get what you mean about termicide doing roughly the same job, but a Mutilator is roughly half the points of those three terminators, so its hardly breaking the bank to grab 2 solo mutilators.


And god no I wouldn't touch the models for free

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