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Yet Another Command Squad Topic


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To reply to your questions I would say that I do believe the best use of the command squad is as I've described, but it is only my opinion.  How you equip you unit will determine how you use it,  you should tailor your own command squad to suit your tastes. For me this is maximizing the squads specialists and ability to engage multiple foes. The thing about this command squad, I'm comfortable with it, its built for my needs.  That's the true usefulness of a command squad it can be tailored for all seasons.  I don't think there is an end all, be all equipment/upgrade set to make the ultimate command squad, better than all the others, there are only equipment/upgrade sets best suited to list they support.


Is using a command squad in a pod with 5 meltaguns as an alpha strike a bad idea, no.  What I feel about this tactic is that you are under utilizing the bells and whistles of the command squad: the specialists available that noone else can take the apothecary, and the standard bearer.  Is it worth the extra 30-50 points you'd save to use a command squad over a 5 man sternguard I say no, others will say yes.  There is no right answer, only preferences each player has.


The two models are what makes a command squad an asset.  Feel No Pain is a huge asset to the small squad size, giving a second attempt to save most wounds the squad will deal with is invaluable.  Combined with a IC with a good save, it allows for useful allocation shenanigans using a combination of +2 save frontman with look out sir and a hidden storm shield.


One of my favorite quotes is:  "In a game of dice, re-rolls are king." -anonymous  

This is why I love my standard bearer with a company banner.  His 12" LD re-roll has saved my battle line from crumbling on several occasions.

I find this a very competitive style of play,  but is is dependant on unit coperation to be the most effective.  


Hope that helps with the text issue

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